4.6 Access to Quality Services
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Within the framework of the policy on social inclusion, a number of programs and measures are being implemented which are aimed at improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable groups in society, children and young people. Young people in vulnerable situations are much more in need of support linked both to their transition to independent living and to the opportunities for realization and full participation in society. Young people who, due to health, age, social, and other reasons beyond their control, can not satisfy their basic vital needs, can also benefit from the provision of social benefits.
Community social services aimed at supporting young people in vulnerable situations are: Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration, Center for Public Support, Day Care Center for Children and Seniors with Disabilities, Social Education and Professional Center, Family-Type Housing Center, Observed Home, Transitional Home, Protected Home and Temporary Housing Center.
In some of the services, such as the Observed Home, support and counseling is provided to persons aged 18 and over who leave the care system and are about to lead an independent way of life, as well as to prevent their placement in a specialized institution.
Social services
Objectives of social assistance:
- helping citizens, including young people, who, without the help of others, can not meet their basic life needs;
- strengthening and developing social solidarity in difficult life situations;
- support for the social inclusion of persons receiving social assistance and those who benefit from social services;
- supporting the employment of unemployed persons who meet the requirements for receiving monthly social benefits;
- promoting entrepreneurship in the social sphere by providing social services to individuals and legal entities.
Implementation of social assistance:
- Providing cash and/or in kind benefits to satisfy citizens' basic vital needs when this is impossible for them through their labor and their possessions:
- under the procedure of the Regulations for Implementation of the Social Assistance Act - monthly, targeted and one-off benefits;
- under the procedure of Ordinance No. РД 07-5/2008 - targeted benefits for heating according to heating type;
- through the Social Protection Fund – one-off benefits.
- Provision of social services.
Characteristics of assisted persons:
The right to social assistance shall be granted to Bulgarian citizens, families and cohabitants who, due to their health, age, social and other reasons beyond their control, can not themselves or through their own income or the income received from property owned or with the help of the persons under Art. 140 of the Family Code, support them and guarantee meeting their basic vital needs.
The right to social assistance shall be also granted to foreign nationals possessing a long-term or permanent residence permit in the Republic of Bulgaria, foreign nationals who have been granted a refugee, refugee status or humanitarian status, and foreign nationals enjoying temporary protection, and the persons for whom this protection is granted is provided for in an international treaty to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.
The system of social assistance is built on the principle of the subjective will, i.e. the explicit statement of the person in critical condition for search of assistance, on the basis of which the whole procedure for verification, evaluation and decision-making for each particular case is commenced.
Social services are activities in support of persons for social inclusion and independent living, which are based on social work and are provided in the community and in specialized institutions.
The types of social services in the community and specialized institutions are defined in the Regulations for the Implementation of the Social Assistance Act
If necessary and in accordance with the needs of the population of each municipality, other types of social services may be initiated. Social assistance is adaptable to the changes occurring in the economic environment and provides a quick response in terms of adequate social protection, depending on the country's financial capabilities at that time.
Health care
Young people up to 29 years of age, if they attend a school or a higher educational institution and are registered as full-time students, can benefit from state health insurance.
The vision of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy for the development of the policy on integration of people with disabilities in recent years is closely related to the implementation of an integrated approach to policy management. The policy on integration of people with disabilities is related to the universality, indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the need that people with disabilities are ensured with full enjoyment of the rights without any discrimination. This policy applies a personally oriented approach based on human rights, aimed at ensuring the integration and full participation of people with disabilities in public life.
Financial services
Funding of social assistance shall be financed by:
1. the state budget;
2. municipal budgets;
3. national and international programs;
4. donations from local and foreign natural persons and legal entities;
5. funds from the Social Protection Fund;
6. other sources.
Quality assurance
Quality is ensured through support, monitoring and control of funds and activities.