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Youth Wiki

Additional Resources

On this page you can find additional sources of information on youth. Below is an overview of organisations that offer data, statistics, publications and surveys related to young people.


As the official data office for the European Union, Eurostat provides high quality quantitative data on many topics, including a dedicated page on youth statistics. The data contribute to the evaluation of the progress toward the goals set in the EU Youth Strategy and covers areas like health, education social inclusion and participation.

Visit Eurostat.


Eurodesk is a European youth information network that offers comprehensive information on learning mobility. Eurodesk produces a variety of publications targeting young people and those who work with them. The network is present in 35 countries and has over 1500 local partners and organizations.

Visit Eurodesk


The European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy (EKCYP), created under a partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission, is an online “think tank” and a laboratory, gathering and producing knowledge, translating it for an effective use in youth policy and practice, developing and testing new approaches, considering traditional themes and innovative trends.



Eurobarometer is the polling instrument used by the European Commission, the European Parliament and other EU institutions and agencies to monitor regularly the state of public opinion in Europe. Next to providing quantitative data, Eurobarometer also covers qualitative studies. Eurobarometer surveys report in detail on the attitudes, opinions, expectations, and concerns of the public and of selected social groups including youth.

Visit Eurobarometer


Eurofound is the EU Agency for the improvement of living and working conditions. It provides comparative information, research and analysis in the areas of working conditions, industrial relations, employment and living conditions, including on issues relevant to young people.

Visit Eurofound

European Social Survey

The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey. Every two years, face-to-face interviews are conducted with newly selected, cross-sectional samples. The survey measures the attitudes, beliefs and behavior patterns of diverse populations in more than thirty nations and offer breakdowns by age.

Visit ESS

European Youth Forum

The European Youth Forum is a platform of youth organisations in Europe, representing over 100 youth organisations. It works to empower young people to participate actively in society to improve their own lives by representing and advocating their needs and interests. The European Youth Forum also produces publications, most notably the Youth Progress Index which measures the quality of life of young people around the world, focusing on areas such as education, housing, safety, health and access to rights and freedoms

Visit European Youth Forum

European Solidarity Corps

The European Solidarity Corps initiative brings together young people to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to societal challenges. It offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop.

Visit European Solidarity Corps


Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in higher education, vocational education and training, adult and school education, youth and sport staff.

Visit Erasmus+

The European Youth Portal

The European Youth Portal offers European and country level information about opportunities and initiatives that are of interest to young people who are living, learning and working in Europe. The European Youth Portal addresses young people, but also other stakeholders working in the field of youth (youth organisations, youth workers, policy makers, etc.).

Visit European Youth Portal