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Legislation and official policy documents

Youth Policy Governance

Federal Audit Office (Bundesrechnungshof), 2020. Federal Budget Code (Bundeshaushaltsordnung) (last accessed 02/07/2021).

Federal government (Die Bundesregierung), 2002. Administrative act about the Federal Youth Board (Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift über das Bundesjugendkuratorium gemäß § 83 Abs. 2 Achtes Buch Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB VIII) Kinder- und Jugendhilfe) (last accessed 21/06/2021).

Federal government (Die Bundesregierung), 2018. A new dawn for Europe. A new dynamic for Germany. A new cohesion for our country. Coalition agreement between CDU, CSU and SPD, 19th legislative period (Ein neuer Aufbruch für Europa. Eine neue Dynamik für Deutschland. Ein neuer Zusammenhalt für unser Land. Koalitionsvertrag zwischen CDU, CSU und SPD. 19. Legislaturperiode) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

Federal government (Die Bundesregierung), 2021. The Federal ESF Integration Directive (ESF-Integrationsrichtlinie Bund) (last accessed 02/07/2021).

Federal Ministry of Finance (Bundesministerium der Finanzen), 2018. 2018 Federal budget. Plan 17. Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundeshaushaltsplan 2018. Einzelplan 17. Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), pages 11 & 12 (last accessed 28/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz) / Federal Justice Office (Bundesamt für Justiz), Social Code Book VIII – Child and Youth Services, adopted on 26 June 1990, as amended on 30 November 2019 [Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Achtes Buch (VIII) Kinder- und Jugendhilfe vom 26. Juni 1990, zuletzt geändert 28. April 2020] (last accessed 20/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz) / Federal Justice Office (Bundesamt für Justiz), Social Code Book VIII – Child and Youth Services, adopted on 26 June 1990, as amended on 30 November 2019 [Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Achtes Buch (VIII) Kinder- und Jugendhilfe vom 26. Juni 1990, zuletzt geändert 28. April 2020] 41 Amending laws (41 Änderungen an Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Achtes Buch (VIII) Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (SGB VIII)) (last accessed 21/04/2021). 

Examples for amendments of Social Code Book VIII:

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) Department of public relations (Referat Öffentlichkeitsarbeit), 2014. Protection of Young Persons Act and Inter-State Agreement on Youth Protection in the Media (Jugendschutzgesetz und Jugendmedienschutz-­Staatsvertrag der Länder). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. (last accessed 20/04/2021).  

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2006. Agreement between Germany's Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) and the All-Chinese Youth Association of the People’s Republic of China on cooperation in the field of child and youth services (Vereinbarung zwischen dem Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem Allchinesischen Jugendverband der Volksrepublik China über die Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Jugendhilfe) Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. (last accessed 02/07/2021).  

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Federal Law Gazette 1974 I Nr. 133, p. 3427. Juvenile Courts Act] of 11 December 1974 (Jugendgerichtsgesetz vom 11. Dezember 1974, zuletzt geändert am 9. Dezember 2019) (last accessed 20/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Federal Law Gazette 2002 I Nr. 51, p. 2730. Protection of Young Persons Act of 23 July 2002 (Jugendschutzgesetz vom 23. Juli 2002, zuletzt geändert am 10. März 2017) (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Act to Promote Youth Voluntary Services (Gesetz zur Förderung von Jugendfreiwilligendiensten, JFDG) Regulating the Voluntary Social Year (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr, FSJ) and the Voluntary Ecological Year (Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr, FÖJ) adopted on 16 May 2008, last amended 12 December 2019 (last accessed 20/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Young Persons (Protection of Employment) Act (Gesetz zum Schutze der arbeitenden Jugend, JArbSchG), adopted 12 April 1976, last amended 12 December 2019 (last accessed 20/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Act on Proceedings in Family Matters and in Matters of Non-contentious Jurisdiction (Gesetz über das Verfahren in Familiensachen und in den Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit, FamFG), adopted 17 December 2008, last amended 19 March 2020 (last accessed 20/04/2021). 

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Act on cooperation and information in child protection matters (Gesetz zur Kooperation und Information im Kinderschutz, KKG), adopted 22 December 2011, last amended 23 December 2016 (last accessed 20/04/2021). 

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Adoption Placement Act (Adoptionsvermittlungsgesetz, AdVermiG), adopted 2 July 1976, new version 22 December 2001, last amended 22 November 2019 (last accessed 20/04/2021). 

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, BAföG), adopted 26 August 1971, new version 7 December 2010, last amended 25 May 2020 (last accessed 20/04/2021). 

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Book 12 German Social Code – Social Assistance (Sozialgesetzbuch Zwölftes Buch – Sozialhilfe, SGB XII), adopted 27 December 2003, last amended 19 June 2020 (last accessed 20/04/2021). 

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB), adopted 18 August 1896, new version 2 January 2002, last amended 12 June 2020 (last accessed 20/04/2021). 

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Book 3 German Social Code – Employment Promotion (Sozialgesetzbuch Drittes Buch – Arbeitsförderung, SGB III), adopted 24 March 1997, last amended 14 July 2020 (last accessed 20/04/2021). 

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Book 2 German Social Code – Basic Security for Jobseekers (Sozialgesetzbuch Zweites Buch – Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende, SGB II), adopted 24 December 2003; new version 13 May 2011, last amended 12 June 2020 (last accessed 20/04/2021). 

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch, StGB) StGB only applies to criminal acts by young people and adolescents where such acts are not covered by the provisions of the Youth Courts Act (Jugendgerichtsgesetz, JGG). Adopted 15 May 1871; new version 13 November 1998, last amended 10 July 2020 (last accessed 20/04/2021). 

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Book 9 German Social Code – Rehabilitation and Participation of Disabled Persons (Sozialgesetzbuch Neuntes Buch – Rehabilitation und Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen, SGB IX), adopted 23 December 2017, last amended 14 December 2019 (last accessed 20/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Federal Elections Act (Bundeswahlgesetz, BWahlG), adopted 7 May 1956; new version 23 July 1993, last amended 19 June 2020 (last accessed 20/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern), Ministerial Gazette (GMBl Nr. 41/2016). Regulation on the provision of grants and services to foster child and youth services through the Child and Youth Plan of the Federation (KJP) of 29 September 2016 (Richtlinien über die Gewährung von Zuschüssen und Leistungen zur Förderung der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe durch den Kinder-und Jugendplan des Bundes (KJP) vom 29. September 2016) (last accessed 22/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of the Interior, 2020. Joint Rules of Procedure of the Federal Ministries [Gemeinsame Geschäftsordnung der Bundesministerien (GGO)] (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS), The Young Persons (Protection of Employment) Act (Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz, JArbSchG), last major update on 1 January 2020 Act to modernise and strengthen vocational education and training (Gesetz zur Modernisierung und Stärkung der beruflichen Bildung)), (last accessed 20/04/2021).

Federal state Berlin (Bundesland Berlin), 2019. Act to promote participation and democracy education for young people (Gesetz zur Förderung der Beteiligung und Demokratiebildung junger Menschen) (last accessed 28/04/2021).

Federal state Hamburg (Bundesland Hamburg), 2016. Family and youth state funding plan 2017–2021 (Landesförderplan "Familie und Jugend" 2017-2021) (last accessed 28/04/2021).

Federal Youth Board (Bundesjugendkuratorium), 2020. Opinion on social participation (Junge Erwachsene – soziale Teilhabe ermöglichen! Stellungnahme des Bundesjugendkuratoriums) (last accessed 21/06/2021).

Federal Youth Board (Bundesjugendkuratorium), 2020. Opinion on European youth policy (Zwischenruf des Bundesjugendkuratoriums: Jugendpolitik in Europa stärken – Verantwortung der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft wahrnehmen) (last accessed 21/06/2021).

Federal Youth Board (Bundesjugendkuratorium), 2020. Opinion on support for young people during the COVID-19 pandemic (Zwischenruf des Bundesjugendkuratoriums: Unterstützung von Jungen Menschen in Zeiten von Corona gestalten) (last accessed 21/06/2021).

German Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag), 2020. Document (Drucksache) 19/21407 Financial expenditures from local authorities (Finanzielle Situation der Kommunen in Deutschland) (last accessed 02/07/2021).

Municipal code of Baden-Württemberg (Gemeindeordnung Baden-Württemberg), section 41a Participation of children and youth (Beteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen), last amended 01/12/20 (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Municipal constitution act of Lower Saxony (Niedersächsisches Kommunalverfassungsgesetz) section 36 Participation of children and youth (Beteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen), adopted 17/12/2011 (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Municipal code of Schleswig-Holstein (Gemeindeordnung Schleswig-Holstein) section 47f Participation of children and youth (Beteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen), adopted 28/02/2003 (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Saxony state child and youth service committee (Landesjugendhilfeausschuss Sachsens), 2016. Independent Youth Policy (Eckpunktepapier des Landesjugendhilfeausschusses zur Eigenständigen Jugendpolitik in Sachsen) (last accessed 28/04/2021).

Voluntary Activities

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung). Guideline for the Implementation of the weltwärts Development-Related Volunteer Service 2022 (Förderleitlinie zur Umsetzung des entwicklungspolitischen Freiwilligendienstes weltwärts 2022) (last accessed 25/07/2023).

Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), Catalog of criteria for participants in the Voluntary Social Year / Voluntary Ecological Year with special support needs. Circular by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth dated 15 January 2021 (Katalog der Kriterien für Teilnehmende am Freiwilligen Sozialen Jahr / Freiwilligen Ökologischen Jahr mit besonderen Förderbedarfen. Rundschreiben des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend vom 15.01.2021). (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2013. Framework regulations pertaining to training and guidance for the Federal Volunteer Service (BFD), with particular reference to training courses and the educational staff used for this purpose [Rahmenrichtlinie für die pädagogische Begleitung im Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Seminararbeit und des dabei eingesetzten pädagogischen Personals] (last accessed 03/02/2022).

Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), Pilot project to promote the participation of people with disabilities in voluntary services (Pilotprojekt zur Förderung der Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen an einem Freiwilligendienst (FSJ, FÖJ oder BFD), 2022 (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen  und Jugend). Regulations on promoting youth voluntary service in accordance with the Act to Promote Youth Voluntary Services and to promote the International Youth Voluntary Service of 11 April 2012 (Ministerial Gazette 17 April 2012, p. 174) [Richtlinien zur Förderung der Jugendfreiwilligendienste nach dem Jugendfreiwilligendienstegesetz sowie des Internationalen Jugendfreiwilligendienstes vom 01. Januar 2021 (S. 174)] (last accessed 03/02/2023).

  • Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen  und Jugend). Regulations on the implementation of the International Youth Voluntary Service of 20 December 2010, last changed 25 May 2018 (Ministerial Gazette 28, 2018, p. 545) [Richtlinie zur Umsetzung des Internationalen Jugendfreiwilligendienstes vom 20. Dezember 2010, zuletzt geändert am 29. Juni 2020 (S. 545)] (last accessed 03/02/2023).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen  und Jugend), 2015. Regulations of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth pertaining to article 18 para. 6 of the Federal Volunteer Service Act for federal volunteer services involving refugees [Richtlinien des BMFSFJ zu § 18 Absatz 6 des Bundesfreiwilligendienstgesetzes (BFDG) für den Bundesfreiwilligendienst mit Flüchtlingsbezug] (last accessed 03/02/2023).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen  und Jugend), 2014. Regulations of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth pertaining to article 17 of the Federal Volunteer Service Act [Richtlinien des BMFSFJ zu § 17 des Bundesfreiwilligendienstgesetzes (BFDG)] (last accessed 03/02/2023).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen  und Jugend), 2016. The BMFSFJ civic commitment strategy. Strategic orientation of civic commitment policy (Engagementstrategie BMFSFJ. Strategische Ausrichtung der Engagementpolitik). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 03/02/2023).

Franco-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk), 2019. Regulations of the Franco-German Youth Office (Richtlinien des Deutsch-Französischen Jugendwerks) (last accessed 03/02/2023).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Federal Law Gazette 2008 I Nr. 19, p. 842. Act to Promote Youth Voluntary Services of 16 May 2008 (Gesetz zur Förderung von Jugendfreiwilligendiensten vom 16. Mai 2008) (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Federal Law Gazette 2011 I Nr. 19, p. 687. Federal Volunteer Service Act of 28 April 2011 (Bundesfreiwilligendienstgesetz vom 28. April 2011) (last accessed 03/02/2023).

SPD parliamentary group (SPD-Bundestagsfraktion). Volunteering schemes. Position paper of the SPD parliamentary group (Freiwilligendienste. Positionspapier der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion), 2015 (last accessed 03/02/2023).

The Federal government (Die Bundesregierung), Bundestag paper 18/4302 of 13 March 2015. Response by the Federal government to the minor interpellation of the parlamentarians Dr. Rosemarie Hein, Sigrid Hupach, Ralph Lenkert, further parliamentarians and the parliamentary party DIE LINKE on the development of the Federal Volunteer Service since 2011 (Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Rosemarie Hein, Sigrid Hupach, Ralph Lenkert, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion DIE LINKE zur Entwicklung des Bundesfreiwilligendienstes seit dem Jahr 2011) (last accessed 03/02/2023).

