7.8 Current debates and reforms
Forthcoming policy developments
In the context of The National Youth and Sports Policy Document (Ulusal Gençlik ve Spor Politikası Belgesi), which is now being updated, it is discussed that the policy area, which was previously defined as “Health and Environment” shall be revised as “Healthy Life”; and that a new policy area namely “Fight against Addiction” shall be inserted to the Document. It is considered that the updates to be made in policy areas as well as in the related policy measures and targets will facilitate the handling of the topic of youth health as a more autonomous field; increase the efficiency of activities in this field; and ensure a more accurate data analysis.
An action plan aimed at fighting against technology addiction is underway. This plan is being prepared by the Ministry of Health.
Updating work is ongoing for the implementation of the "Türkiye Healthy Nutrition and Active Life Program" between 2024 and 2028.