4. Social Inclusion
This chapter presents current initiatives taken by the Swedish Government for promoting social inclusion of young people. Among the initiatives, the following two are of special interest.
The Government has since 2015 a strategy for young people who neither work nor study. The strategy (see chapter 4.3 for more details) presents measures the government has taken in the years 2015–2018. The strategy concerns young people between 15 and 25 years of age, focusing on those who are facing the greatest difficulties in terms of social inclusion. Groups specifically targeted are young people with disabilities, those who have not completed upper secondary school and young immigrants.
A new strategy to counter violent extremism was presented by the government in January 2024. The strategy (see chapter 4.5 for more details) is devided into four parts: preventing, averting, protecting and managing. The prevention dimension of the strategy focuses on several potential threats. One of them is the recruitment of children and young people to violent extremism. The preemption dimension focuses on measures geared towards individuals in violent extremist environments and their relatives. The strategy replace the previous strategy from 2016.