The Federal government (Die Bundesregierung), Bundestag paper 17/12779 of 15 March 2013. Response by the Federal government to the minor interpellation of the parlamentarians Ulrich Schneider, Sven-Christian Kindler, Ute Koczy, further parliamentarians and the parliamentary party BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN' on the further development of the voluntary services (Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Ulrich Schneider, Sven-Christian Kindler, Ute Koczy, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN' zur Weiterentwicklung der Freiwilligendienste') (last accessed 03/02/2023).

Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions (Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben, BAFzA), FAQ on the pilot project to promote the participation of people with disabilities in voluntary services (FAQ zum Pilotprojekt zur Förderung der Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen an einem Freiwilligendienst (FSJ, FÖJ oder BFD), 2022 (last accessed 03/02/2023).

German Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag), 2004. Act on the Residence, Economic Activity and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory (Gesetz über den Aufenthalt, die Erwerbstätigkeit und die Integration von Ausländern im Bundesgebiet) (12.12.2022).

Employment & Entrepreneurship

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales), the federal government's Skilled Labour Strategy (Fachkräftestrategie der Bundesregierung), October 2022, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (Bundesministerium des Inneren und für Heimat), Joint Rules of Procedure of the Federal Ministries (Gemeinsame Geschäftsordnung der Bundesministerien, GGO), 30 July 2020, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales), Youth Strategy (Jugendstrategie), 15 December 2021, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Federal Ministry of Justice (Bundesministerium der Justiz), Laws in the internet (Gesetze im Internet), in English, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Social Inclusion

Baden-Württemberg state ministry for social affairs and integration (Ministerium für Soziales und Integration Baden-Württemberg), 2017. Minutes of the resolutions by the 12th Conference of integration ministers in Friedrichshafen on 16 and 17 March 2017 (Beschlussniederschrift der 12. Integrationsministerkonferenz vom 16. und 17. März 2017 in Friedrichshafen) (last accessed 23/10/2018).

Federal Association for Assistance for the Homeless (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe e.V.)., 2010. Definition of housing emergency (Wohnungsnotfalldefinition) (last accessed 20/12/2019).

Federal government (Die Bundesregierung), 2016. Strategy to prevent extremism and promote democracy (Strategie zur Extremismusprävention und Demokratieförderung). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 20/12/2019).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen  und Jugend), 2016. The BMFSFJ civic commitment strategy. Strategic orientation of civic commitment policy (Engagementstrategie BMFSFJ. Strategische Ausrichtung der Engagementpolitik). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 20/12/2019).

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) et al., 2012. National Strategy for Literacy and the Basic Education of Adults (Nationale Strategie für Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung Erwachsener in Deutschland) (last accessed 20/12/2019).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz). Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, Art. 1(1) and (2) (Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Art. 1(1) and (2)), version dated 23 May 1949, as amended on 13 July 2017 (Fassung vom 23. Mai 1949, zuletzt geändert 13. Juli 2017) (last accessed 23/10/2018).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Federal Law Gazette I p. 2954. Social Code Book II - Basic security benefits for job seekers adopted on 24 December 2003, as amended on 17 July 2017 [Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Zweites Buch (II) Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende, vom 24. Dezember 2003, zuletzt geändert 17. Juli 2017)] (last accessed 23/10/2018).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz), Federal Law Gazette I p. 594. Social Code Book III - Employment promotion, adopted on 24 March 1997, as amended on 12 July 2018 [Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Drittes Buch (III) - Arbeitsförderung, vom 24. März 1997, zuletzt geändert 12. Juli 2018] (last accessed 23/10/2018).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz) / Federal Justice Office (Bundesamt für Justiz), Social Code Book VIII – Child and Youth Services, adopted on 26 June 1990, as amended on 30 November 2019 [Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Achtes Buch (VIII) Kinder- und Jugendhilfe vom 26. Juni 1990, zuletzt geändert 30. November 2019] (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern), Ministerial Gazette (GMBl Nr. 41/2016). Regulation on  the provision of grants and services to foster child and youth services through the Child and Youth Plan of the Federation (KJP) of 29 September 2016 (Richtlinien über die Gewährung von Zuschüssen und Leistungen zur Förderung der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe durch den Kinder-und Jugendplan des Bundes (KJP) vom 29. September 2016) (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS), 2015. Declaration of the partners of the Alliance for Initial and Further Training. Creating perspectives for refugees together (Erklärung der Partner der Allianz für Aus- und Weiterbildung. Gemeinsam für Perspektiven von Flüchtlingen) (last accessed 23/10/2018).

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales), 2016. Our path to an inclusive society. National Action Plan 2.0 of Germany's Federal government for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities [„Unser Weg in eine inklusive Gesellschaft“. Nationaler Aktionsplan 2.0 der Bundesregierung zur UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention (UN-BRK)] (last accessed 23/10/2018).

German parliament (Deutscher Bundestag), Print reference 18/12330 dated 15 May 2017 (Drucksache 18/12330, 15.05.2017). Draft of the Act to strengthen protection for children and young people (Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Stärkung von Kindern und Jugendlichen - Kinder- und Jugendstärkungsgesetz) (last accessed 23/10/2018).

Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states (Länder) in the Federal Republic of Germany (Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Kultusministerkonferenz). Reflecting cultural diversity, integration and migration in educational media - joint declaration by Kultusministerkonferenz, immigrant community organisations and educational publishers (Resolution by Kultusministerkonferenz dated 8 October 2015) [Darstellung von kultureller Vielfalt, Integration und Migration in Bildungsmedien - Gemeinsame Erklärung der Kultusministerkonferenz, der Organisationen von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund und der Bildungsmedienverlage (Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 8. Oktober 2015)] (last accessed 23/10/2018).

Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states (Länder) in the Federal Republic of Germany (Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Kultusministerkonferenz). Joint declaration by Kultusministerkonferenz and immigrant community organisations on the partnership on education between schools and parents (Resolution by Kultusministerkonferenz dated 10 October 2013) [Gemeinsame Erklärung der Kultusministerkonferenz und der Organisation von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund zur Bildungs- und Erziehungspartnerschaft von Schule und Eltern (Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 10. Oktober 2013)] (last accessed 23/10/2018).

Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states (Länder) in the Federal Republic of Germany (Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Kultusministerkonferenz). Integration as an opportunity – working together for more equality. Joint declaration by Kultusministerkonferenz and immigrant community organisations (Resolution by Kultusministerkonferenz dated 13 December 2007) [Integration als Chance – gemeinsam für mehr Chancengerechtigkeit. Gemeinsame Erklärung der Kultusministerkonferenz und der Organisationen von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund (Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 13. Dezember 2007)] (last accessed 23/10/2018).

Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states (Länder) in the Federal Republic of Germany (Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Kultusministerkonferenz). Standards for teacher training: Educational science (Resolution by Kultusministerkonferenz dated 16 December 2004, version dated 12 June 2014) [Standards für die Lehrerbildung: Bildungswissenschaften (Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 16.12.2004 i. d. F. vom 12.06.2014)] (last accessed 23/10/2018).


Bavarian state chancellery (Bayerische Staatskanzlei), State electoral law (Landeswahlgesetz, LWG) promulgated on 5 July 2002 (Law and Ordinance Gazette page 277, 278, 620, Bavarian gazette 111-1-I), as amended by Section 8 of the Act of 24 July 2019 (Law and Ordinance Gazette page 342) (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Berlin Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection (Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz), Election law on national referenda and popular initiatives (Gesetz über Volksinitiative, Volksbegehren und Volksentscheid) dated 11 June 1997, as amended on 2 February 2018 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Conference of school student councils of the federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany (Satzung der Bundesschülerkonferenz), 2004 (2017). Articles of association of the Conference of school student councils of the federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany (Satzung der Bundesschülerkonferenz) (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2015. Quality standards for child and youth participation (Qualitätsstandards für Beteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen) (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familien, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ): Shared responsibility: a policy for, with and by young people. The Federal Government's Youth Strategy (In gemeinsamer Verantwortung: Politik für, mit und von Jugend. Die Jugendstrategie der Bundesregierung) (last accessed on 25/02/2021).

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Education and Training

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Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland), Intercultural education in schools (Interkulturelle Bildung und Erziehung in der Schule), resolution adopted by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (Kultusministerkonferenz) on 25 October 1996 in the version dated 5 December 2013 (last accessed 06/08/2023).

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Health and Well-Being

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Creativity and Culture

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Youth and the World

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Youth Work

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Data and statistics

Youth Policy Governance

Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), 2011. Use of age group 15-24 when talking about youth unemployment/employment or youth and family (Verwendung der Altersgruppe der 15- bis 24-Jährigen im Zusammenhang mit Jugendarbeitslosigkeit/Arbeitslosigkeit sowie Jugend und Familie). In: Spotlight: Youth and family in Europe (Im Blickpunkt: Jugend und Familie in Europa). Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt (last accessed 17/02/2020).

Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), 2017. Use of age group 15-19 years when referring to accidents, violence or self-harming behaviour (Verwendung der Altersgruppe der 15- bis 19-Jährigen im Zusammenhang mit Unfällen, Gewalt, Selbstverletzung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen). In: Accidents, violence, self-harming behaviour among children and youth (Unfälle, Gewalt, Selbstverletzung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen). Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt (last accessed 17/02/2020).

Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), 2017. Use of age group 15-25 years when referring to the number of foreign young people born in Germany (Verwendung der Altersgruppe der 15- bis 25-Jährigen im Zusammenhang mit der Anzahl der ausländischen Jugendlichen in Deutschland). In: Population and employment (Bevölkerung und Erwerbstätigkeit). Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt (last accessed 17/02/2020).

Voluntary Activities
Data on a website

ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL weltwärts Coordination Unit (ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL Koordinierungsstelle weltwärts), Number of weltwärts volunteers (South-North component) according to year of assignment, average age, main countries of departure [weltwärts-Freiwilligenzahlen (Süd-Nord-Komponente) nach Entsendejahren, Durchschnittsalter, Hauptausreiseländern], 2017 (last accessed 17/03/2021).

Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions (Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben, BAFzA), Number of BFD (Federal Volunteer Service) volunteers by age and sex (Freiwillige im Bundesfreiwilligendienst nach Alter und Geschlecht), 2017 (last accessed 17/03/2021).

Data in a report

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2016. Participation of 18 to 29 years old in voluntary services (Teilnahme 18- bis 29-Jähriger an Freiwilligendiensten). In: Volunteering in Germany. German Volunteer Survey 2014 (Freiwilliges Engagement in Deutschland. Der Deutsche Freiwilligensurvey 2014). Berlin: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, p. 175 (last accessed 17/03/2021).

Franco-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk, DFJW), 2018. Number of DFJW Junior ambassadors 2017 (Anzahl der DFJW-Juniorbotschafter 2017). In: Activities Report Franco-German Youth Office 2017 (Tätigkeitsbericht des Deutsch-Französischen Jugendwerks 2017). Berlin: Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk, p. 33 (last accessed 17/03/2021).

German parliament (Deutscher Bundestag), 2018. Number of placements for a voluntary social year and voluntary ecological year, including the placements abroad and main destinations 2016-2018 (Teilnehmendenzahlen für Freiwilliges Soziales und Freiwilliges Öokologisches Jahr, inklusive der Freiwilligendienstleistenden im Ausland und deren Zielländer). In: Print reference 19/3863 dated 17 August 2018 (Drucksache 19/3863, 17.08.2018). Response by the Federal government to the minor interpellation of the parlamentarians Matthias Seestern-Pauly, Katja Suding, Grigorios Aggelidis, further parliamentarians and the parliamentary party FDP - print reference 19/3640 - on the developments of the voluntary services (Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Matthias Seestern-Pauly, Katja Suding, Grigorios Aggelidis, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion der FDP – Drucksache 19/3640 – Entwicklungen der Freiwilligendienste). Berlin: Deutscher Bundestag, pp. 2-4 (last accessed 17/03/2021).

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Employment & Entrepreneurship

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Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales), Monitoring of skilled labourers for BMAS, medium-term forecast until 2026) (Fachkräftemonitoring für das BMAS, Mittelfristprognose bis 2026), August 2022, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

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Social Inclusion
Data on a website

Federal association for assistance for the homeless (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe, BAG W), Share of children and young people subject to housing exclusion (Anteil wohnungsloser Kinder und Jugendliche), 2014 (last accessed 23/10/2018).

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Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), Number of young people (14 to 18 years) taken into care [Anzahl der in Obhut genommenen Jugendlichen (14 bis 18 Jahre)], 2017 (last accessed 24/10/2018).

Data in a report

Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), 2016. Attendance (in percent) of children and young people in the different types of secondary schools 2010-2015 (Prozentuale Verteilung der Kinder und Jugendlichen auf die verschiedenen weiterführenden Schulen 2010-2015). In: Press release nr. 312/16 dated 8 September 2016 (Pressemitteilung vom 08. September 2016 – 312/16). Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt (last accessed 23/08/2017).

