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EACEA National Policies Platform


9. Youth and the World

9.3 Exchanges between young people and policy-makers on global issues

Last update: 2 July 2024

Global issues exchanges with policymakers at the domestic level

At national level, the National Youth Council (CNG) promotes the participation of young people in decision-making processes and is responsible for representing young people in discussions with the institutions, also with regard to global issues. For example, the CNG chairs the national working group for the implementation of the EU Youth Dialogue in Italy.

At regional and local level, there is an increasing number of youth consultative bodies and/or councils which have a direct contact with public administrations and are also involved in global issues, such as environmental ones.

Another way of exchanging views with policy-makers consists of ad hoc events, organized on different themes. For example, at the national level, in 2022 the Department for Youth Policies and the Universal Civic Service organised the Forum on the present and future of citizenship and human rights education in Europe with young people, in collaboration with the Council of Europe. This event allowed hundreds of young people to participate in the third revision process of the "Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education", representing an important opportunity for discussion and participation with Italian and European policy-makers on the issue of human rights education.

An example of a local event is the European Youth Event (EYE) held in Forlì from 17 to 19 May 2024, during which young people were able to share their ideas on the future of Europe and discuss with decision makers. The EYE Forlì was organised by the University of Bologna in collaboration with the European Parliament.

Particularly relevant for the exchanges between young people and policy-makers is the Youth4Climate (Y4C) initiative, co-led by the Italian Government and the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) and co-designed with young people and other strategic partners. Y4C supports the implementation of youth-led climate solutions, through online and offline resources, partnerships and networks. As part of this initiative, several events have been organised, such as: the intergenerational dialogue event, during which the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security was presented with the document “Young people and government dialogue - what proposals for the climate?”, written with the aim of illustrating the proposals and ideas of young people and with the contribution of ASviS, Change for Planet, Italian Climate Network, Legambiente, Movimento Giovani per Save the Children and WWF Young; and the meeting held on 6 March 2024 “What happened at COP28? Government and young people listening” between the Special Envoy for Climate Change and young climate activists to discuss the main results of the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) also in light of the requests and priorities shared by young people with the Italian institutions on several other occasions before the COP. 

Global issues exchanges with policymakers at the international level

Through the National Youth Council, Italian youths participate in the EU Youth Conferences, held every 6 months in the country holding the Presidency of the EU. On these occasions, young Europeans have the opportunity to engage with policy-makers on issues relevant to them. The CNG also participates in the ECOSOC Youth Forum. The last meeting, held in New York from 16 to 18 April 2024, addressed the issues of sustainable development and international cooperation.

Young Italians also participate in the Youth 7 and Youth 20 events, during which they have the opportunity to meet with policy-makers and share their ideas on the issues addressed by the world's Heads of State and Government at the G7 and G20.

Finally, young Italians have the opportunity to participate – as youth delegates – in the annual United Nations Youth Delegate program, organised by the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI-UNA ITALY), in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). The program aims to train young diplomats and spread the founding values of the United Nations.