4. Social Inclusion
Social inclusion covers a wide range of tasks, and many organizations and institutions are active in this sector. The majority of these activities are supervised by the Department of Family and Social Affairs of the Ministry of the German-speaking Community. The Ministry is also responsible for the development of legal provisions in the social sector, improving the coordination in social work and the expansion and consolidation of the socio-psychological care network.
Each municipality in the German-speaking Community has a public welfare center (Öffentliches Sozialhilfezentrum, ÖSHZ). These centers are the first point of contact for people in need, especially when financial aid is needed. Several assisted living communities have been implemented for young people in difficult social situations who can't be adequately supported with outpatient help.
The Department for Self-determined Living (Dienststelle für Selbstbestimmtes Leben, DSL) offers elderly people or people with disabilities a comprehensive accompaniment. Children, young people, adults and also senior citizens can take advantage of the extensive services of the Department and its service providers.
A new integration pathway has been set up in 2017 to allow asylum seekers and foreigners to integrate into the German-speaking Community. This pathway consists of language courses, integration courses and an assistance in job search and leisure activities.