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Data on a website

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Data in a report

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Edcucation and Training
Data on a website

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Data in a report

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Health and Well-Being
Data on a website

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Data in a report

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Creativity and Culture

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Youth and the World

German Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), 2021, Impact of the pandemic on (international) youth work (Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die (internationale) Jugendarbeit), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

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Youth Work
Data on a website

Federal Statistics Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), 2021. Financial report for education 2021 (Bildungsfinanzbericht 2021). Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt (last accessed 25/05/2023).

Data in a report

Federal Statistics Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), 2022. Statistics on child and youth services: facilities and active persons (excluding child day care centres) in 2020 [Statistiken der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe: Einrichtungen und tätige Personen (ohne Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder) 2020]. Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt (last accessed 30/05/2023).

Gadow, T., Peucker, C., Pluto, L., van Santen, E., Seckinger, M., 2013. Number of local youth offices with a youth services plan (Anzahl der Jugendämter mit Jugendhilfeplanung). In: The state of child and youth services: Empirical findings and analyses (Wie geht’s der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe? Empirische Befunde und Analysen). Weinheim: Verlagsgruppe Beltz

Studies, reports and academic publications

Youth Policy Governance

Baden-Württemberg ministry for culture, youth and sport (Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport), the Youth Foundation of Baden-Württemberg (Jugendstiftung Baden-Württemberg) and the state student council (Landesschülerbeirat), 2020. Baden-Württemberg youth study 2020: a comparison of findings from 2011 to 2020 and the statement of the 13th state student council (Jugendstudie Baden-Württemberg 2020. Die Ergebnisse von 2011 bis 2020 im Vergleich und die Stellungnahme des 13. Landesschülerbeirats) (last accessed 02 Child and Youth Welfare Association (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, AGJ), Youth Policy 2020 („Jugend braucht mehr!  – Eigenständige Jugendpolitik voranbringen und weiterdenken“)  (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Child and Youth Welfare Association (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, AGJ), 2020. Policy statement Consequences of the Corona-crisis on Child and Youth Welfare Services (Wenn Kümmerer*innen selbst Hilfe brauchen... Die Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe) (last accessed 02/07/2021).

Child and youth reports on federal states (Länder) level:

Council of Ministers of Rhineland-Palatinate (Ministerrat des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz), 2017. Youth policy strategy called "JES! Young. Independent. Strong." (JES! Jung. Eigenständig. Stark.) (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Deutsches Jugendinstitut (German Youth Institute), 2020. German Youth Institute's 2020 "youth barometer" (DJI-Jugendhilfeb@rometer 2020), (last accessed 02/07/2021).

Federal cabinet (Bundeskabinett), 2017. Federal government's strategy on demography (Demografiestrategie) (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Federal cabinet (Bundeskabinett), 2019. Migration Report (Migrationsbericht), Berlin: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal cabinet (Bundeskabinett), 2021. Third Gender Equality Report (Dritter Gleichstellungsbericht), Berlin: Federal cabinet (Bundeskabinett) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2020. Parenthood in Germany. Nineth Family Report (Eltern sein in Deutschland. Neunter Familienbericht). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2020. Third Civic Engagement Report, is called "Future of civil society: Youth civic engagement in the digital age" (Dritter Engagementbericht. “Zukunft Zivilgesellschaft: Junges Engagement im digitalen Zeitalter”) Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2013. 14th child and youth report – report on the living conditions of young people and the contributions of child and youth services in Germany (14. Kinder- und Jugendbericht‚ Bericht über die Lebenssituation junger Menschen und die Leistungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2017. 15th child and youth report (15. Kinder- und Jugendbericht). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 22/04/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2020. 16th child and youth report (16. Kinder- und Jugendbericht). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 22/06/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2017. Acting for a child- and youth-friendly society. The Youth Strategy 2015-2018 (Handeln für eine jugendgerechte Gesellschaft. Die Jugendstrategie 2015-2018). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2019. Youth Strategy (Jugendstrategie). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 22/04/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2019. German Survey on Volunteering (Deutscher Freiwilligensurvey 2019). Berlin: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (last accessed 02/07/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ) and Robert Bosch foundation (Robert Bosch Stiftung), 2019. Access Study "Why not? A study of accesses and barriers in international youth exchange" (Zugangsstudie Warum nicht? Studie zum Internationalen Jugendaustausch: Zugänge und Barrieren) (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2015. Evaluation of the Federal Child Protection Act (Evaluation des Bundeskinderschutzgesetzes) (2013–2015). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales), 2021. The federal government's third participation report on the living circumstances of people with impairments. (Dritter Teilhabebericht der Bundesregierung über die Lebenslagen von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen.). Bonn: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal government (Die Bundesregierung), 2021. Life Situations in Germany. The German Federal Government's 6th Report on Poverty and Wealth (Lebenslagen in Deutschland. Der 6. Armuts- und Reichtumsbericht der Bundesregierung). Berlin (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Youth Board (Bundesjugendkuratorium) published an expert synopsis in 2020 of the various legal age limits applied to young adults aged 18 to 27 (Rechtsexpertise Gesetzliche Altersgrenzen im jungen Erwachsenenalter). Berlin (last accessed 16/04/2021).

German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut), 2012. Youth councils - Focal points for local youth work. About the project “Youth services and social change - Services and structures. (Jugendringe –Kristallisationskerne der örtlichen Jugendarbeit. Projekt Jugendhilfe und sozialer Wandel –Leistungen und Strukturen). München Deutsches Jugendinstitut (last accessed 27/04/2021).

Helle Becker/Andreas Thimmel, 2019. Access Study on international youth exchange. Results of the research project (Die Zugangsstudie zum internationalen Jugendaustausch. Zugänge und Barrieren), Schwalbach am Taunus: Wochenschau Verlag, (last accessed 29/04/2021).

INBAS Social Research PLC and INBAS Institute for Vocational Training, Labour Market and Social Policy PLC and ISG Institute for Social Research PLC (INBAS Sozialforschung GmbH and INBAS Institut für berufliche Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik GmbH and ISG Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik GmbH), 2015. Final report of the joint evaluation of the Federal Volunteer Service Act and the Act to Promote Youth Voluntary Services [Abschlussbericht der gemeinsamen Evaluation des Gesetzes über den Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFDG) und des Gesetzes zur Förderung von Jugendfreiwilligendiensten (JFDG)]. Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Independent Youth Policy Office (Arbeitsstelle Eigenständige Jugendpolitik), 2019. Synopsis Youth Policy in the federal states (Synopse Jugendpolitik in den Ländern) (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Institute for Applied Family, Childhood and Youth Research e.V. at the University of Potsdam (Institut für angewandte Familien-, Kindheits-und Jugendforschung e.V. an der Universität Potsdam), 2018. Changing youth in Brandenburg: lives · values · participation. (Wandel der Jugend in Brandenburg: Lebenslage · Werte · Teilhabe) (last accessed 02/07/2021).

Krell, C., Oldemeier, K., 2015. So you’ve come out, now what? A GYI research project on the situation faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* adolescents and young adults (Coming-out - und dann...?! Ein DJI-Forschungsprojekt zur Lebenssituation von lesbischen, schwulen, bisexuellen und trans* Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen). Munich: German Youth Institute (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Robert Koch Institute (Robert Koch-Institut, RKI), 2012 and 2018. German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (Studie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland, KiGGS-Studie). Berlin: Robert Koch Institute (last accessed 10/11/2021).

Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (Kultusministerkonferenz, KMK), The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany 2017/2018 (Übersicht über die deutschen Schulsysteme 2017/2018) (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Voluntary Activities

Annen, S. and Bretschneider, M., 2014. European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2014: country report Germany. Brussels: European Commission/Cedefop/ICF International (last accessed 17/03/2021).

European Commission/EACEA/GHK, 2010. Volunteering in the European Union (Freiwilligentätigkeit in der EU). Brussels: European Commission/EACEA/GHK (last accessed 23/10/2018).

European Commission/EACEA/GHK, 2010. Volunteering in the European Union. Brussels: European Commission/EACEA/GHK (last accessed 17/03/2021).

Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states (Länder) in the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland), 2013. German EQF Referencing Report (Deutscher EQR-Referenzierungsbericht). Berlin: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states (Länder) in the Federal Republic of Germany (last accessed 17/03/2021).

Federal-level working party FSJ (comprising national civil-society partner organisations that offer the Voluntary Social Year) (Bundesarbeitskreis FSJ), 2015. Position paper of Bundesarbeitskreis FSJ on the future of volunteering schemes (Positionspapier Bundesarbeitskreis FSJ ‚Zukunft der Freiwilligendienste). Berlin: Federal-level working party FSJ (last accessed 17/03/2021).

FSJ, FÖJ and/or BFD central offices (Verbandliche FSJ-, FÖJ- und/oder BFD-Zentralstellen). Labour market neutrality of volunteering schemes. Position paper of the FSJ, FÖJ and/or BFD central offices (Arbeitsmarktneutralität in Freiwilligendiensten. Positionspapier der verbandlichen FSJ-, FÖJ- und/oder BFD-Zentralstellen) 2016. Berlin: FSJ, FÖJ and/or BFD central offices (last accessed 18/03/2021).

German UNESCO Commission (Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V.), 2014. ‚kulturweit‘ survey on the whereabouts of former volunteers 2014 (»kulturweit«-Verbleibstudie 2014). Berlin: Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V. (last accessed 18/03/2021).

German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring), 2010. Position paper #75 of the German Federal Youth Council on civic commitment of young people – for yourself and for others (Position 75 des DBJR ‚Ehrenamtliches Engagement junger Menschen – für sich selbst und andere‘). Berlin: German Federal Youth Council (last accessed 18/03/2021).

German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring), 2012. Position paper #94 of the German Federal Youth Council on promoting civic commitment (Position 94 des DBJR ‚Ehrenamtliches Engagement stärken‘). Berlin: German Federal Youth Council (last accessed 18/03/2021).

Hielscher, Hannah; Eberhardt, Julia Bettina, 2015. Research Project „Internationalisation of the volunteer programmes FSJ, FÖJ and BFD: The Potential of Incoming for Germany“: Interim Results and Practice Check (Forschungsprojekt „Internationalisierung der Freiwilligendienste FSJ, FÖJ und BFD: Das Potential von Incoming für Deutschland“: Zwischenergebnisse und Praxis-Check). Voluntaris, 2015(1), pp. 115-119.

INBAS Social Research PLC and INBAS Institute for Vocational Training, Labour Market and Social Policy PLC and ISG Institute for Social Research PLC (INBAS Sozialforschung GmbH and INBAS Institut für berufliche Bildung, Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik GmbH and ISG Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik GmbH), 2015. Final report of the joint evaluation of the Federal Volunteer Service Act and the Act to Promote Youth Voluntary Services [Abschlussbericht der gemeinsamen Evaluation des Gesetzes über den Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFDG) und des Gesetzes zur Förderung von Jugendfreiwilligendiensten (JFDG)]. Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 18/03/2021).

Institute for public opinion polling Allensbach (Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach), 2013. Motives for civic commitment. Results of a survey of a sample representative of the population (Motive des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements. Ergebnisse einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Befragung]. Allensbach: Institute for public opinion polling Allensbach. (last accessed 18/03/2021).

TNS Infratest Social Research (TNS Infratest Sozialforschung), 2010. Main report of the survey of volunteering 2009 (Hauptbericht des Freiwilligensurveys 2009). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 18/03/2021).

Zimmer, A. and Backhaus-Maul, H., 2012. Promoting voluntary work at local level – What issues need to be considered? (Engagementförderung vor Ort –  Was gilt es in den Blick zu nehmen? Eine Arbeitshilfe für lokale Entscheidungsträger). Münster: University of Münster (last accessed 18/03/2021).

Employment & Entrepreneurship

Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Bundesinstituts für Berufsbildung, BIBB), Institute for Employment Research (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, IAB) in cooperation with the Institute of Economic Structures Research (Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftliche Strukturforschung, GWS), QuBe project – qualifications and occupations in the future (QuBe – Qualifikation und Beruf in der Zukunft), 2022, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 16th Child and Youth Report (16. Kinder- und Jugendbericht), 11 November 2020, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Der Paritätische, Rethinking the transition between school and work: for an inclusive education system from a human rights perspective (Übergang zwischen Schule und Beruf neu denken: Für ein inklusives Ausbildungssystem aus menschenrechtlicher Perspektive), May 2021, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Eurydice on the German education system (Eurydice zum deutschen Bildungssystem, National Specificities of the Education System, 26 October 2022, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

European Commission, Youth Guarantee country by country, October 2020, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Cooperative Federation for Youth Social Work (Kooperationsverbund Jugendsozialarbeit), Youth social work as an undervalued area for political education? (Jugendsozialarbeit – ein unterschätzter Raum politischer Bildung?) Issue 26 of the magazine DREIZEHN – Zeitschrift für Jugendsozialarbeit, December 2021, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Stiftung Universität Hildesheim, JuCo und KiCo, surveys of young people during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2022, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Social Inclusion

Authoring Group Educational Reporting (Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung), 2018. Education in Germany 2018. An indicator-based report including an analysis of the effects and yields of education (Bildung in Deutschland 2018. Ein indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zu Wirkungen und Erträgen von Bildung). Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag (last accessed 06/12/2019).

