Legislation and official policy documents
The Constitution of Montenegro (2007) Constitution of Montenegro
The Law on National Professional Qualifications
The law on secondary education and upbringing
The Law on mediation in employment and rights during unemployment
The Law on the Protection of Citizens of Montenegro at Work Abroad
The Law on Prohibition of Discrimination
The Law on Prohibition of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities
The Law on Protection from Domestic Violence
The Law on Non-Governmental Organizations
The Law on Local Self-Government
The General Law on Education file
The Law on Vocational Education Law on Vocational Education
Date and statistics
Number of young people in Montenegro in 2011 based on data from the Montenegrin Statistical Office (Uprava za statistiku, MONSTAT)
Information on the latest official surveys related to education, health, employment, participation in the life of society and political participation
Analiza ponude, tražnje i zapošljavanja na tržištu rada u Crnoj Gori u 2022. godini
Youth unemployment in Montenegro
The Institute of Public Health of Montenegro (IPH) research on the prevalence of obesity in children aged 7 years in Montenegro and The Montenegro Nutrition Survey (MONS)
Studies, reports and academic publications
The Strategy on Improving Enabling Environment for the Work of CSOs in Montenegro 2018-2020
The strategy for the development of the social and child protection system 2018-2022
National strategy for sustainable development until 2030
National Employment Strategy 2021-2025
Minority Policy Strategy 2019-2023
The National Gender Equality Strategy 2021-2025
Strategy for social inclusion of Roma and Egyptians57 (2021 - 2025)
Strategy for the prevention and protection of children from violence 2017-2021
Strategy for the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship
Industrial policy of Montenegro 2019-2023. godine
The digital transformation strategy of Montenegro
Strategy for lifelong entrepreneurial learning 2020-2024
The Vocational Education Strategy in Montenegro 2020-2024
Strategy on Inclusive Education in Montenegro (2019-2025)
Strategy on Early Preschool Education (2021-2025)
Strategy on digitalization of Education System 2022-27
Media Strategy 2022 – 2026 Media Strategies
(ESPAD) European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs
The European Parliamentary Forum on Sexual and Reproductive Rights (EPF) published the new edition of the Atlas of European Contraception Policies
Sports Development Strategy 2018- 2021
The National Strategy for Sustainable Development until 2030
The Protection and Improvement of Mental Health in Montenegro for 2019-2023
The Strategy for the Protection and Improvement of Mental Health in Montenegro for 2019-2023
Program razvoja Evropske omladinske kartice
Cooperation strategy of state administration bodies and non-governmental organizations 2022-2026
Program of Economic Reforms 2022-2024 Program of economic reforms for Montenegro 2022-2024
Education System Digitalization Reforms 2022-2024 2022-2027 Education System Digitalization Strategy
Rulebook on the organization, norms, standards and way of working of the center for social work
Istraživanje i procjena omladinskih politika i potreba mladih
Westminster Youth-perceptions-and-attitudes-towards-politics-in-MNE-1
Regional Office for Youth Co-operation (RYCO) methodology for peer and teacher education in intercultural learning, peacebuilding and reconciliation has been developed.
The publication “Voluntarism and public institutions”
Decree on the State Administration’s Organization and Manner of Work in 2020 (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, Nos. 118/2020, 121/2020, 1/2021 and 2/2021)
Developing volunteer spirit and volunteerism among young peopl
Social protection in Montenegro - situational analysis
Strategy for the development of micro, small and medium enterprises in Montenegro 2018-2022
Analysis of the state of the rights of children and adolescents in Montenegro
Improving the inclusion of children with disabilities and adults with disabilities
Concluding observations on the initial report of Montenegro CRPD/C/MNE/CO/1
Identifying social inclusion and exclusion
Studija o položaju NEET populacije u Crnoj Gori
Final Report on the implementation of the Strategy for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Methodology for developing strategic documents and programs
Development of key competencies Education for life: Key competencies for the 21st century in curricula in Montenegro
Career guidance and counseling in VET school
Use of social networks in career guidance and Career guidance and counseling system in Montenegro
Europass and mobility A study on mobility and scholarship programs for students and academic staff and
System of non-formal education A guide through the system of non-formal education in Montenegro.
“Omladinski rad u Crnoj Gori” (Youth Work in Montenegro)
Official websites
Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
Ministry of Human and Minority Rights
Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism
Ministry of Public Administration
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism
Institute for Social and Child Protection
Employment Institute of Montenegro
Parliament of Montenegro - Committee for Labour, Health and Social Welfare
Parliament of Montenegro - Board for Human Rights
Parliament of Montenegro - Committee for Education, Science, Culture and Sport
Protector of human rights and freedoms
Investment Development Fund of Montenegro
Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro
Union of Free Trade Unions
Union of employers
Career centers
Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro
Bureau for Education Services
Examination center Examination center
Eurydice platfom
Umbrella Youth Network
The European Solidarity Corps
National Voluntary Service (ADP-Zid)
Non-profit association ADP-Zid
Non-profit association CAZAS
Non-profit association Juventas
European Youth Card Montenegro
Non-profit association Mladiinfo Montenegro
Non-profit association FORUM MNE
EU programmes for Volunteering / EU Info Centre
Srednja stručna škola Pljevlja
Gimnazija ''Tanasije Pejatović'' Pljevlja
Srednja stručna škola Berane
SMŠ ''17. Septembar'' Žabljak
Gimnazija ''Miloje Dobrašinović'' Bijelo Polje
SMŠ ''Vuksan Đukić'' Mojkovac
Gimnazija '’ 30. Septembar'' Rožaje
SMŠ ''Mladost'' Tivat
Gimnazija ''Petar I Petrović Njegoš'' Danilovgrad
Gimnazija ''Stojan Cerović'' Nikšić
JU Gimnazija Kotor
SMŠ ''Braća Selić'' Kolašin
Srednja ekonomska škola Bar
Srednja stručna škola Cetinje
JU Gimnazija Cetinje
O.Š. ''Njegoš'' Cetinje
SSŠ ''Ivan Uskoković'' Podgorica
Građevinska škola Podgorica
Ekonomska škola Podgorica
Gimnazija '' Slobodan Škerović'' Podgorica
Gimnazija '’25. maj'' Tuzi
The Student Parliament of the University of Montenegro (state university)
The Student Parliament of the University “Mediteran" (private university)
Union of high school students of Montenegro
Joint UN programme for youth empowerment
Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO)