3.2 Administration and Governance
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Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP) conducts state labour market policy, protecting the national labour market, training the labour force and integrating disadvantaged groups into the labour market. This includes analyses of the information on the labour market and the results of the active labour market policy, organizes the study of the needs of the employers from the labour force with specific qualifications.
It has a leading role in the development of labour market regulations, the Employment Strategy, the National Reform Program and the National Employment Action Plans. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy updates and maintains the National Classification of Occupations and Positions (Национална класификация на професиите и длъжностите). Among the key commitments are the following: - to carry out an information campaign on the objectives and essence of the National Youth Guarantee (Младежка гаранция) in the context of the European Youth Guarantee; distribution of materials, brochures, information through the media, Internet pages, social networks.
At local level, upon the initiative of the Employment Agency, partners have been identified (mayors, NGOs and other institutions and organizations) in the context of local cooperation agreements to implement activities to activate NEETs and bring young people to the labor market. Joint activities include: organizing and conducting information events and meetings with young people; exchange and publication of up-to-date information on youth, through the partners’ information sites; provision of youth employment services through outsourced forms of service provision and activation of inactive ones; meetings with employers on youth employment issues and to promote job creation; implementation of joint projects with the social partners to provide opportunities for young people to acquire professional qualifications, key competencies and employment, etc.
Employment Agency (EA) (Агенция по заетостта) collects and summarizes data on the work with registered unemployed youths up to 24 years and up to 29 years of age. The data provide information on all actions (services, programs and measures) implemented by the EA as well as those implemented by the social partners in the context of the annual National Employment Action Plans (NEAPs). The EA also collects and summarizes data on registered unemployed youths at the labour offices, depending on the duration of their registration, their educational and professional structure, up to 24 years of age inclusive and up to 29 years of age inclusive.