Authoring Group Educational Reporting (Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung), 2016. Education in Germany 2016. An indicator-based report including an analysis of education and migration (Bildung in Deutschland 2016. Ein indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zu Bildung und Migration), p. 91. Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Cinar, M., Otremba, K., Stürzer, M., Bruhns, K., 2013. Child migration report. An overview of data and research on the situations and lives of children from immigrant families (Kinder-Migrationsreport. Ein Daten-  und Forschungsüberblick zu Lebenslagen und Lebenswelten von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund). Munich: German Youth Institute (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2009. 13th child and youth report "More opportunities for growing up healthy – health-related prevention and health promotion in child and youth services (13. Kinder- und Jugendbericht, Mehr Chancen für gesundes Aufwachsen - Gesundheitsbezogene Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2013. 14th child and youth report – report on the living conditions of young people and the contributions of child and youth services in Germany (14. Kinder- und Jugendbericht‚ Bericht über die Lebenssituation junger Menschen und die Leistungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 06/12/2019).

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales), 2016. The federal government's second participation report on the living circumstances of people with impairments. Participation – impairment – disability. (Zweiter Teilhabebericht der Bundesregierung über die Lebenslagen von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen. Teilhabe – Beeinträchtigung – Behinderung). Bonn: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), Berlin Social Science Center (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, WZB) (eds.), 2016. Data report 2016. A social report for the Federal Republic of Germany (Datenreport 2016. Ein Sozialbericht für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland). Wiesbaden/Berlin: Federal Statistical Office, Berlin Social Science Center (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Federal Work Group for State Youth Welfare Offices, 2012. What Youth Welfare Offices Do. Mainz: Federal Work Group for State Youth Welfare Offices (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2017. Acting for a child- and youth-friendly society. The Youth Strategy 2015-2018 (Handeln für eine jugendgerechte Gesellschaft. Die Jugendstrategie 2015-2018). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 2017. Life Situations in Germany German Federal Government’s Report on Poverty and Wealth. Executive Summary. Bonn: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Hoch, C., 2017. Street kids in Germany - a survey of the dimension of the phenomenon. Final report -  main results of the 2nd project phase (Straßenjugendliche in Deutschland – eine Erhebung zum Ausmaß des Phänomens. Endbericht – zentrale Ergebnisse der 2. Projektphase). München: German Youth Institute (last accessed 26/10/2018).

IJAB, 2008. Child and Youth Policy. Child and Youth Services in the Federal Republic of Germany. Bonn: IJAB (last accessed 17/02/2020).

JUGEND für Europa, 2013. The EU youth strategy. A renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (Die EU-Jugendstrategie. Ein erneuerter Rahmen für die jugendpolitische Zusammenarbeit in Europa) (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Krell, C., 2013. Final report from the pilot study on the situation and discrimination faced by homosexual young people in Germany (Abschlussbericht der Pilotstudie 'Lebenssituationen und Diskriminierungserfahrungen von homosexuellen Jugendlichen in Deutschland'). Munich: German Youth Institute (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Krell, C., Oldemeier, K., 2015. So you’ve come out, now what? A GYI research project on the situation faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* adolescents and young adults (Coming-out - und dann...?! Ein DJI-Forschungsprojekt zur Lebenssituation von lesbischen, schwulen, bisexuellen und trans* Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen). Munich: German Youth Institute (last accessed 26/10/2018).

OECD, 2018. Education at a glance 2018: OECD indicators (last accessed 26/10/2018).

OECD, 2016. Education at a glance 2016: OECD indicators (last accessed 26/10/2018).

Prognos AG, 2014. Joint overall evaluation report of core marriage- and family-related benefits in Germany (Gesamtevaluation der ehe- und familienbezogenen Maßnahmen und Leistungen in Deutschland). Berlin: Prognos AG (last accessed 17/02/2020).

Robert Koch Institute (Robert-Koch-Institut), 2013. Health of children and young people in Germany (Die Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland). Berlin: Robert Koch Institute (last accessed 26/10/2018).


Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2017. ‘Acting for a child- and youth-friendly society'. Youth Strategy 2015-2018 (Handeln für eine jugendgerechte Gesellschaft. Die Jugendstrategie 2015-2018) Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 05/07/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), 2017. 15th child and youth report – report on the living conditions of young people and the contributions of child and youth services in Germany (15. Kinder- und Jugendbericht‚ Bericht über die Lebenssituation junger Menschen und die Leistungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 05/07/2021).

German Association for Public and Private Welfare (Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge e.V.), 2022. Glossary of social welfare terms, 9th edition. (Fachlexikon der sozialen Arbeit. 9. Auflage) Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft (publisher), page 635.

German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring), 1997. Navigating the information jungle: Guide to getting started with new communication technologies. (Wege durch den Infodschungel: Handbuch zum Einstieg in die neuen Kommunikationstechniken). Münster: Votum Verlag GmbH.

German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring), 2008. Representing the interests of young people – the youth service committees (Für die Interessen junger Menschen. Die Jugendhilfeausschüsse). Berlin: German Federal Youth Council (last accessed 05/07/2021).

German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut), 2012. Youth councils – the catalysts for local youth work (Jugendringe – Kristallisationskerne der örtlichen Jugendarbeit). Munich: German Youth Institute (last accessed 05/07/2021).

Lange, D., 2008. Citizenship Education in Germany. In: Viola B. Georgi (eds.): The Making of Citizens in Europe: new Perspectives on Citizenship Education. Bonn: Federal Agency for Civic Education (last accessed 05/07/2021).

Roth, R., Wenzl, U., 2017. Youth state parliaments in the federal states. Dialogue, participation, civic education and youth development (Jugendlandtage in den Bundesländern. Zwischen Dialog, Beteiligung, politischer Bildung und Nachwuchsförderung). Berlin: German Children's Fund (Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk). (last accessed on 06/07/2021).

Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states (Länder) in the Federal Republic of Germany (Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland), 2015. All-day schools in Germany – report by the Standing Conference dated 3 December 2015 (Ganztagsschulen in Deutschland. Bericht der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 3. Dezember 2015). Berlin/Bonn: Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states (Länder) in the Federal Republic of Germany (last accessed 06//07/2021).

The Media Authorities (die medienanstalten), 2016. Media skills report 2015/2016 (Medienkompetenzbericht 2015/2016) Berlin: The Media Authorities (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Education and Training

Authoring Group Educational Reporting (Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung), 2022. Education in Germany 2022. An indicator-based report including an analysis of the effects and yields of education (Bildung in Deutschland 2022. Ein indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zu Wirkungen und Erträgen von Bildung). Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Bertelsmann Foundation (Bertelsmann Stiftung), 2022. Skilled Labour Radar for Daycare Centres and Primary Schools, 2022 (Fachkräfte-Radar für Kita und Grundschule 2022). Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Bertelsmann Foundation (Bertelsmann Stiftung), 2018. Demokratiebildung an Schulen. Analyse lehrerbezogener Einflussfaktoren. Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung (last accessed 05/08/2023).

European Commission/Cedefop/ETF, 2018, European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2018 update, Country Report Germany (last accessed 06/08/2023).

European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice/Cedefop, 2014. Tackling Early Leaving from Education and Training in Europe: Strategies, Policies and Measures. Eurydice and Cedefop Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, p. 55, 158 (last accessed 02/12/2019).

Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung), 2023. Data report on the Vocational Training Report 2023. Information and analyses concerning the development of vocational training (Datenreport zum Berufsbildungsbericht 2023). Bonn: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (last accessed 05/08/2023)

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), 2023. Vocational Training Report 2023 (Berufsbildungsbericht 2023). Bonn: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), 2022. Duales Studium: Umsetzungsmodelle und Entwicklungsbedarfe. Zentrale Ergebnisse der Studie. Bonn: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Health and Well-Being

Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government (Die Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesregierung), 2016. Drug affinity report (Drogen- und Suchtbericht). Berlin: Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, 2012. Family time. Policies for time with the family as a chance for a sustainable family policy. Eighth Family Report (Zeit für Familie. Familienzeitpolitik als Chance einer nachhaltigen Familienpolitik. Achter Familienbericht). Berlin: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (last accessed 03/12/2019).

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Creativity and Culture

AGJ (Child and Youth Welfare Association/Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (2021): Youth work and youth social work during the coronavirus pandemic: An interim report on the impact on young people, young adults and the structures of youth (social) work/Jugendarbeit und Jugendsozialarbeit in Corona-Zeiten: Eine Zwischenbilanz zu den Auswirkungen auf Jugendliche, junge Erwachsene und die Strukturen der Jugend(sozial)arbeit (last accessed: 26 October 2021).

Office of Cultural Education NRW/Arbeitsstelle Kulturelle Bildung NRW (2020): Publication "Local integrated concepts for cultural education. Cultural education requires integrated thinking!"/Themenheft „Kommunale Gesamtkonzepte für Kulturelle Bildung. Kulturelle Bildung braucht Vernetzung!“ (last accessed: 23.10.2021).

Bertelsmann Stiftung (2018): Growing up in poverty/Aufwachsen in Armutslagen. Main factors and impact on participation in society (last accessed: 08.11.2021).

BKJ (German Federation for Cultural Youth Education/ Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung) (2011a): Cultural education. Strength through art and culture/Kulturelle Bildung. Stark im Leben mit Kunst und Kultur (last accessed: 25 October 2021).

BKJ (German Federation for Cultural Youth Education/Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung) (2011b): Culture opens up the world: More opportunities through cultural education/Kultur öffnet Welten: Mehr Chancen durch Kulturelle Bildung (last accessed: 26 October 2021).

BKJ (German Federation for Cultural Youth Education/Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung) (2012): Looking back, forwards: Cultural heritage in cultural education/Ein Blick zurück nach vorn. Kulturelles Erbe in der Kulturellen Bildung (last accessed: 20.10.2021).

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BMWi (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy/Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie) (2018): Everything but an entrepreneur? Tips for startups, entrepreneurs and freelancers in the culture and creativity industry/Alles, nur kein Unternehmer? Tipps für Gründerinnen, Gründer, Selbstständige in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft.  (last accessed: 5 November 2021).

German Cultural Council/Deutscher Kulturrat (2005): Cultural education in the context of educational reform/Kulturelle Bildung in der Bildungsreformdiskussion (last accessed: 20 October 2021).

Deutsches Jugendinstitut/Langmeyer, Alexandra/Guglhör-Rudan, Angelika/Naab, Thorsten/Urlen, Marc/Winklhofer Ursula (2020): Being a child during Corona. Early insights into the changed daily routines and wellbeing of children/Kindsein in Zeiten von Corona. Erste Ergebnisse zum veränderten Alltag und zum Wohlbefinden von Kindern (last accessed: 5 November 2021).

EACEA (European Education and Culture Executive Agency) (2008): Access of Young People to Culture. Final Report (last accessed: 23 October 2021).

Kelb, Viola (2020): What remains after the cooperation boom ends? How non-school organisations change through cooperation and how that change can be sustained/Was bleibt nach dem Kooperations-Boom? Wie sich außerschulische Organisationen durch Kooperationsarbeit verändern und wie dessen nachhaltige Verankerung gelingen kann. German Federation for Cultural Youth Education/Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung (ed.) (last accessed 31 October 2021).

Keuchel, Susanne (2013): Mapping cultural education/Mapping Kulturelle Bildung (last accessed: 26.10.2021).

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Youth and the World

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Greenpeace, 2021, Germany’s Sustainability Barometer (Jugendstudie Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer), Hamburg, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

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Youth Work

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Grohs, S., Reiter, R., 2017. Preventive services for children and young people in times of austerity. Is there still room for services if no subjective legal entitlement exists? (Vorbeugende Leistungen für Kinder und Jugendliche in Zeiten knapper Kassen. Bleibt noch Raum für Leistungen ohne subjektiven Rechtsanspruch?). In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 63 (2), pp. 187-216.

Janssen, R., 2010. The training of early childhood educators at vocational schools. A comparison of the federal states. Training initiative for early childhood educational professionals (Die Ausbildung frühpädagogischer Fachkräfte an Berufsfachschulen und Fachschulen. Eine Analyse im Ländervergleich. Weiterbildungsinitiative Frühpädagogische Fachkräfte). WiFF Expertisen, volume 1. Munich.

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Official websites

Youth Policy Governance

Website of an organisation

Advisory council for the Federal Volunteer Service (Beirat für den Bundesfreiwilligendienst) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

Child and Youth Policy Unit (Arbeitsstelle Kinder- und Jugendpolitik) of the German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut) (last accessed 26/04/2021).

Children's Commission (Kommission zur Wahrnehmung der Bedürfnisse von Kindern, KiKo) (last accessed 22/04/2021).

Children’s Commission parliamentary work plan (Arbeitsplan) (last accessed 26/04/2021).

Committee for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth at the German parliament (Ausschuss für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend im Deutschen Bundestag) (last accessed 22/04/2021).

Conference of Youth and Family Ministers (Jugend- und Familienministerkonferenz der Länder, JFMK) (last accessed 2704/2021).

