8.7 Fostering the creative use of new technologies
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New technologies in support of creativity and innovation
Facilitating access to culture through new technologies
New technologies in support of creativity and innovation
The strategical background of using new technologies is linked to the Digital Success Programme and to the InternetKon.
The programme has had two cycles so far and a third one is in progress:
- Digital Success Programme 1.0 (2015): to secure the accessibility and affordability of Internet including tax-reduction, wifi-hotspots of public institutions and educational, childcare and community culture institutions.
- Digital Success Programme 2.0 (2017): to gain digital advantage withits digitalisation-supporting programmes cover almost every field of the digital development of the Hungarian economy.
- 'DJP2030' [Digital Success Programme 2030, (in Hungarian: Digitális Jólét Program 2030, DJP2030)] strategic framework (2020):
'to propose new solutions and institutions that can effectively interpret and address the global challenges and opportunities created by digitalisation in international co-operation. The starting point of the DJP is that the state is also responsible for the digital well-being of its citizens; therefore the central theme of the DJP2030 is digital state governance. The DJP 2030 defines its strategic goals and areas of intervention in a tripartite division, concerning the human-machine system.'
The Digital Education Strategy of Hungary
The Digital Education Strategy of Hungary (Magyarország Digitális Oktatási Stratégiája) states its comprehensive strategic goal in the field of public education as follows:
'The overall strategic goal is to ensure that public education can provide opportunities for acquiring the digital competences required by society and the labour market with special regard to the requirements of vocational education and training, higher education and lifelong learning as well as to the aspects of effectiveness, equity, and efficiency.' (Digital Education Strategy of Hungary)
The development objectives are the following:
- ICT knowledge, methodological culture, motivation and ICT-use of teachers must be in line with the needs of digital education;
- digital media content, methodological support and knowledge sharing must ensure that the use of ICT tools is incorporated in the process of teaching, learning and evaluation processes;
- the spaces of public education and the classrooms must have an appropriate level of access to the Internet and tools for meeting the requirements of digital education;
- the system of tools made available to students must be meet horizontal requirements (IT-security, equal opportunities);
- all public educational institutions must have access to decision support, administrational, communication, data supply and organisational options provided by digital technologies.
The strategic goal in training is that 'students of vocational training must have the general and professional digitals skills expected by the labour market and needed for further education', whereas the goal related to higher education:
'there will be a standardised online digital environment in Hungarian higher education that will offer personalised learning opportunities tailored to age, interest, and the individual’s life situation. There will be an online learning platform, a learning community where the members of the community are given support in their lifelong learning and development.
The overarching strategic goal, which affects both individual students and higher education as a whole, is to bring graduate digital preparation, tool use and digital work experience up to international standards. To this end, there are three main areas where a breakthrough is needed compared to the current situation:
Changing the current methodology and approach to teaching and learning; a paradigm shift in higher education; promoting the implementation of student centred learning in institutions and encouraging them to fully exploit the potential of ICT potential in education and learning
Developing a learning platform and university life supported by digital tools that help both students and teachers, and furthermore building a digital learning community
Developing, maintaining, and increasing the efficiency of the infrastructure required for the paradigm shift.'
The strategy also contains a number of objectives related to the development of digital infrastructure. In addition to the general objectives of the Digital Welfare Programme, the need for multimedia labs (including digital camera, VR display and workstation for editing), and the provision of digital tools for those who do not have their own (as well as support for the acquisition of private tools) can be mentioned among the objectives for public education.
For more information, see sub-chapter 6.8 Media literacy and safe use of new media.
Facilitating access to culture through new technologies
The Digitalisation Strategy of Public Collections (2017-2025) [Közgyűjteményi Digitalizálási Stratégia (2017-2025)] is the most important strategic document regarding digital access to culture. The strategy is also cross-referred in the Digital Success Programme. The strategy's vision on digitalisation is a constant operation involving the entire system of public collections, which, instead of institutional needs, focuses on
- collective needs,
- efficiency and
- accessibility.
The strategy aims to improve the interdependence of education and the content provided by public collections, and the strategy generally places a strong emphasis on education (particularly public education), to provide resources for teaching. The target groups of the Strategy (in addition to the entire population) those working in public education and disadvantaged people.