4. Social Inclusion
In Germany, the term "inclusion" was introduced initially as a technical term originating in sociological systems theory. It entered colloquial language as a term borrowed from English and international parlance and is only gradually becoming established in German. In official language, it is mainly used and applied to people with (physical and/or intellectual) disabilities, as for example in the term "inclusive school". An alternative term in German that is often used in connection with social settings is "integration".
Germany has adopted various national strategies that also serve the social inclusion of young people. There are those that include all age groups (e.g. Strategy to prevent extremism and promote democracy, Civic commitment strategy) and those directed at children and youth (e. g. Youth strategy). See also Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Young People.
There is also a large variety of programmes and initiatives at national (Bund) and regional (Länder) level to promote and support young people’s social integration specifically to young people from disadvantaged social backgrounds or who have specific needs. One major initiative in the past years has been the youth policy initiative JiVE. Youth Work International – Experiencing Diversity (JiVE. Jugendarbeit international - Vielfalt erleben). It has been campaigning improved equal opportunities for all young people, regardless of their social background or origin, in activities of international youth work. See also Inclusive Programmes for Young People and Initiatives Promoting Social Inclusion and Raising Awareness.