4.7 Youth work to foster social inclusion
Youth work programs that encourage social inclusion are mostly financed through projects.
In the Resource Center for Children and Youth "Podgorica" the Youth Club of Inclusion has been opened https://zuns.me/prosvjetni-rad/clanak/resursni-centar-za-djecu-i-mlade-%E2%80%9Epodgorica%E2%80%9C-otvoren-omladinski-klub-inkluzije (OKI). It is intended for young people with disabilities.
"Prevention of radicalization of young people in the north of Montenegro through youth work" organized by the NGO FORUM MNE fights against extremism and radicalism among young people in Plav, Rožaje and Berane, through community work and capacity building training.
The "Youth Club for Creativity" project, implemented by the NGO Jonathan Livingston from Cetinje, aims to raise self-confidence and entrepreneurial skills among children, through a large number of different creative and psychological workshops.
The project "We stand together - Improving the protection of victims of violence" implemented by the NGO LGBT FORUM PROGRES and the Center for Women's Rights Podgorica strives to improve police methods and capacity to fight gender-based violence and violence against LGBT people through training and supervision. The police, the civil sector and the Council for Citizen Control of Police Work will work together to improve the institutional and legislative framework in this area.
The goal of the "Overcome your prejudice" project, implemented by the NGO young Roma from Podgorica, is to raise public awareness of Roma problems, as well as fight against prejudice through a series of activities in Podgorica, Nikšić and Herceg Novi. The NGO will work with young people through interactive theater performances in three high schools, street performances to mark International Roma Day, as well as through numerous debates at the university.