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EACEA National Policies Platform


9. Youth and the World

9.3 Exchanges between young people and policy-makers on global issues

Last update: 28 November 2023
On this page
  1. Global issues exchanges with policy-makers at the domestic level
  2. Global issues exchanges with policy-makers at the international level

Global issues exchanges with policy-makers at the domestic level

In Estonia, there are no additional specific top-level policies, programmes, projects or initiatives aimed at allowing young people to exchange views at home with regional, national or international policy-makers, which are not described in Chapter 5 as youth participation and consultation mechanisms.

Starting from 2013, an annual event "Opinion Festival" (Arvamusfestival) has taken place, which is one platform for young people to exchange views at the domestic level on different topics. Occasionally, there have been topics that are connected with global issues (e.g., human rights), but the form in which the topic is handled might not always include the exchange of views. Also, the Opinion Festival is not directly targeted to young people, but usually has a section targeted at the youth field in general.


Global issues exchanges with policy-makers at the international level

In Estonia, there are no additional specific top-level policies, programmes, projects or initiatives aimed at allowing young people to exchange views abroad with policy-makers, which are not described in Chapter 5 as youth participation and consultation mechanisms.