4. Social Inclusion
Social inclusion is an antonym for social exclusion, which as a complex phenomenon means restrictions on participation in public life (political, economic, social, societal) and lack of access to work, sufficient income, educational opportunities and social networks (source). One of the Lithuanian youth policy action plan for 2023-2027 goals is to ensure the social inclusion of youth: to develop the system of work with youth, increasing the coverage and integration of youth with fewer opportunities and challenges into society, the education system and the labor market. First goal of plan is - ensuring social inclusion, well-being and global citizenship education of youth.
The main challenges related to the social inclusion of young people in Lithuania are youth unemployment and integration in the labour market, non-formal education and youth entrepreneurship. Socially excluded young people usually come from socially vulnerable families, from families whose parental rights were limited, from orphanages, youth living in remote/rural areas, children of migrant workers and immigrants, children of ethnic minorities, young people with any physical or mental disabilities and unemployed young people. Despite economic growth, increasing household revenues, and falling unemployment, inequality and poverty indicators in Lithuania remain among the highest in the European Union and raise the biggest concerns (source). Improved general and youth social security and reduced social exclusion remain among the social policy priorities. Lithuania pledges to step up social inclusion of young people, especially those who do not work or study and improve the protection of workers, including immigrants. The main focus has been placed on increasing opportunities for young people who are most distant from the labour market to participate in the implementation of active inclusion measures. Services for activation of voluntary activities of youth and the elderly projects for the implementation of local employment initiatives, strengthening competencies of the disabled, sociocultural services and services of integration into the labour market of the Roma, have been planned for.