Coordination centre for German-Czech youth exchanges (Koordinationszentrum Deutsch-Tschechischer Jugendaustausch) – Tandem (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth‘s civic advisory council on the joint implementation of the federal government's Youth Strategy (Beirat des BMFSFJ zur gemeinsamen Jugendstrategie der Bundesregierung) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, BMG) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz, BMJV) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (Bundesministerium des Inneren, für Bau und Heimat, BMI) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions (Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben, BAFzA) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien) (last accessed 26/04/2021).

Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt, Destatis) (last accessed 16/04/2021)

Federal working committee for state youth welfare offices (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Landesjugendämter) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

Franco-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

German Academic Exchange Services (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

German Center for Integration and Migration Research (Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung, DeZIM) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

German-Greek Youth Office (Deutsch-Griechisches Jugendwerk) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring) (last accessed 26/04/2021).

German-Polish Youth Office (Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

German-Russian youth exchange foundation (Stiftung Deutsch-Russischer Jugendaustausch) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

German-Turkish "youth bridge" (Deutsch-Türkische Jugendbrücke) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut) (last accessed 26/04/2021).

Germany’s National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth in Action (JUGEND für Europa) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues (Unabhängiger Beauftragter für Fragen des sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB – Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.) (last accessed 11/11/2021).

Information service: commented data on youth services ( Jugendhilfe - Kommentierte Daten der Jugendhilfe) (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Institute for Social Work and Social Education (Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik, ISS) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Japanese-German Center (Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum) (last accessed 02/07/2021).

National Agency Education for Europe (Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Office for Children and Youth Services Statistics (Arbeitsstelle Kinder- und Jugendhilfestatistik) (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Educational exchange service (Pädagogischer Austauschdienst, PAD) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Research and Practice in Dialogue (Forschung und Praxis im Dialog, FPD) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

State parliament Bavaria committee and children's commissions (Bayerisches Landesparlament Ausschuss Soziales) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

State parliament Thuringia committee and children's commissions (Thüringer Landesparlament Ausschuss für Bildung, Jugend und Sport) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

State parliament Hamburg committee and children's commissions (Hamburgische Bürgerschaft Familien-, Kinder- und Jugendausschuss)  (last accessed 27/04/2021).

State youth welfare office (Landesjugendamt) (last accessed 27/04/2021).

Statistical Offices of the Federal Government and the Länder (Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Transfer e.V. (Transfer e.V.) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

UK-German Connection (UK-German Connection) (last accessed 29/04/2021).

The Competence Centre Youth-Check (Kompetenzzentrum Jugend-Check) set up in 2017 looks at planned policy changes across all federal ministries and assesses their potential effects on young people aged 12 to 27 (last accessed 16/04/2021).

Youth Council of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Jugendbeirat des Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, BMZ), 2019 (last accessed 28/05/2024).

Youth Strategy service office (Servicestelle Jugendstrategie), (last accessed 22/04/2021).

Website of a project/programme etc.

Coming-out in NRW (Coming-out in NRW), project 2020 (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Digital extracurricular learning and education-oriented practices of young people (Digitale außerschulische lern- und bildungsbezogene Handlungspraxen von Jugendlichen, Dab-J)  project, 2021 (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Digitalisation in education: fundamental questions and factors for success (Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich - Grundsatzfragen und Gelingensbedingungen), programme, 2021 (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Encouraging Youth in the Neighbourhood (JUGEND STÄRKEN im Quartier), programme, 2021 (last accessed 02/07/2021).

Experiences of LGBT*Q adolescents in vocational training (Erfahrungen von LSBT*Q Jugendlichen in der beruflichen Bildung), project (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Evaluation of the programme Live Democracy! (Evaluation des Programms "Demokratie Leben!"), project 2021 (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend), Have your say: Shaping the future of child and youth services (Mitreden – Mitgestalten: Die Zukunft der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe), process/dialogue/discussion, 2019, (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Federal Youth Board (Bundesjugendkuratorium) (last accessed 26/04/2021).

German Microcensus (Mikrozensus), survey 2021 (last accessed 11/11/2021).

Independent Youth Policy Office (Arbeitsstelle Eigenständige Jugendpolitik), information platform 2021 (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Live Democracy! (Demokratie leben!), programme, 2021 (last accessed 22/04/2021).

Opening doors with exchanges and dialogue (Chancen eröffnen durch Austausch und Begegnung), initiative, 2020 (last accessed 29/04/2021).

Opportunities for parents II - getting families involved in education early on (Elternchance II), programme, 2021 (last accessed 02/07/2021).

Participative project (, project, 2021 (last accessed 22/04/2021).

Promoting vocational education for sustainable development. Enabling green skills for climate-friendly, resource-efficient action at work (Berufsbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung befördern. Über grüne Schlüsselkompetenzen zu klima- und ressourcenschonendem Handeln im Beruf, BBNE), programme 2021 (last accessed 28/05/2024).

Queer recreation and sport spaces (Queere Freizeit), project 2018 (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Research project on the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy in Germany (Wissenschaftliche Begleitung der Umsetzung der EU-Jugendstrategie in Deutschland) (2010–2018), project 2019 (last accessed 30/06/2021).

Youth Policy Days (Jugendpolitiktage), youth participation format, 2021 (last accessed 22/04/2021).

Youth Welfare and Social Change – Services and Structures (Jugendhilfe und sozialer Wandel, JHSW), project, 2021 (last accessed 02/07/2021).

Voluntary Activities
Website of an organisation

Agency for Social Service (Agence du Service Civique) (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Association for disability and development (Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit e.V., bezev), Inclusive Volunteer Services (last accessed 12/12/2022).

EuroPeers (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) (last accessed 15/04/2021).

Federal Office for Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions (Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben) (last accessed 15/04/2021).

Franco-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk), 2019. Regulations of the Franco-German Youth Office (Richtlinien des Deutsch-Französischen Jugendwerks) (last accessed 20/12/2019).

Franco-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk), Becoming a volunteer (Freiwilliger werden) (last accessed 12/12/2022).

German parliament (Deutscher Bundestag) (last accessed 15/04/2021).

German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring) (last accessed 15/04/2021).

German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut, DJI) (last accessed 15/04/2021).

IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB – Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.) (last accessed 15/04/2021).

JUGEND für Europa - German National Agency for the “Youth in Action” EU Programme (JUGEND für Europa - Deutsche Agentur für das EU-Programm JUGEND IN AKTION) (last accessed 15/04/2021).

Research Alliance German Youth Institute/Technical University of Dortmund (Forschungsverbund Deutsches Jugendinstitut/Technische Universität Dortmund) (last accessed 15/04/2021).

Bilateral Youth Offices and coordination centres (all last accessed 15/04/2021)
Website of a project/programme etc.

European Solidarity Corps (ESC) (last accessed 12/12/2022).

European Solidarity Corps (ESC), countries covered (last accessed 12/12/2022).

European Solidarity Corps (ESC), training & support for participants (last accessed 12/12/2022).

European Solidarity Network (EuSN) (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ): Federal Volunteer Service (Bundesfreiwilligendienst, BFD) (last accessed 21/04/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ): Time to do the right thing (Zeit, das Richtige zu tun) (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ): Voluntary Ecological Year (Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr) (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ): Voluntary Social Year (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr) (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions (Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben, BAFzA), volunteers as cultural companions for people with dementia (Freiwillige als Kulturbegleitende für Menschen mit Demenz) (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Federal-level working party FSJ (comprising national civil-society partner organisations that offer the Voluntary Social Year) (Bundesarbeitskreis FSJ), Information for people who are not German (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Franco-German Volunteer Service (Deutsch-Französischer Freiwilligendienst), (last accessed 15/04/2021).

International Youth Voluntary Service (Internationaler Jugendfreiwilligendienst, IJFD), (last accessed 15/04/2021).

kulturweit, cultural volunteering programme, (last accessed 15/04/2021).

weltwärts, development-oriented volunteer service, (last accessed 15/04/2021).

weltwärts, development-oriented volunteer service, the south-north component (last accessed 15/04/2021).

weltwärts, development-oriented volunteer service, what costs are covered (last accessed 12/12/2022).

Youth voluntary services (Jugendfreiwilligendienste), (last accessed 15/04/2021).

Junior ambassador (Juniorbotschafter/-innen), (last accessed 15/04/2021).

Employment & Entrepreneurship
Websites of the federal ministries and federal authorities

Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, BA), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, BMWK), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMfSFJ), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Websites of cross-national coordination bodies:

Standing Conference of the Ministers of Economic Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Wirtschaftsministerkonferenz), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Kultusministerkonferenz, KMK), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Websites of federal institutes:

Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, BIBB), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Institute for Employment Research (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, IAB), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Überaus – online platform to facilitate transitions between training and employment (Fachstelle Überaus of the BIBB), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Websites of associations, foundations and other nationally relevant players:

Alliance for Initial and Further Training (Allianz für Aus- und Weiterbildung), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Bertelsmann foundation (Bertelsmann-Stiftung), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz), funding database of the federal government, federal states and EU (Förderdatenbank Bund, Länder und EU), December 2022, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Cooperative Federation for Youth Social Work (Kooperationsverbund Jugendsozialarbeit), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

German Reference Point for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (Deutsche Referenzstelle für Qualitätssicherung in der beruflichen Bildung (DEQA-VET), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

European Commission, EaSI - Better access to finance for a more social Europe (EaSI besserer Zugang zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für ein sozialeres Europa), 4 February 2019, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

European Commission, Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Network School-Economy (Netzwerk Schulewirtschaft), (last accessed: 22 December 2022)

Social Inclusion
Website of an organisation

Caritas Germany (Caritas Deutschland) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Association for Assistance for the Homeless (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Association of Non-statutory Welfare (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Association for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees  (Bundesfachverband unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge e.V.) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Centre for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Ministry of Finance (Bundesministerium der Finanzen) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Federal Youth Advisory Board (Bundesjugendkuratorium) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

German Centre for Addiction Issues (Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.V.) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

German children's fund (Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

German statutory pension insurance scheme (Deutsche Rentenversicherung) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

GKV network (GKV-Netzwerk) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

International Society for Human Rights (Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte, IGFM) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

National Coalition Germany (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Service offices for Intercultural learning in daycare centres and schools (Servicestellen für Interkulturelles Lernen in Kita & Schule) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states (Länder) in the Federal Republic of Germany (Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

UNESCO Associated Schools (UNESCO-Projektschulen) (last accessed 09/08/2019).

Working Party of the Länder Youth Offices (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Landesjugendämter) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Youth migration services (Jugendmigrationsdienste) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Website of a project/programme etc.

see also Employment &Entrepreneurship

Among friends - Alliances for young refugees (Willkommen bei Freunden - Bündnisse für junge Flüchtlinge), programme, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Berlin youth democracy fund (Jugend-Demokratiefonds Berlin), regional fund, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Culture builds strength – Alliances for education (Kultur macht stark – Bündnisse für Bildung), programme, 2015-2017 (to be continued) (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Democracy and tolerance (Demokratie und Toleranz), funding directive in Lower Saxony, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Directive to promote measures for the societal and social integration of immigrants (Förderrichtlinie Integration), funding directive, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Education package (Bildungspaket), programme, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

ESF-funded federal government programme for assistance with vocational training (ESF Bundesprogramm Berufseinstiegsbegleitung), programme, 2014-2022 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Innovation fund (Innovationsfonds), fund, 2017-2019 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Live Democracy! (Demokratie leben!), programme, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

No Hate Speech, campaign, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

People helping people (Menschen stärken Menschen), programme, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Respect Coaches (Anti-Mobbing-Profis), project, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Social participation through work for young adult refugees and beneficiaries who are fit for work (Soziale Teilhabe durch Arbeit für junge erwachsene Flüchtlinge und erwerbsfähige Leistungsberechtigte STAFFEL), model programme, 2016-2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Support young people in the neighbourhood (JUGEND STÄRKEN im Quartier), model programme, 2015-2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

University guarantee fund (Garantiefonds Hochschule), fund, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Vocational orientation for refugees (Berufsorientierung für Flüchtlinge), programme, 2016-2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Vocational training opportunities for refugees (Wege in Ausbildung für Flüchtlinge), initiative, 2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Youth Work International - Experiencing Diversity (Jugendarbeit international - Vielfalt erleben, JiVE), initiative for education and integration, 2015-2018 (last accessed 26/11/2018).

Website of an organisation

Brandenburg state parliament (Landtag Brandenburg) on popular initiatives (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Child and Youth Welfare Association (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, AGJ) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Centre for Information and documentation of work against racism (Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für Antirassismusarbeit e.V., IDA) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Child and youth board of North Rhine-Westphalia (Kinder- und Jugendrat Nordrhein-Westfalen) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Christian Democratic Union of Germany (Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands, CDU) on party membership (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Civic Participation Network (Netzwerk Bürgerbeteiligung) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, bpb): Bildungsaufgabe und Schulfach. (last accessed on 06/07/2021).

Federal Council (Bundesrat) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

  • Federal Foreign Office on ‘German schools abroad’ (Auslandsschulen) (last accessed 06/07/2021).
  • Federal Foreign Office on ‘PASCH initiative’(PASCH-Initiative) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Federal Network for Child and Youth Participation (BundesNetzwerk Kinder- und Jugendbeteiligung) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Federal President (Bundespräsident) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Facts about Germany (Tatsachen über Deutschland). (last accessed on 06/07/2021).

