3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture
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Special events and activities
Innovation Camps are held regionally by JA-YE Norway [Ungt Entreprenørskap], and at three levels of education
· Lower secondary school [Innovasjonscamp ungdomsskole]
· Upper secondary school [Innovasjonscamp videregående skole]
· Higher education [Innovasjonscamp høyere utdanning]
EMAX (Innovation Norway Youth business fair) is an annual entrepreneurship business fair for youth between 18 and 25. A competition is instigated, and the winners get a special chance to promote their product and business ideas, and to travel to tech related destinations and venues.
Information on entrepreneurship is usually disseminated through the schools and teaching staff, or through JA-YE Norway [Ungt Entreprenørskap] (sometimes via affiliated youth organizations).
Networks and partnerships
Networks and structures at regional and national levels involved in promoting entrepreneurship culture is offered by JA-YE Norway [Ungt Entreprenørskap], and its regional and local affiliate groups.
Norway has no general Entrepreneurship Action Plan that supports specific activities from partners such as national youth organisations and employers with regard to the implementation of a specific entrepreneurship action plan. Norwegian policy initiatives have mostly been on entrepreneurship in education (Entrepreneurship in Education and Training – from compulsory school to higher education 2009-2014).