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EACEA National Policies Platform


2. Voluntary Activities

2.9 Skills recognition

Last update: 24 January 2025
On this page
  1. Policy Framework
  2. Existing arrangements

Policy Framework

Youth Voluntary Service (JST) is an intensive 6-month period program for young people aged 14 to 29, during which young people volunteer 40 hours / month at a selected accredited host organization, meet once a month with a mentor appointed by the volunteering organization and learn to overcome difficulties, translate experience into benefits. For organizations, it is an opportunity to become an accredited volunteer-hosting organization, a place where a young person can volunteer. 

The JST program is recognized with 0.25 entrance points to Lithuanian higher education institutions.

Recognition of a 0.25 entry point is granted only for participation in one of three specific voluntary service programs . The recognition of volunteer programs is reviewed annually at the time of approval description of the procedure for establishing a competitive order for applicants to the state-funded study places for first cycle and integrated studies and for applicants for study scholarships.

The following programs are recognized:

1. International volunteering for 3 months or more under Erasmus + and the European Solidarity Corps; Presented as Youthpass certificate.

2. At least 6 months and 40 hours / month Youth Voluntary Service, according to the 2018 June 22 Orders of the Minister of Social Security and Labour No. A1-317 "On Approval of the Description of the Procedure for Organizing Youth Voluntary Service". Presented as JST certificate.

Existing arrangements

Recognition of competences in higher education institutions

The decision regarding the recognition of competences acquired during volunteering is made in a slightly different way  in different higher education institutions. in 2017 the Procedure "On approval of the general principles of evaluation and recognition of competences acquired through informal and self-education related to higher education in higher education institutions" was approved, which replaced the procedure in force since 2010.

For example at Vilnius University, recognition of competences and crediting of a study subject (module) is carried out by the committee of the study program for which the candidate seeks credit for the study subject (module) provided for in the study plan (hereinafter - the Committee). An evaluator or a commission of evaluators may also participate in the competence evaluation procedure in accordance with the procedure established by the University's legal acts and  Description. After evaluation, no more than 50 percent of the scope of the study program can be credited. Final exams, theses and other written works that are provided as a separate study subject (module) in the study program cannot be counted.

It is similar in other Lithuanian universities.

In some areas, there are approved competence assessment methodologies. For example In 2014, the methodology for evaluating and recognizing informatics competencies acquired informally and independently was approved.

The ECTS and ICVET not use in the recognition voluteering skills.

Recognition of competences in secondary schools

From 2021, students who have submitted a certificate confirming the voluntary service performed by the volunteer in accordance with the description of the procedure for organizing youth voluntary service, approved by the Minister of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania in 2018. June 22 by order no. A1-317 "On the approval of the description of the organization procedure of the Youth Voluntary Service", it is noted and counted as that a social-civic activities has been performed.

In order to encourage volunteering, the Law of Volunteering provides that, taking into consideration the aims and nature of the volunteering activity, it may be recognized as practical work and/or learning experience, or credited as social work under a programme of general education.