German children's fund (Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

German National Association for Student Affairs (Deutsches Studentenwerk) (last accessed 06/21/2021).

German parliament (Deutscher Bundestag) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

German Research Institute for Public Administration (Deutsches Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration (Hessisches Ministerium für Soziales und Integration) with press release on youth action programme 'Shaping the future together' (Jugendaktionsprogramm 'Gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Independent Youth Policy Centre (Zentrum Eigenständige Jugendpolitik) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Joint initiative of providers of political education for youth (Gemeinsame Initiative der Träger Politischer Jugendbildung, GEMINI) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Local Government Associations at Federal Level (Bundesvereinigung der kommunalen Spitzenverbände) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Ministry for Children, Familiy Affairs, Refugees and Integration of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen) on ‘Independent youth policy’ (Eigenständige Jugendpolitik) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, Youth, Integration and Consumer Protection of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate (Ministerium für Familie, Frauen, Jugend, Integration und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz) on ‘Independent youth policy in Rhineland-Palatinate’ (Eigenständige Jugendpolitik in Rheinland-Pfalz) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

National committee for political education (Bundesausschuss politische Bildung e.V., bap) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Network for diversity-conscious youth and educational work (Netzwerk für DIVErsitätsbewusste Jugend- und Bildungsarbeit) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Network for intercultural youth organisation work and research (Netzwerk interkultureller Jugendverbandsarbeit und -forschung, NiJaF) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Party of Young Socialists in the Social Democratic Party of Germany (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Jungsozialistinnen und Jungsozialisten in der SPD, Jusos) on membership (Mitgliedschaft) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Regional media authorities (Landesmedienanstalten) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Regional Youth Council of Brandenburg (Landesjugendring Brandenburg) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Rhineland-Palatinate youth forum (jugendforum rlp) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

School student councils of the federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesschülerkonferenz) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Social Democratic Party of Germany (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD) on party membership (Mitgliedschaft) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (Kultusministerkonferenz, KMK) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

The Federal Returning Officer (Der Bundeswahlleiter) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Umbrella organisation of incorporated and unincorporated student bodies fzs (fzs - freier zusammenschluss von studentInnenschaften) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

German UNICEF comittee (Deutsches Komitee für UNICEF) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Young Christian Democrats of Germany (JUNGE UNION Deutschlands, JU) on membership (Mitgliedschaft) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Youth participation resource centre of North Rhine-Westphalia (Servicestelle für Kinder- und Jugendbeteiligung in Nordrhein-Westfalen) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Youth PressGermany (Jugendpresse Deutschland e.V.) (last accessed 06/07/2021).

Website of a project/programme etc.

Active for democracy and tolerance (Aktiv für Demokratie und Toleranz), competition, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Do it from 16! (Mach’s ab 16!), election campaign in Brandenburg, 2014 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

I'm in politics (Ichmache>Politik), project 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Vote from 16 (Wählen ab 16), election campaign in Baden-Württemberg, 2019 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

We are bringers of happiness (neXTvote – Wir sind GlücksbringerXinnen), election campaign in Lower Saxony, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Get involved – make a difference (Sich einmischen – was bewegen), youth engagement competition in Rhineland-Palatinate, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

junior election (Juniorwahl), project, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

rethink – think young – fresh ideas for NRW (umdenken – jungdenken! Frische Ideen für NRW), initiative in North Rhine-Westphalia, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Shaping the future together – 20 participation projects for Hesse (Gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten – 20 Partizipationsprojekte für Hessen), youth action programme, 2017-2019 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Social cohesion through participation (Zusammenhalt durch Teilhabe, ZdT), federal programme, 2017-2020 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Strong youth – make a difference (STARK gemacht! - Jugend nimmt Einfluss), programme in Berlin, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Young people make a difference (Jugend BeWegt), programme in Baden-Württemberg, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Youth debate (Jugend debattiert), competition for schools, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Live Democracy! (Demokratie leben!), federal programme, 2015-2019 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

No Hate Speech, campaign, 2016 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Democratic Action (Demokratisch Handeln), competition, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Wahl-O-Mat, election campaign, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

JULEICA, online portal with information about the youth leader card, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

JuMP youth, media and participation (JuMP Jugend, Medien und Partizipation), project in North Rhine-Westphalia, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Model European Parliament in Germany (Modell Europa Parlament Deutschland, MEP), programme, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Pupil mentor programme (Schülermentorenprogramm), programme in Baden-Württemberg, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Rhineland-Palatinate youth forum (jugendforum rlp), online-dialogue, 2012 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Schools: Partners for the Future, PASCH (Schulen: Partner der Zukunft, PASCH), initiative, 2017 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Standing up for children’s rights (Starkmachen für Kinderrechte), campaign, 2015 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Young people in state parliament (Jugend im Landtag), participation project in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, 2017 (last accessed 10/10/2017).

Youth Work International – Experiencing Diversity (Jugendarbeit international – Vielfalt erleben), youth political initiative, 2011-2017 (last accessed 10/10/2017). (, project, 2016-2018 (last accessed 25/06/2021).

Education and Training
Website of an organisation

Alliance for Initial and Further Training (Allianz für Aus- und Weiterbildung) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Department for the Protection of Children and Young People in the Media (Bundeszentrale für Kinder- und Jugendmedienschutz) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Antidiskriminierungsstelle) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Centre for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, BZgA) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, BiBB) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) (last acessed 05/08/2023).

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS) (last acessed 05/08/2023).

  • BMAS on the education package (Bildungspaket) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Foundation for youth stamps (Stiftung Deutsche Jugendmarke) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Franco-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

German Education Server (Deutscher Bildungsserver, DBS) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

German Federation for Cultural Youth Education (Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e.V.) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Goethe Institute (Goethe-Institut) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB – Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

JUGEND für Europa - German National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth (Jugend für Europa – Nationale Agentur Erasmus + Jugend) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Minister of State for Culture and the Media (Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Educational Exchange Service (Pädagogischer Austauschdienst, PAD) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Polish-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (Kultusministerkonferenz) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

State media authorities (Landesmedienanstalten) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Tandem – Coordination centre for German-Czech youth exchanges (Tandem – Koordinierungszentrum Deutsch-Tschechischer Jugendaustausch) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Youth Information Nuremberg (Jugend Information Nürnberg) on youth information services in the South of Germany (Süddeutsche Jugendinformationszentren) (last accessed 05/08/2023).

Website of a project/programme etc.

Growing together campaign (Aktion zusammen wachsen), programme since 2008 (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Anabin, information portal on foreign educational qualifications (Anabin. Das Infoportal zu ausländischen Bildungsabschlüssen), information portal (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Worldwide training (Ausbildung weltweit), programme (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Boys’ Day (Jungen-Zukunftstag), project (last accessed 06/08/2023).

BQ-Portal. The information portal for foreign professional qualifications (BQ-Portal. Das Informationsportal für ausländische Berufsqualifikationen), information portal (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Parental opportunities (Eltern ChanceN), programme, 2021 – 2027 (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Erasmus +, programme, 2021 - 2027 (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Dual training (Die Duale), campaign (last accessed 06/08/2023).

University guarantee fund (Garantiefonds Hochschule), programme (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Girls’ Day (Mädchen-Zukunftstag), project (last accessed 06/08/2023).

i-EVAL evaluating international youth exchanges (i-Eval Evaluation internationaler Jugendbegegnungen), platform (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Initiative on Educational Chains (Initiative Bildungsketten), initiative (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Initiative VerA to prevent training dropouts (Initiative VerA zur Verhinderung von Ausbildungsabbrüchen), initiative (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Innovative higher education institutions (Innovative Hochschule), initiative, (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Internet -ABC for teachers (Internet-ABC für Lehrkräfte), information portal (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Youth protection project, project (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Strengthening youth (JUGEND STÄRKEN), initiative (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Youth competitions (Jugendwettbewerbe), competitions (last accessed 06/08/2023).

JUVENTUS, programme 2021 – 2027 (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Portal child and youth services (Portal der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe), information portal (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Klicksafe, initiative (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Klischeefrei initiative on choosing a career or course of study (Klischeefrei, Initiative zur Berufs- und Studienwahl), initiative (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Culture builds strength – Alliances for education (Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung), programme, 2018 – 2022 (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Media scouts NRW (Medienscouts NRW), project in North Rhine-Westphalia, 2017 (last accessed 06/08/2023).

People helping people (Menschen stärken Menschen), programme, since 2016 (last accessed 06/08/2023).

MIXED UP' competition, 2017 (last accessed 06/08/2023).

No Hate Speech, campaign, (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Nursing training (Pflegeausbildung), campaign (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Practically unbeatable. You + your training (Praktisch unschlagbar. Du + Deine Ausbildung), campaign (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Look out! (Schau hin), Initiative to promote media literacy (Initiative zur Förderung der Medienkompetenz), initiative (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Diversity in schools (Schule der Vielfalt), network (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Schools without Racism – Schools with Courage (Schule ohne Rassismus – Schule mit Courage), network (last accessed 06/08/2023).

School-Economy (Schulewirtschaft), network (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Study in Germany, information portal (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Valikom – validation procedure (Valikom – Validierungsverfahren), project (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Young researchers (Jugend forscht), competition (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Health and Well-Being
Website of an organisation

aid - Info service (aid – infodienst e.V.) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Association of school social workers (Kooperationsbund Schulsozialarbeit) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Central ADHD network (zentrales adhs-netz) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Centres for addiction issues in the federal states (Landesstellen für Suchtfragen) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Citizens advice bureaux (Verbraucherzentrale) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Conference of Health Ministers (Gesundheitsministerkonferenz) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Conference of Sports Ministers (Sportministerkonferenz) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Cooperation Network "Equity in Health" (Kooperationsverbund "Gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit") (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Faculty of Health Sciences at Bielefeld University (Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften der Universität Bielefeld) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Association for Health Promotion and Prevention (Bundesvereinigung Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung e.V.) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Centre for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Services (Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Inneren) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal working committee for more child safety (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Mehr Sicherheit für Kinder e.V.) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal working committee for school social work (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schulsozialarbeit) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal working committee for sport in vocational training (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Sport in der beruflichen Bildung) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Youth Advisory Board (Bundesjugendkuratorium) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

German Academy of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (Deutsche Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin e.V.) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

German Centre for Addiction Issues (Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

German Nutrition Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

German Olympic Sports Confederation (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

German Sport University Cologne (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

German Sports Youth (Deutsche Sportjugend dsj) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Healthy Cities Network (Gesunde Städte-Netzwerk) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Hesse sports youth (Sportjugend Hessen e.V.) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Hesse state sports association (Landessportbund Hessen e.V.) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Hessian Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (Hessisches Kultusministerium) (last accessed 03/12/2019 ).

Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sports (Hessisches Ministerium des Inneren und für Sport) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Max Rubner-Institut. Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food (Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ernährung und Lebensmittel) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration od North Rhine-Westphalia (Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

National Centre on Early Prevention in Childhood (Nationales Zentrum Frühe Hilfen) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

National quality centre for nutrition in child day care and schools (Nationales Qualitätszentrum für Ernährung in Kita und Schule) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Network to promote health in schools (Netzwerk Schulen für Gesundheit) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

North Rhine-Westphalia sports federation (Landessportbund NRW) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Office S3 and Guidelines Child Protection c/o University Paediatric Clinic Bonn (S3+Leitlinienbüro Kinderschutz c/o Universitätskinderklinik Bonn) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Research Centre for School Sports and the Physical Education of Children and Young Adults (Forschungszentrum für den Schulsport und den Sport von Kindern und Jugendlichen) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Robert Koch-Institute (Robert Koch-Institut) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Saxony centre for addiction issues (Sächsische Landesstelle gegen die Suchtgefahren e.V.) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Schleswig-Holstein Sports Youth (Sportjugend Schleswig-Holstein) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states (Länder) in the Federal Republic of Germany (Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

State Institute for School Quality and Education Research (Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung München) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Ministry of Interior Affairs, Rural Areas and Integration of Schleswig-Holstein (Ministerium für Inneres, ländliche Räume und Integration) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Website of a project/programme

Action Programme on Environment and Health (Aktionsprogramm Umwelt und Gesundheit), action programme, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Addiction prevention in the community (Kommunale Suchtprävention), national competition, 2015-2016 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Alcohol? Know your limits (Alkohol? Kenn dein Limit), prevention campaign, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Come on tour – my strengths, my future (Komm auf Tour - meine Stärken, meine Zukunft), project, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Culture builds strength – Alliances for education (Kultur macht stark – Bündnisse für Bildung), programme, 2015-2017 (to be continued) (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Early Prevention in Childhood (Frühe Hilfen), government initiative, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Federal Youth Games (Bundesjugendspiele), competition, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Feel Fit|Youth Hostels (Fit Drauf – Jugendherbergen), campaign, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

IN FORM, national initiative to promote healthy diets and physical activity, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Life carries weight (Leben hat Gewicht), initiative, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Make children strong (Kinder stark machen), participatory campaign for early addiction prevention, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

No child without sport (Kein Kind ohne Sport), state-wide information and networking campaign in Schleswig-Holstein, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Physical education mentor (Schülermentor/-in Sport), initiative, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

PrevNet, cooperation project between the Federal Centre for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, BZgA) and the state addiction prevention co-ordinators from twelve federal states, 2017 (last accessed 21/08/2017).

