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Mobility Scoreboard

EACEA National Policies Platform
Scoreboard Indicators in Higher Education
Mobility Scoreboard

Scoreboard Indicators in Higher Education

Graphical Overview of Country Positions

Graphical Overview of Country Positions

The indicators and their categories are described on the individual indicator pages and the Eurydice background report.

The reference years are 2015/2016, 2018/2019 and 2022/2023. Due to changes in definitions, indicator 4 (support to disadvantaged learners) and indicator 5 (recognition of learning outcomes) are only comparable over time between 2018/2019 and 2022/2023.


For each indicator, categories are coded with colours:

all criteria are fully met all criteria are met

most aspects appear in the system most criteria are met

only some aspects are implemented only some criteria are met

systems fulfill only a limited part of the criteria analysed few criteria are met

none of the elements exist none of the criteria are met

Overall changes between 2015/2016 and 2022/2023

Policy areas show different dynamics when it comes to the progress made between 2015/2016 and 2022/2023. The figures illustrate overall changes within the four indicator areas where data are available for the whole period. They show the number of education systems in the five colour-categories in each of the three reference years. They include information for the 36 education systems with data available for all three years.