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EACEA National Policies Platform


2. Voluntary Activities

2.9 Skills recognition

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Policy Framework
  2. Existing arrangements

Policy Framework

When recognising competences in the field of youth volunteering there is, on the part of the National Administration, no Plan or official Programme recognising volunteers’ abilities, as it is down to each organisation to recognise them.

As for the possibility of recognition of abilities, article 24 of Law 45/2015 allows volunteering entities to recognise and validate voluntary provision of services by means of a certificate issued by the volunteering entity where work has been carried out, at any time when the volunteer may ask for it or upon expiry of the volunteering period. It has to reflect, as a minimum, besides personal and identification details of the volunteer and of the volunteering entity, the date of enrolment in the entity and the duration of it, description of the tasks carried out or roles assumed as well as the place where the activity was carried out.


Existing arrangements

Along with this possibility of recognition, the Confederation of Youth Centres Don Bosco ( Confederación de Centros Juveniles Don Bosco) in collaboration with the Didania Federation, ASDE Scouts de España and the INJUVE have encouraged a new online tool for the recognition of acquired competences through volunteering action. This tool is included in the Recognise Project (Proyecto Reconoce) and the application is to be done through its website.

Along with this, volunteers may also have their volunteering activities recognised using ECTS credits, which depend on each University procedure (paragraph 2.4, “support to young volunteers”).