9.4 Raising awareness about global issues
Formal, non-formal and informal learning
In Montenegrin educational system, Civic Education is the key subject through which pupils can gaining of knowledge and acquire competences related to different forms of civic activism and global issues. It is an elective course in elementary and high schools aiming to promote understanding of human rights locally and globally.
ln the publication issued by UNICEF and Bureau for Education Education for life: Key competencies for the 21st century in curricula in Montenegro , the authors outline the nine key competences. The ones directly related to global issues, are Competence 1. Socio-emotional competence (encompassing 1.4 Social skills and 1.4.2 Civic activism) and Competence 9. Health, healthy lifestyles, and ecological awareness with a subcomponent on 9.2 Development of ecological consciousness and ecologically responsible behavior.
Educator's support
During 2017-2019 UNDP and Ministry of Education have organized seminars for more than 200 primary and secondary teachers, from all Montenegrin municipalities, with diverse educational background to obtain basic information on key concepts related to climate change and measures undertaken at national and local levels to fight it, and gain knowledge on practical exercises and activities for work with students. The seminars resulted in a creation of an interactive Handbook The Teacher in the World of Climate Change drafted by the experts coming from institutions involved in climate change issues. The handbook, available in English and Montenegrin languages, is intended primarily for teachers who teach climate change as one of the obligatory cross-curricular topics.
Regional Office for Youth Co-operation (RYCO) has developed several programs to support the peacebuilding and reconciliation process and intercultural learning and dialogue and create strong and sustainable links among young people, NGOs, schools, students, and their communities. The programs provide mobility opportunities to young people mainly within the WB6 region and strengthen their intercultural skills and understanding of processes of reconciliation and dealing with the past. The most prominent programs are ROUTE WB6 - regional volunteering scheme, RISE - regional social entrepreneurship program, Superschools - regional school exchange program serving as a platform for establishing partnerships between high schools in the Western Balkans region through calls for project ideas for high school exchanges, and grant making program supporting youth exchanges implemented by the NGOs. Moreover, methodology for peer and teacher education in intercultural learning, peacebuilding and reconciliation has been developed.