3.11 Current debates and reforms
According to ministry information, the 'reinforced' Youth Guarantee provides the basis for the current and future provisions related to youth employment. The priorities of the government include strengthening the outreach activities, thus, the capacity of the National Employment Service (Nemzeti Foglalkoztatási Szolgálat) will be extended. Besides that, different supports will be available (even as a continuation of the previous supports):
- wage subsidies for workplaces if they employ young people,
- financial support to become an entrepreneur,
- 'mobility' (financial) support for those who live in disadvantaged regions to find a job easier.
Another programme is relaunched, the so-called 'summer student work' ('nyári diákmunka'), which provides an opportunity to students to gain job experiences and receive a salary during summer vacation. The aim is also to reduce the unemployment of young people. The workplaces can receive wage subsidies for that. Previously, the support was available for local governments and agricultural companies but from 2023, companies in the field of tourism and catering can also participate in the programme. The target group is young people between 16-25 years and who are not employed or are not entrepreneurs.