3.8 Development of entrepreneurship competence
Accepting a broader concept in the formulation and implementation of entrepreneurial learning, key requirements are being created in Montenegro on how to manage and develop schools and faculties, how to modernize the teaching profession and the learning process, promoting entrepreneurship within every component of the learning system where it is objectively possible (from primary education to university, as well as through the adult education system), with a clear need to build on the outcomes of entrepreneurial learning on earlier learning. Entrepreneurship, as one of the eight key competencies, becomes a key incentive for the release of creative thinking, problem solving, identifying opportunities and assessing risks that help create and improve the entrepreneurial character of individuals, but also the business and social community as a whole.
Policy framework
The strategy for the development of entrepreneurship was not adopted in the past period, while certain measures were defined within the Strategy for the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
In the strategies for the development of MSMEs, strategic goals were determined in three levels:
1. Improvement of the institutional environment and access to finance:
- Analysis of the legislative environment, establishment of definitions and statistical monitoring of target groups
- Establishing and improving the institutional infrastructure needed for the development of entrepreneurship (incubators, clubs, companies...) of young people, women and social entrepreneurship at the level of all three regions
- Improve and diversify financial support mechanisms for women, young entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs
- Create and promote special grant programs and guarantee schemes for young people and women and social entrepreneurs who start a business
2. Providing the necessary knowledge and skills:
- Continuously implement and improve content for the development of entrepreneurial skills in formal and informal education for women, youth and social entrepreneurs
- Introduce special programs of mentoring and advisory support for women, youth and social entrepreneurs in all stages of business development
- Improve the business information system and provide information on opportunities and models of development and targeted support for women, youth and social entrepreneurs at the national and local level
3. Promotion, networking and advocacy of the interests of women, young people and social entrepreneurs:
- Implementation of a continuous campaign on the importance of youth and women's entrepreneurship
Improving the capacities of business associations of women and young people and their connection and internationalization
- Improving the visibility of the role and information about the possibility of social entrepreneurship in Montenegro
- Promotion of examples of good practice through initiatives and projects that promote female entrepreneurship, youth entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship