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EACEA National Policies Platform


8. Creativity and Culture

8.5 Developing cultural and creative competences

Last update: 15 November 2024
On this page
  1. Acquiring cultural and creative competences through education and training
  2. Specialised training for professionals in the education, culture and youth fields
  3. Providing quality access to creative environments

Acquiring cultural and creative competences through education and training

Among the projects that support high-quality education and the building of young people’s potential with regard to culture and creativity, it is worth mentioning:

  1. The Cultural Education grant programme, operated by the National Centre for Culture and commissioned by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The programme supports “projects that are based on cooperation with kindergartens and schools and aid the implementation of the core curriculum for mainstream education and teaching of arts-related subjects”.
  2. The National Centre for Culture’s Very Young Culture (Bardzo Młoda Kultura) long-term grant programme which is aimed at: “increasing active participation of young people in culture. Specific goals include: developing young people’s abilities in fields of critical and creative cultural participation, supporting agential activities and strengthening local identities in the context of increasing cultural interaction, helping creative and context-sensitive utilization of cultural heritage of local communities.”

Strategy for Responsible Development 2020 (with a 2030 perspective) (Strategia na rzecz odpowiedzialnego rozwoju do 2020 roku (z perspektywą do 2030 roku). In this strategy, culture is referenced in the context of stimulating the growth of human and social capital – “the area of culture will be strengthened through the implementation of programmes for the development of readership, citizen culture, the network of museums.”

Specialised training for professionals in the education, culture and youth fields

The described documents above contain also a component related to the improvement of the competences of education, culture and youthwork professionals. In this context, of particular significance are the provisions contained in the Rules for Cultural Education grant programme with regard to “raising the qualifications of cultural institution staff and teachers, which develop their competences in the scope of undertaking animation and education activities and include an element of using the acquired skills in practice”. Also noteworthy are the funding options for “training and workshop activities addressed to representatives of cultural and education institutions, including publishing training and methodological materials, organisation of workshops and training courses, in addition to consultancy and advisory activities”, provided for in the Very Young Culture programme run by the National Centre for Culture.

Providing quality access to creative environments

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