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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.9 Current debates and reforms

Last update: 27 February 2024

Reforms and current debates

The government is agreed on the need to step up measures aimed at younger generations through a "0-25 Child and Youth Plan". This plan aims at strengthen investments in children and youth in various sectors such as education, sport, youth, youth welfare, digitalisation and media literacy, childhood, culture, women's rights, equality of chances and youth mobility. 

A major consultation process was launched during the summer 2021 to hear the French-speaking Belgian youth about their feelings of the crisis, on their heavily affected mental health, but also on their vision of society, politics or citizenship. On their fears about the environment and employment as well. It lead to an appeal made by the Youth Forum, "being young in 2021" (être jeune en 2021) with several claims. Among the 66 claims, here are few examples :

  • make psychological help free and sustainable for young people
  • recognize culture as an essential player in the life and development of young people,
  • develop reflection around male contraception,
  • develop a policy of financial assistance and granting of bonuses for young people promoting the purchase of housing

The Youth Minister has responded whith the ambition to launch an Interministerial Youth Conference which will be an opportunity for the different levels of power to seize the word of young people.

In addition, almost two million euros have been made available to strengthen the structural financing of operators and develop their actions for the benefit of youth.