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EACEA National Policies Platform


4. Social Inclusion

Last update: 1 April 2024
National Social Inclusion Strategy

Hungary does not have a youth-specific inclusion strategy, but most provisions of the new National Social Inclusion Strategy [(Magyar Nemzeti Társadalmi Felzárkózási Stratégia 2030) referred hereinafter to as NSIS 2030], adopted in 2021, concern young people. The main objectives of the previous inclusion strategy (between 2011-2020) are continued in the new strategy prepared in accordance with the EU law. The NSIS 2030 has established a long-term inclusion strategy that aims to change attitudes when it comes to

  • poverty reduction and
  • Roma policy.

The NSIS 2030 has nine major areas of intervention. Among them, several are specifically related to the situation of young people (for example, youth affairs and public education). (For more information on the Strategy, see 4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people)

National Action Plan 2030 on the Child Guarantee

One of the most important political changes in recent times has been that the government adopted the Government Decree on the National Action Plan 2030 on the Child Guarantee (A gyermekek jogainak garanciáit biztosító nemzeti cselekvési terv 2030). The Action Plan aims at improving the well-being of children and reduce poverty by providing quality public services available to all children. The target group of the Action Plan are children at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE). (For more information on the Action Plan, see 4.3 Strategy for the social inclusion of young people)

Inclusive Programmes for Young People

Hungary has four nation-wide inclusive programmes for young people:

  • the 'Útravaló' Scholarship Programme (Útravaló Ösztöndíj Program),
  • the Arany János Programmes (Arany János Programok),
  • the National Talent Programme (Nemzeti Tehetség Program), and
  • the Tanoda Programme (Tanoda Program).

The first two have a high success rate in the specific target group, while the National Talent Programme focuses on diversity and wide availability. (See more in sub-chapter 4.4 Inclusive Programmes for Young People.)