School network for healthy life and learning (Netzwerk Schulen Gesund Leben Lernen), project in Lower Saxony, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

School sports competitions (Schulsport-Wettkampfprogramm), calendar, 2019 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

School with a physical education profile (Schule mit sport- und bewegungserzieherischem Schwerpunkt), initiative in Baden-Württemberg, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Schools and sports clubs – working together for an active day (Schule und Sportverein – gemeinsam für einen bewegten Tag), programme in Hesse, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Sport: Alliances! Exercise – Education – Participation (Sport: Bündnisse! Bewegung – Bildung – Teilhabe), programme, launched in June 2013 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Sports clubs in all-day schools and child day care centres (Sportvereine in Ganztag und Kindertageseinrichtungen), state-wide programme in North Rhine-Westphalia, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

STAY HEALTHY move, relax, eat! (GUT DRAUF bewegen, entspannen, essen – aber wie!), campaign, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Youth Training for Olympia (Jugend trainiert für Olympia), national school competition, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Zero alcohol – full power (Null Alkohol – Voll Power), youth alcohol prevention campaign, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

ZI:EL+ 'Investing in the future: development of young commitment to sport' (ZI:EL+ Zukunftsinvestition: Entwicklung jungen Engagements im Sport!), funding initiative, 2017 (last accessed 03/12/2019).

Creativity and Culture

Academy of Arts Education of the German Government and State of North Rhine-Westphalia/Akademie der Kulturellen Bildung des Bundes und des Landes NRW (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Action programme to help young people catch up/Aktionsprogramm „Aufholen nach Corona für Kinder und Jugendliche“, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth/Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

CPD for cultural education/Angebote für kulturelle Bildung, Bavarian State Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Affairs/Bayrisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Office of cultural education NRW/Arbeitsstelle Kulturelle Bildung NRW (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Education package/Bildungspaket, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs/Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Bronnbacher Scholarship - Cultural education of prospective leaders/Bronnbacher Stipendium – Kulturelle Kompetenz für künftige Führungskräfte, Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft (last accessed: 27 October 2021)

Federal academy for cultural education in Wolfenbüttel/Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Federal academy for musical youth education in Trossingen/Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendbildung Trossingen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Federal working party of higher-level youth offices/Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Landesjugendämter (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Federal Youth Advisory Board/Bundesjugendkuratorium (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth/Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

German Federation for Cultural Youth Education/Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Burg gründet! PLUS, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle/Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Office for Cultural Education/Büro Kulturelle Bildung, Hessian Ministry of Cultural Affairs/Hessisches Kultusministerium (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Career & Transfer Service Center, Berlin University of the Arts/Universität der Künste Berlin (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Creative.NRW, Ministry of Economics, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy of North Rhine- Westphalia/Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

DesignFarmBerlin, Weissensee Academy of Art Berlin/Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

German Digital Library/Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation/Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

German Youth Photo Award/Deutscher Jugendfotopreis, German Centre for Youth and Children's Films/Deutsches Kinder- und Jugendfilmzentrum (KJF) (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

German Cultural Council/Deutscher Kulturrat e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Digital agenda/Digitale Agenda, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy/Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie: last accessed: 20.01.2021)

Digital pact for schools/Digitalpakt Schule, Federal Ministry of Education and Research/Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Diversity fund/Diversitätsfonds, Government of North Rhine-Westphalia/Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, European Union (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Young Artists Festival Bayreuth/Festival junger Künstler Bayreuth (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Funding database/Förderdatenbank, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy/Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Award scheme for young artists/Förderpreis für junge Künstlerinnen und Künstler, Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia/Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Funding initiative "A new start for culture"/Förderprogramm Neustart Kultur, German Association of Socioculture/Bundesverband Soziokultur (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

CPD/Fort- und Weiterbildung, Hessian Ministry of Cultural Affairs (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Current legislation and regulations, Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia/Ministerium des Innern des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Generator Startup Center, Stuttgart Media University/Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

goHfG, University of Applied Design Schwäbisch Gmünd/Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Gründerwerkstatt neudeli, Bauhaus University Weimar/Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Cultural and creative economy initiative/Initiative Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy/Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Institute for Music and Creative Industries Practice/Institut für Musik und Kreativwirtschaftspraxis, University of Popular Music and Music Business Baden-Württemberg/Popakademie Baden-Württemberg (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

International activities, German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning/Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

An instrument, dancing or singing for every child/Jedem Kind Instrumente, Tanzen und Singen, Association of music schools of North Rhine-Westphalia/Landesverband der Musikschulen in NRW e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Jugend musiziert, German Music Council/Deutscher Musikrat e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

JugendKulturService (last accessed: 15.10.2021)

Young cultural initiatives/Junge Kulturinitiativen, German Association of Socioculture/Fonds Soziokultur e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Känguru Colonia Verlag (last accessed: 15.10.2021)

Kilometer 1, HTWG Konstanz – University of Applied Sciences/Hochschule Konstanz Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Cultural skills certificate/Kompetenznachweis Kultur, German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning/Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Contact points for (young) freelancers in the federal states/Kontaktstellen für (angehende) Selbstständige in den Bundesländern (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

KOST school and theatre partnership in Saxony/KOST – Kooperation Schule und Theater in Sachsen, Saxon State Theatres/Landesbühnen Sachsen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Creative potentials Berlin/Kreativpotentiale Berlin, the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family/Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Developing creative potentials in NRW/Kreativpotentiale entfalten NRW, Office of cultural education NRW/Arbeitsstelle Kulturelle Bildung NRW (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Creative potentials/Kreativpotentiale, Wider Sense TraFo (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Kubinaut, Foundation for Cultural Education and Cultural Consulting/Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung// State Association for Cultural Youth Education Berlin/Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung Berlin e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Kultur Digital, German Federal Cultural Foundation/Kulturstiftung des Bundes (last accessed: 27 October 2021)

Culture builds strength - Alliances for education/Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung, Federal Ministry of Education and Research/Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Kultur.Forscher!, PwC Foundation/PwC-Stiftung (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Culture and community/Kultur.Gemeinschaften, Cultural Foundation of the German Federal States/Kulturstiftung der Länder (last accessed: 27 October 2021)

Cultural education/Kulturelle Bildung, City of Bonn (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Cultural education/Kulturelle Bildung, Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs/Kultusministerkonferenz (last accessed: 15.10.2021)

Cultural education/Kulturelle Bildung, Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia/Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Cultural education/Kulturelle Bildung, Ministry for Schools and Education of North Rhine-Westphalia/Ministerium für Schule und Bildung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Cultural youth work in NRW/Kulturelle Jugendarbeit in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Ministry of Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of North Rhine-Westphalia/Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Cultural education for children and young people in Hanover/Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung, City of Hanover (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Cultural education/Kulturelle Vermittlung, Minister of State for Culture and Media/Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Culture case/Kulturkoffer, State Association for Cultural Education of Hesse/Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Bildung Hessen e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Cultural Backpack North Rhine-Westphalia/Kulturrucksack NRW, Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia/Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen// Ministry of Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of North Rhine-Westphalia/Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs/Kultusministerkonferenz (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

State programme "Culture and school"/Landesprogramm „Kultur und Schule“, Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia/Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

State programme "School of culture/Landesprogramm Kulturschule Baden-Württemberg, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports Baden-Württemberg/Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Baden-Württemberg (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

lehrer-online, Eduversum (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Libelle Verlag (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

LizzyNet (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

mebis, Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture/Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Medienscouts NRW, Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia/Landesanstalt für Medien NRW (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

MeSax – Mediathek, Saxon state authority for school and education/Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Sachsen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Members, German Federation for Cultural Youth Education/Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

MOVE2STARTUP, Film University Babelsberg/Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Musenkuss Düsseldorf, City of Dusseldorf (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Musenkuss Köln, City of Cologne (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Musenkuss München, City of Munich (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Network for cultural education research/Netzwerk Forschung Kulturelle Bildung (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Culture and inclusivity network/Netzwerk Kultur und Inklusion, Academy of Arts Education of the German Government and State of North Rhine-Westphalia/Akademie der Kulturellen Bildung des Bundes und des Landes NRW (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Cultural education network/Netzwerk Kulturelle Bildung, State working group for child and youth culture/Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendkultur e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

A new start for culture/Neustart Kultur, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media/Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Brandenburg cultural education platform/Plattform Kulturelle Bildung Brandenburg, Brandenburg society for culture and history/Brandenburgische Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geschichte (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

qualifizierung digital, Federal Ministry of Education and Research/Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Council for Cultural Education/Rat für Kulturelle Bildung e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

School, learning and education in the 21st century/Schule, Lernen, Bildung im 21. Jahrhundert, Bertelsmann Foundation/Bertelsmann Stiftung (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Schule:Kultur!, Lower Saxony Ministry of Culture and Ministry for Science and Culture/Niedersächsische Kultusministerium und das Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Self-employment, University of Art and Design Offenbach am Main/Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media/Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Talent schools/Talentschulen, Ministry for Schools and Education of North Rhine-Westphalia/Ministerium für Schule und Bildung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Schedule of events, German Federation for Cultural Youth Education/Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e.V. (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Transferpark, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design/Muthesius Kunsthochschule (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Association of federal and state music academies/Verband der Bundes- und Landesmusikakademien in Deutschland (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Online cultural education knowledge platform/Wissensplattform Kulturelle Bildung Online, Academy of Arts Education of the German Government and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia/Akademie der Kulturellen Bildung des Bundes und des Landes NRW/Federal academy for cultural education in Wolfenbüttel/Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel, German Federation for Cultural Youth Education/Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung, University of Hildesheim Foundation/Stiftung Universität Hildesheim (last accessed: 29 November 2021)

Centre for school quality and teacher training/Zentrum für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung (ZSL), Außenstelle Schloss Rotenfels (last accessed: 29 November 2021)


Youth and the World
Website of an organisation

African-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Afrikanisches Jugendwerk, DAJW), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

AIESEC Germany (AIESEC Deutschland), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Association of One World Regional Networks in Germany (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Eine Welt-Landesnetzwerke in Deutschland e.V., agl), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Bochum University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Bochum), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Civil Peace Service (Konsortium Ziviler Friedensdienst, ZFD), (last accessed 01/08/2023).

Climate-Alliance Germany (Klima-Allianz), (last accessed 01/08/2023).

Competence Centre Youth-Check (Kompetenzzentrum Jugend-Check), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

ConAct Coordination centre German-Israeli Youth Exchange (ConAct Koordinierungszentrum Deutsch-Israelischer Jugendaustausch), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Conference of providers of International Youth Community and Youth Social Services (Trägerkonferenz der Internationalen Jugendgemeinschafts- und Jugendsozialdienste), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Conference of Youth and Family Ministers (Jugend- und Familienministerkonferenz), (last accessed 25/07/2023).

Development policy education and information centre in Berlin (Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum Berlin, EPIZ), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Eduversum Verlag, ‘Teachers online’ website (Lehrer-Online), collection of subjects on education for sustainable development, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Engagement Global gGmbH, (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Eurodesk, (last accessed 19/07/2023).

European Year of Youth (Europäisches Jahr der Jugend, EJJ), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

FairBindung e.V., (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federal Government (Die Bundesregierung), UN sustainability goals (UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Federal government's parliamentary advisory council on sustainable development (Parlamentarischer Beirat für nachhaltige Entwicklung im Bundestag), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federal government“s sustainability dialogue platform (Webseite der Bundesregierung zur Nachhaltigkeitspolitik), (last accessed 01/08/2023).

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, BMZ), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz, BMUV), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ), alliance for the young generation (Bündnis für die junge Generation), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ), conference of providers of International Youth Community and Youth Social Services (Trägerkonferenz zur Fortentwicklung der europäischen und internationalen Jugendpolitik und Jugendarbeit), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ): Federal Volunteer Service (Bundesfreiwilligendienst), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat), political foundations in Germany (Politische Stiftungen in Deutschland), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Federal Working Group for Work and Life (Bundesarbeitskreis Arbeit und Leben), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federal youth conference (Bundeskulturweferenz), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federation of German Consumer Organisations (Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentralen und Verbraucherverbände), service portal for consumer education (Serviceportal für Verbraucherbildung), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Foundation for Exchanges between East and West (Stiftung West-Östliche Begegnungen), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (Stiftung Erinnerung Verantwortung Zukunft, EVZ), (last accessed 27/07/2023).

Fridays for Future, (last accessed 19/07/2023).

German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

German Association for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

German Catholic Youth Federation (BUND der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend, BDKJ), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

German Commission for UNESCO (Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V., DUK), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

German Commission for UNESCO Global Citizenship Education, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

German Commission for UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

German Council for Sustainable Development (Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) National Programme for Sustainable Consumption (Nationales Programm für nachhaltigen Konsum) Updated in 2021, (last accessed 20/07/2023).

