9.3 Exchanges between young people and policy-makers on global issues
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Global issues exchanges with policy-makers at the domestic level
In 2020 The minister responsible for environmental issues and climate signed the so-called Kwon-Gesh Pledge, following the efforts of several Czech Youth Organizations and initiatives and the Czech UN Youth Delegate. It means a commitment that the ministry should take on board young people in the implementation of the climate policy.
The space for exchanges with young people is rather ad hoc, organized by the civil society, academia and the interested policy-makers themselves.
One of the most widely known and oldest youth initiatives is the 'Prague Student Summit' organised by the Association for International Affairs and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry for Education, Youth and Sports.
Apart from these opportunities recognized or funded by the state, Czech young people is also active within many other non-governmental international activities and projects such as the European Youth Parliament. There are also several other "model" programs for young people imitating the deliberations of the UN, NATO, EU or the American Congress.
Global issues exchanges with policy-makers at the international level
Basically, when possible the Czech Republic uses the opportunities to delegate young people or youth representatives to international events for young people with the aim to exchange their view on global or any other social and political issues. Such activities are supported by all International Organisations where the Czech Republic is a member and where it is possible to ensure proper representation and the funding support.
Within the scope of the Structured Dialogue with Youth, youth representatives are regularly sent to the EU Youth conferences and other international events implemented under this programme.
Since 2016, there is the UN Youth Delegate Programme, offering the opportunity for two selected youth representatives, based on an open public annual call, to exchange their views within the General Assembly of the United Nations and respective UN youth forums, such as the ECOSOC Youth Forum and similar UN Forums for Youth.
Since 2010, the Visegrad (V4) cooperation in the Youth Field was renewed and youth representatives are invited to the V4 meetings in the youth field and youth policy.
Young people from the Czech Republic also regularly participate in various youth events, Forums, competitions and activities of the European Union, youth events of the Central European Initiative, UNESCO Youth Forums and youth activities of the Council of Europe. Czech representatives can be also elected to the Advisory Council on Youth and participate in the Youth delegate programme of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.
Within bilateral relations, the inter-ministerial Czech-German Council for youth exchanges and cooperation meets regularly and involves also youth representatives from the Czech Council of Children and Youth and the Czech-German Youth forum, the latter involving annually young people in political and social cooperation at international level.
Also, Czech political representatives in international bodies such as the European Parliament, European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of Regions and others are often allowed to bring young people to their relevant meetings. There, young people can also exchange views on global and political issues.