Welcome to the National Policies Platform
EACEA A6 - Platforms, Studies and Analysis Unit in the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), provides information and comparative analysis on systems and policies in education and youth in the EU and beyond. The purpose is to improve understanding, enhance co-operation and support policy-making. The unit co-ordinates the Eurydice Network and the Youth Wiki National Correspondents Network of data providers based in most European countries.
On this page you can find links to the Eurydice site, the Youth Wiki, and the Mobility Scoreboard. Information on all Eurydice publications and links to download them, as well as detailed descriptions and overviews of national education systems can be found on the Eurydice site. The Youth Wiki is a comprehensive online encyclopedia on national youth policies. The Mobility Scoreboard, developed in partnership between Eurydice and Cedefop, is a framework and interactive platform for monitoring the progress of European countries in encouraging learner mobility.