German federal states and development policy (Deutsche Länder in der Entwicklungspolitik), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring, DBJR), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

German Institute for Human Rights (Institut für Menschenrechte), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

German National Committee for International Youth Work (Deutsches Nationalkomitee für Internationale Jugendarbeit, DNK), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

German NGO Forum on Environment and Development (Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung), (last accessed 01/08/2023).

German Network for Education about China (Bildungsnetzwerk China), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

German-Russian youth exchange foundation (Stiftung Deutsch-Russischer Jugendaustausch), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

German Scout Federation and German Guide Federation (Ringe deutscher Pfadfinderinnen- und Pfadfinderverbände), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Germanwatch e.V., (last accessed 19/07/2023).

German Young Naturefriends (Naturfreundejugend Deutschlands), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Global climate strike (Globaler Klimastreik), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Global education portal (Portal Globales Lernen), (last accessed 24/07/2023).

Global education portal on food waste (Lebensmittelverschwendung), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Global education portal on global education organisations (Globales Lernen, Organisationen des Globalen Lernens), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Global education portal on waste and waste management (Globales Lernen, Abfall und Müllentsorgung), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

GloNet – national network for global education in vocational training (GloNet - bundesweite Vernetzung zu Globalem Lernen in der beruflichen Bildung), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Goethe Institute (Goethe-Institut), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Green Youth (GRÜNE JUGEND), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Greenpeace Youth (Greenpeace Jugend), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB – Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Information Centre Educational Mandate North-South (Informationsstelle Bildungsauftrag Nord-Süd), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Japanese-German Center Berlin (Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Karl-Kübel foundation (Karl-Kübel-Stiftung), (last accessed 27/07/2023).

kulturweit, cultural volunteering programme (Freiwilligendienst kulturweit), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Last Generation (Die letzte Generation), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Learning and Helping Overseas Association (AKLHÜ e.V. – Fachstelle und Netzwerk für internationale personelle Zusammenarbeit), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Leuphana University Lüneburg (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

National competence centre for sustainable consumption (Nationales Kompetenzzentrum für nachhaltigen Konsum), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

National Working Group for Nature and Environmental Education (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Natur und Umweltbildung, ANU), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (Naturschutzbund Deutschland, NABU), (last accessed 01/08/2023).

'OneWorldBlahBlah' youth portal (Jugendportal „Eine Welt BlaBla“), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

OneWorld Internet Conference (Eine Welt Internet Konferenz, EWIK), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Pedagogical exchange service (Pädagogischer Austauschdienst, PAD), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Polish-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Political foundations

Portal of the UNESCO Global Action Programme Education for Sustainable Development (Nationale Plattform Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, BNE Portal), 2020-2030, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

School Exchange Programme for Development Education (Entwicklungspolitisches Schulaustauschprogramm, ENSA), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (Kultusministerkonferenz, KMK), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Tagesschau article on the compulsory social year for young people (Debatte um soziale Pflichtzeit für junge Menschen), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

teamGLOBAL – peer education network for young communication multipliers (teamGLOBAL - Peer-Education-Netzwerk für junge Multiplikator:innen), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

United Nations Association of Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen e.V.,DGNV), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN-Kinderrechtskonvention), (last accessed 22/04/2023).

UNICEF Youth Council (UNICEF-Juniorbeirat), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

VENRO Umbrella organisation of development and humanitarian aid non-governmental organisations (VENRO Verband Entwicklungspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe deutscher Nichtregierungsorganisationen), (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Voluntary Ecological Year (Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr, FÖJ), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

weltwärts development-oriented volunteer service, Freiwilligendienst weltwärts, (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Work and Study Exchanges (ASA-Programm), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

WorldWideKnowledge (WeltWeitWissen), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

World house (Welthaus Bielefeld), (last accessed 21/07/2023).

WWF Youth (WWF-Jugend), (last accessed 21/07/2023).

YoucoN Youth conference (YoucoN Jugendkonferenz) (zuletzt aufgerufen am 21/06/2023), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

YoupaN youth forum (YoupaN Jugendforum), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Youth Association for the Protection of Nature (Naturschutzjugend, NAJU), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Youth of BUND – Young Friends of the Earth Germany (BUNDjugend – Jugend im Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz), (last accessed 20/07/2023).


Website of a project/programme etc.

Across Boundaries – Global Learning in Vocational Education (Grenzenlos - Globales Lernen in der beruflichen Bildung), project, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

African-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Afrikanisches Jugendwerk, DAJW), TeamsUp! Youth Exchange for Sustainable Development (TeamsUp! Jugendbegegnungen für nachhaltige Entwicklung), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

All for One World – One World for all (Alle für Eine Welt – Eine Welt für alle), school competition on development policy, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

‘Arbeit und Leben’ German-American exchange programmes (Arbeit und Leben Deutsch-US-Amerikanische Begegnungsprogramme), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

‘Arbeit und Leben’ German-Chinese exchange programmes (Arbeit und Leben Deutsch-Chinesische Begegnungen), since 2006, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Brandenburg development policy education and information days (Brandenburger Entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Informationstage, BREBIT), information days, (last accessed 26/07/2023).

BUNDjugend KlimaAUSbildung, climate protection project at vocational schools, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Chat of the Worlds (Chat der Welten), programme, (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Council for Sustainable Development (Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung) German Action Days on Sustainability (Deutsche Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit) nationwide project since 2012, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Council for Sustainable Development (Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung), ‘The Sustainable Shopping Basket’ (Der nachhaltige Warenkorb) (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Development policy information and education (EpIB – Entwicklungspolitische Informations- und Bildungsarbeit), programme in North Rhine-Westphalia, (last accessed 26/07/2023).

Education meets development (Bildung trifft Entwicklung), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Fairtrade-Schools (FairTrade Schulen), campaign, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Federal Environment Competition (Bundesumweltwettbewerb), competition since 1990, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, BMWK), ‘climate bonus’ project for regional climate protection (Klimabonus), 2023-2026, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, BMWK), educational project ‘Experiencing climate protection together in a playful way’ (‘Raus! Gemeinsam spielerisch Klimaschutz erleben’), 2023-2026, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, BMWK), energy efficiency champion (Energiesparmeister Wettbewerb), competition, ongoing since 2009, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, BMWK) German Climate Initiative since 2008 (Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative), (last accessed 19/07/2023).

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, BMWK), ‘My Climate Protection Campaign’ (‘Mein Klimaschutz’-Kampagne), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) Action programme to help young people catch up (Aktionsprogramm „Aufholen nach Corona für Kinder und Jugendliche“), 2021-2022, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Funding of associations by the German Environment Agency (Verbändeförderung des Umweltbundesamts), ongoing, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Funding Programme for Development Education in Germany (Förderprogramm Entwicklungspolitische Bildung, FEB) of Engagement Global gGmbH, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Funding programme for development policy training (Programm zur Förderung entwicklungspolitischer Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen), programme, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst DAAD), Ta‘ziz Partnership for Democracy (Ta‘ziz-Partnerschaft für Demokratie), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

German youth delegates at the General Assembly of the UN (Deutsche Jugenddelegierte zur Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Institute for Applied Ecology (Öko-Institut), 2019, project week on sustainable consumption (Projektwoche Nachhaltiger Konsum), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Intercultural week (Interkulturelle Woche), annual nationwide initiative of the German Bishops‘ Conference (Deutsche Bischofskonferenz), the Protestant Church in Germany (Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland, EKD) and the Greek Orthodox Metropolia (Griechisch-Orthodoxe Metropolie), awareness raising event, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

'Meat or bicycle?' (Fleisch oder Fahrrad?), sustainable swaps game, (last accessed 27/07/2023).

‚Model projects to educate on sustainable development' (Beispielhafte Projekte für eine Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung), funding initiative in Baden-Württemberg, (last accessed 27/07/2023).

Model United Nations, (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Multipliers for global education (Multiplikator*in für Globales Lernen), series of training courses offered by the evangelisches Forum entwicklungspolitischer Freiwilligendienst efef, ongoing, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

National platform Education for Sustainable Development c/o Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Nationale Plattform Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung c/o Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

'NRW mobile phone campaign' (Handy-Aktion NRW), campaign, (last accessed 27/07/2023).

NRW peace service (Konkreter Friedensdienst NRW), programme in North Rhine-Westphalia, (last accessed 27/07/2023).

'One World promoters' programme (Eine Welt-Promotor*innen), (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Portal of the UNESCO Global Action Programme Education for Sustainable Development (BNE Portal), Education for Sustainable Development: Learn for our planet. Act for sustainability, 2020-2030, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Programme for Action Groups (Aktionsgruppenprogramm), programme for funding for small projects on development policy information and education activities, programme, 2019, (last accessed 27/07/2023).

Saarland development policy education days (Entwicklungspolitische Bildungstage im Saarland, EPOBITS), information campaign, (last accessed 27/07/2023).

Saxony development policy education days (Sächsische Entwicklungspolitische Bildungstage, SEBIT), information campaign, (last accessed 27/07/2023).

School exchange between Rhineland-Palatinate and Rwanda Schulpartnerschaften zwischen Rheinland-Pfalz und Ruanda, exchange programme in Rhineland-Palatinate, (last accessed 27/07/2023).

State Chancellery of Saarland (Staatskanzlei Saarland) initiated the sustainability and information campaign “Responsibility and sustainability – do your bit“ (Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit. Mach mit!), (last accessed 27/07/2023).

Stiftung Tagwerk ‘Your effort makes an impact’ campaign (‘Dein Einsatz zeigt Wirkung’) for schools since 2007, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Sustainability at work – future-oriented training (Nachhaltig im Beruf – zukunftsorientiert ausbilden), funding programme of the BMBF, 2023-2025, (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Terre des hommes 'Change your perspective – street child for one day' (Sichtwechsel – Straßenkind für einen Tag), awareness raising campaign, (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Thuringia development policy education days (Thüringer Entwicklungspolitische Bildungstage, thebit), information campaign, 2021, (last accessed 01/08/2023).

'Too good for the bin!' (Zu gut für die Tonne!), initiative, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Climate Change Conference, youth delegations (UN-Biodiversitätskonferenz Delegation), (last accessed 20/07/2023).

UNESCO, Learning to live together sustainably, (last accessed 20/07/2023).

World University Service Global Education Week, (last accessed 19/07/2023).

'Your song for ONE WORLD' (Dein Song für EINE WELT!), song contest, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Youth delegates for Sustainable Development (Jugenddelegierte für nachhaltige Entwicklung), (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Youth delegation to UN climate conference (Klimadelegation UN-Klimakonferenz), (last accessed 13/10/2023).

Youth Dialogue (Jugenddialog Youth Goals), (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Youth for development cooperation (Jugend für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit), programme in Brandenburg, (last accessed 27/07/2023).

Youth Policy Days (Jugendpolitiktage), youth participation format, (last accessed 21/07/2023).

Y7 Summit (Y-7-Gipfel) 2022, (last accessed 20/07/2023).

Y20 Summit (Y-20-Gipfel), (last accessed 20/07/2023).


Youth Work
Website of an organisation

Academic Network on Youth Work (Wissenschaftsnetzwerk Kinder- und Jugendarbeit) (last accessed 31/07/2023).

Alliance of state youth welfare offices (Zusammenschluss der Landesjugendämter, BAG LJÄ) (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Child and Youth Welfare Association (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, AGJ) (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Eurodesk (last accessed 13/12/2019)

Federal association of open-door youth work (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Offene Kinder- und Jugendeinrichtungen e.V., BAG OKJE) (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Federal Congress on Youth Work (Bundeskongresses Kinder- und Jugendarbeit) (last accessed 31/07/2023).

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Federal Network on Youth Work (Bundesnetzwerk Kinder- und Jugendarbeit) (last accessed 31/07/2023).

Federation of Protestant Youth in Germany (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend in Deutschland, aej) (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (last accessed 11/08/2023).

German Association for Public and Private Welfare (Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge) (last accessed 13/12/2019).

German Federal Youth Council (Deutscher Bundesjugendring) (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Germany's National Agency for the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme and the European Solidarity Corps JUGEND für Europa (last accessed 13/12/2019).

German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut, DJI) (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg, HAW) (last accessed 11/08/2023).

Network "Kommune goes International" (last accessed 13/12/2019).

“Open Doors” Association of North Rhine-Westphalia (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Offene Türen Nordrhein-Westfalen, AGOT NRW) (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Research partnership between the German Youth Institute (DJI) and TU Dortmund University (Forschungsverbund Deutsches Jugendinstitut /Technische Universität Dortmund) (last accessed 31/07/2023).

Website of a project/programme etc.

European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA) Bonn-Process, community process since 2020, (last accessed 31/07/2023).

jugendnetz-berlin, state programme on media literacy, 2023 (last accessed 11/08/2023).

JULEICA (last accessed 13/12/2019).

Landesforum Jugendarbeit Hessen, expert forum, 2023 (last accessed 11/08/2023).

Portal child and youth services (Portal der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe), information portal (last accessed 06/08/2023).

Transfer Office for Implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda in Germany. (Transferstelle zur Ausgestaltung der European Youth Work Agenda in Deutschland) (last accessed 31/07/2023).

Wanja project group at the University of Siegen (last accessed 13/12/2019).