Microdata Access
Welcome to EHESO Microdata Access
EHESO microdata is the key building block of all EHESO user tools, such as the European Higher Education Sector Scoreboard and the EHESO Benchmarking Tool for Institutions. EHESO microdata covers around 3 500 higher education institutions in EU-27, EFTA, EU candidate and potential candidate countries and spans from 2011 to 2021-2022.
What are the sources for EHESO microdata?
- Some data are self-collected, e.g. data on institutional characteristics (basic descriptors like name, acronym, foundation year or website and geographical data like city, postcode, coordinates, NUTS region) and data coming from EHESO institutional and student surveys.
- A lot of data comes from official education statistics, e.g. financial data (revenues and expenditures), personnel, students and graduates (including breakdowns on gender, citizenship, mobility, age group, academic/non-academic).
Finally, a share of EHESO microdata comes from external data sources such as Erasmus+ mobility data, EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation projects and EQAR quality assurance programmes, among other sources. A number of additional bespoke indicators are developed and included in the microdata for download.
Microdata Access allows users to download all relevant EHESO microdata and information at different levels of aggregation: country, institution and institution type. This provides a convenient way for higher education sector stakeholders and researchers to access EHESO microdata for further analysis.
Through this feature, users can select different countries and variables, customise downloads, and view relevant meta-data and related methodological information. EHESO organises regular training sessions to support and promote use of its tools.