7.1 General context
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Main trends in the health conditions of young people
Strong against addiction
An important matter for the German-speaking Community is preventing addictive behaviour. In cooperation with groups such as the Working Group for Addiction Prevention and Dealing with Life's Challenges (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Suchtvorbeugung und Lebensbewältigung, ASL), the center for the healthy development of children and young people Kaleido (Kaleido Ostbelgien) and the schools, concepts are being developed and campaigns carried out to counter addictive behaviour and for building resilience especially in adolescents.
"Strong against addiction" is one of the four focus topics of the Second Stragic Plan on Youth 2016-2022 (the original duration of which has been prolonged in 2020 to 2022) (Zweiter Jugendstrategieplan), further enhancing the importance given to this matter.
On the subject of "drugs" the following actions are to be taken:
- Organisation of a cross-border day of action on the subject of "Young People and Drugs" for actors from the youth area;
- Expansion of the networking in the German-speaking Community on the development of new approaches for prevention and awareness-raising on the subject of "drugs" in the German-speaking Community.
"Emotions and self-image"
"Emotions and self-image" is another of the four focus topics of the Second Strategic Plan on Youth so that young people learn to accept themselves with all their strengths and weaknesses. It is precisely this state of affairs that is intended to empower them to participate in a community as, to quote the words of the US philosopher John Rawls: self-respect is the most important social primary good. (John Rawls: Theorie der Gerechtigkeit (Theory of Justice), Frankfurt am Main, 1975.)
- Promoting projects on the subject of "Emotions and Self-image" for young people
- Developing region-wide support provision for full-time workers from the youth and social area
- Expanding networking in the German-speaking Community
Main concepts
There is no distinctive concept of "health" or "well-being" in the German-speaking Community.