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EACEA National Policies Platform


4. Social Inclusion

Last update: 28 November 2023

The highest authorities responsible for developing inclusive policies for young people are the Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda (Ministerio de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030) and the Inter-Ministerial Youth Commission, which promote their activities in close collaboration with the Youth Institute. NGOs participate through the State Council of Social Action for Non- Governmental Organizations (Consejo Estatal de Organizaciones no Gubernamentales de Acción Social).

There is no legislation or regulation at state level for social inclusion in Spain, let alone for the social inclusion of youth. There are rights, disseminated in different regulations, related to ensuring inclusion in Spanish society and the exercise of full citizenship. An example of this is the Spanish Constitution (Constitución Española), where the right to decent employment and housing is guaranteed (Article 35 and 47), as is universal access to the health system (Article 43).

Currently, the 2019-2023 National Strategy for the prevention and fight against poverty and social exclusion (Estrategia Nacional de prevención y lucha contra la pobreza 2019-2023) is the frame of reference in terms of operational objectives, measures and axes of action for the inclusion of society as a whole in Spain. Although it is not a policy exclusively aimed at young people, the National Strategy for the prevention and fight against poverty and social exclusion includes specific measures for the youth in terms of employment,education, housing, health, dependency and disability.