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3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.7 Cross-border mobility in employment, entrepreneurship and vocational opportunities

Last update: 13 December 2024

Employment mediation abroad is regulated by the Law on employment mediation and rights during unemployment  and is realized based on the application of the need for employment with a foreign employer. The application of the need for employment with a foreign employer is received, published and implemented by the Institute, that is, the agency.
The application contains data on: foreign employer (name, seat, activity, contact: email and web address, telephone), workplace, number of employees, type and duration of employment, conditions for performing the duties of the workplace (level of education and qualifications, special knowledge and skills, work experience), working conditions for a foreign employer (salary, working hours, accommodation, food, with an indication of who bears the costs of accommodation, food, transportation, medical examinations and issuance of visas and residence permits), application deadline and application deadline.

Programmes and schemes for cross-border mobility

In the current year 2022, activities related to the process of joining Montenegro to the European Union are expected to intensify. Accordingly, it is necessary that the Institute, within the department of EURES and mediation in employment abroad, conducts activities in accordance with the obligations on the way to membership in the European Union. During 2022, work will be done on improving administrative and technical capacities in order to fulfill the obligations outlined in the Plan for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union. Strengthening of administrative capacities should be realized through various types of theoretical and practical training aimed at familiarization with the principles, functioning and method of providing services in the field of EURES and accompanying training of employees.
An initiative towards the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) was launched with a proposal to obtain expert support on the topic of "Support to the Employment Agency of Montenegro in the development of the EURES network".

Montenegrin Employment Office also submitted a proposal for bilateral technical support that would be provided by some of the EU member states in order to strengthen administrative and technical capacities. Part of the support is planned to be provided through the TAIEX program of the European Commission.
The Institute and the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare are actively involved in the Twinning project to fulfill the requirements of the negotiation chapters 2. - Freedom of movement of workers and 19. - Social policy and employment, so that the Montenegrin labor market can adequately respond to the challenges of EU integration.
In Montenegro, the Erasmus program for young entrepreneurs functions as an international project and will last until January 2024. The Agency for Local Democracy Nikšić, Confartigianato Servizi (Italy), Enterprise Development Agency EDA (Banja Luka), National Center for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (North Macedonia), Association for Information and Communication Technologies (Kosovo), Initiative for Teaching Entrepreneurship (Austria), Association of Construction Material Producers (Turkey) participate in it. The NGO Agency for Local Democracy has launched a campaign to include as many young people as possible under the age of 35 with a business idea or a business in its infancy, as well as to use this exchange program and gain additional knowledge and skills, as well as other perspectives in the countries of the region, the EU and Turkey, and involve employers in Montenegro to include a young entrepreneur who wants to improve his business.

Opportunities to improve the labor market area will also be available through the IPA program of cross-border cooperation between Montenegro and neighboring countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Croatia and Albania), in accordance with the schedule of announcements. 

Legal framework

The Law on the Protection of Citizens of Montenegro at Work Abroad stipulates that a citizen employed in a country with which no international agreement on social insurance has been concluded must be insured in the Republic for health, pension and disability insurance, as well as unemployment insurance, if during that time he is not necessarily insured with a foreign insurance carrier or if he , that is, his family members, according to the regulations of the respective country, cannot exercise or use those rights outside the territory of that country. A citizen who accepts employment signs an employment contract with a foreign employer before going to work abroad.
After signing the contract, the institute, or the agency, provides the citizen with the necessary documents for going to work for a foreign employer and the necessary permits for entering, working and staying in the country of employment.