3.2 Administration and governance
1. Management
2. Intersectoral cooperation
Ministries that are involved as main actors in the creation of policies in the field of employment and entrepreneurship for young people are:
1. Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
2. Ministry of Sports and Youth
4. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
5. Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism
- The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare is responsible for preparing proposals for regulations in the field of labor relations, the labor market, and social policy. The Ministry supervises the Employment Office, the Social Security Administration, the Labor Fund, and social and child welfare centers and institutions. It is also responsible for drafting strategic documents.
- The Ministry of Sports and Youth deals with initiating and undertaking measures aimed at improving the situation in the field of sports and youth. The Ministry also promotes the development and improvement of youth policy at the national and local level, cooperation with non-governmental organizations, business associations and the media. The Ministry of Sports and Youth also encourages informal education of young people and supports the work of youth services.
- The Ministry of Sports and Youth deals with initiating and undertaking measures aimed at improving the situation in the field of sports and youth. The Ministry also promotes the development and improvement of youth policy at the national and local level, cooperation with non-governmental organizations, business associations and the media. The Ministry of Sports and Youth also encourages informal education of young people and supports the work of youth services.
- The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management strives to encourage the development of agricultural production by developing regulations and defining support models, and thus through various projects and programs to help young entrepreneurs file:///C:/Users/PC/Downloads/15_117_25_06_2015%20(4).pdf.
- The Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism deals with improving competitiveness, the investment environment and cooperation with the business community. It improves the business environment, facilitates the business of small and medium-sized enterprises and strengthens entrepreneurship. It creates favorable business climates and conditions that will lead to the establishment of modern Montenegrin industry. It strategically plans the development of tourism in our country and develops a sustainable, green, smart and inclusive, year-round tourism product in accordance with modern trends.
- The Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism deals with improving competitiveness, the investment environment and cooperation with the business community. It improves the business environment, facilitates the business of small and medium-sized enterprises and strengthens entrepreneurship. It creates favorable business climates and conditions that will lead to the establishment of modern Montenegrin industry. It strategically plans the development of tourism in our country and develops a sustainable, green, smart and inclusive, year-round tourism product in accordance with modern trends.
Other actors involved in the implementation of activities in the field of employment and entrepreneurship for young people are:
1. Employment Office of Montenegro
The Employment Agency of Montenegro is a legal entity that has the status of a state fund and performs activities that include jobs related to employment established by the Law on Employment Mediation and Rights during Unemployment, other regulations and the Institute's Statute, as tasks from delegated competence. The institute also serves for various training and various support programs for young people.
A trade union is a legal entity which, unlike a corporation, is managed in accordance with democratic principles (according to the rule one member, one vote). It is an organization of employed workers founded with the aim of negotiating with the employer and choosing a better status and protection of the rights of employees, that is, to improve the standard of living of employees.
3. Investment and Development Fund
The fund was established with the aim of encouraging and accelerating the economic development of Montenegro, namely: ending the privatization process by selling the capital acquired in the process of ownership transformation, supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs, supporting infrastructure projects, water supply projects, waste water treatment and environmental protection, as well as financing projects of local, regional and national importance.
The investment and development fund of Montenegro is a broad-based activity, and the goals of the fund enable their concretization in several areas of activity, of which it should be emphasized:
- Support to the sector of small and medium enterprises (credit and guarantee support)
- Support for solving infrastructure and environmental projects
- Export and employment incentives
- Privatization of the rest of the social capital
4. Union of employers
UPCG is the umbrella organization of employers in Montenegro. (UPCG) has been a representative employer organization in Montenegro since 2005. It cooperates with the International Labor Organization (ILO) according to whose principles and standards it operates, and it is a member of: IOE - International Organization of Employers and Business Europe - Association of Employer Organizations of Europe. UPCG is a member of the Social Council at the national level and carries out special activities in the process of forming local Social Councils.
Career centers represent a support service that serves to improve students' competencies, especially in the development of their practical skills with the aim of better preparation for the labor market and encouraging the development of entrepreneurial awareness, but also support high school students in choosing a future vocation and preparing for the academic environment. Career teams were formed within primary and secondary schools (PP service and professors).
The establishment of centers for professional information and counseling (CIPS) at the Employment Office is a further step towards involvement in regional projects and approximation to European standards.
The main purpose of such centers is to prepare information that can be useful when planning a career. CIPS also provides advisory services and, in cooperation with schools, conducts workshops for students and parents.
CIPS is a place where users can get free information that can be useful in career planning.
7. Local governments
The entrepreneurship development program is represented in the framework of the work of local self-governments in Montenegro. This Program is aligned with the strategic plans for the development of local self-governments, which, in addition to the Entrepreneurship Development Program, is also in line with the following national and European strategic documents, such as:
Development directions of Montenegro, Strategic guidelines for the development of SMEs 2018-2021, Strategy for the development of MSMEs in Montenegro for the period 2018-2022, Strategy for lifelong entrepreneurial learning 2020-2024, Program for the accession of Montenegro to the European Union 2020-2022, Strategy Europe 2020 and the Small Business Act.
8. Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro
The Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro is an independent, business, professional and interest organization that is independent in its work. The main goal of the Chamber of Commerce is to represent and achieve the common interests of the members of the Chamber of Commerce, that is, the entire Montenegrin economy. The Chamber of Commerce is an institutional partner of the Government of Montenegro, it cooperates with the Parliament of Montenegro, state administration and local self-government bodies. The Chamber actively supports and encourages youth entrepreneurship, and the best example of this is the cooperation agreement signed by the Chamber of Commerce and the Union of Young Entrepreneurs of Montenegro at the Conference on the Economy of Montenegro 2022 (https://rthn.co.me/podrska-mladima-kroz-sporazum-privredne-komore-i-unije-mladih-preduzetnika/)
9. Non-governmental organizations dealing with employment and entrepreneurship
Non-governmental organizations in Montenegro deal with entrepreneurship through improving the skills of young people, contributing to the development and creation of innovative entrepreneurial activities for young people in order to generate new jobs and incentives for further learning and employment in the long term. Most of the activities relate to the improvement of knowledge, skills and competences of young people for employability and the realization of their own business ideas, continuous mobility on the labor market and even development of entrepreneurship at the level of all regions of Montenegro.
Cross-sectoral cooperation
Within the Ministry of Economic Development, a Working Team for the introduction of the "Youth Guarantee" program was formed in Montenegro, which consists of representatives of relevant institutions, the business community and the NGO sector. In addition, a high-level Interdepartmental Working Group was established. This also follows recommendation number 6 from the Ministerial meeting, which calls on Montenegro to establish an interdepartmental working group that includes relevant ministries, their agencies and interested parties for the development of a plan for the implementation of the Youth Guarantee. The introduction of the Youth Guarantee program was also identified by the National Employment Strategy 2021-2025 as one of the instruments for reducing high youth unemployment, and the aim of the measure is to support further education or training, providing opportunities for internships or appropriate employment.