7.8 Current debates and reforms
Estonia is has undergone a major administrative reform, which changed the number of municipalities in Estonia drastically starting from 01.01.2018. It is both a risk and an opportunity for public health. While many municipalities have adopted health promotion as part of their core activities, some have not. During the reform, it was important to support current health-friendly local governments to maintain their positions in the merging municipalities, as well as to encourage others to review their agenda and adopt health and well-being as one of the core issues. The final impacts of the reform are still unknown for all services.
Priority areas in youth health are obesity prevention, tobacco, alcohol and drug prevention, mental health, injury prevention, and a safe environment.
A new National Health Plan for the years 2020-2030 has been sent by the Government to the Parliament to be confirmed by the end of 2020. See more in Chapter 7.4.