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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.6 Evidence-based youth policy

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Political Commitment to Evidence-Based Youth Policy
  2. Cooperation between policy-making and research
  3. National Statistics and available data sources
  4. Budgetary Allocations supporting research in the youth field

Political Commitment to Evidence-Based Youth Policy

Law no 5018 requires that all public organizations draw up a strategic plan, performance schedule and activity report. Therefore, political commitment to evidence-based practices of youth policy is guaranteed by law.

Cooperation between policy-making and research

Ministry of Youth and Sports determines the vision, mission and strategic objectives of the Ministry activities by means of the strategic plans which are updated in every two years and redrawn in every five years. Priorities, performance targets and source requirements are determined with the performance schedule drawn up within the Strategic Plan. In accordance with the targets determined in these documents, an activity report is drawn up in which results of the activities, performance targets and realizations as well as deviations and causes are presented. Thus, the success achieved in the priority, target and performance activities of the youth policy is statistically evaluated.

The National Youth and Sports Policy Document was prepared with a democratic and participatory method in accordance with the opinions and recommendations of public institutions and organizations, universities, non-governmental organizations, trainers and most importantly, young people.

In the stage of revising and updating the Policy Document, inter-ministry study groups are formed as required by the belowmentioned provision of the Legislative Decree on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Dated 03/06/2011 and Numbered 638; “Ministry may form temporary study groups with the participation of other ministries, public organizations and institutions, non-governmental organizations, private sector representatives and related experts.” Representatives from non-governmental organizations and universities also participate in these groups.

National Statistics and available data sources

The authority responsible for Official Statistic Program in Turkey is Turkish Statistical Institute. Turkish Statistical Institute reports Youth with Statistics (İstatistiklerle Gençlik) annually.

Budgetary Allocations supporting research in the youth field

Ministry of Youth and Sports supports research projects in the field of youth which are submitted to the Ministry within the scope of Youth Projects Support Program and which are approved. In addition to this, annual budget allocated to the Directorate General of Education, Culture and Research is used by the Department of Youth Researches for this purpose.