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3. Employment & Entrepreneurship

3.10 Promotion of entrepreneurship culture

Last update: 19 March 2024

Special events and activities

Various national institutional entities promote entrepreneurial culture, also through public communication campaigns.

A series of events and activities, focused on the promotion of youth entrepreneurship and the valorisation of the most innovative entrepreneurial initiatives developed by young people, are organised by associations linked to the business world. These include:

  • the annual Conference of Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria, this year they promoted “Talentis – GI Startup Program”, a series of events, meetings and contests dedicated to Italian startups, promoted by the Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria, in particular by the Triregional Committee of Young Entrepreneurs and the Interregional Committee for the South of Young Entrepreneurs, with the RetImpresa technical partnership. 
  • The National Forum of Female and Youth Entrepreneurship, organised annually by the GammaDonna Association, with the aim of promoting the growth of the role of women and young people in the productive world, giving visibility to the most innovative business initiatives.
  • PNICube, the association that brings together university incubators, is the promoter of two initiatives: National Award for Innovation - PNI which awards the best innovative business ideas in the university environment and the Italian Master Startup Award event which rewards young hi-tech companies based on the results achieved in the first years of their business.
  • #BizFactory is a national event that rewards the best business ideas of high school students aged 16 to 19 who took part in the entrepreneurial education program Impresa in azione promoted by JA Italia.

Networks and partnerships

In addition to those already mentioned, there are numerous other networks of young entrepreneurs that promote the development of youth entrepreneurship at national, regional and local levels. Some of them focus on specific productive sectors and are based on partnerships between public operators and private entities (associations, companies, etc.). They include:

  • the National Association for Young Entrepreneurship, which offers opportunities for networking, training and information to young people interested in developing their business idea;
  • CNA-Giovani, section of young entrepreneurs of the National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises;
  • ANGA, National Association of Young Farmers, youth sector of Confagricoltura, seeking to make an impact on youth policies in the agricultural sector, through lobbying;
  • MicroLab Association which promotes the valorisation and development of self-employment, as well as the creation and development of start-ups and micro enterprises by young entrepreneurs;

ItaliaStartup association is the association that brings together start-ups, scaleups, and innovative SMEs. Its lobbying activity is aimed at promoting the emergence of new networks and partnerships between the actors of the Italian innovation ecosystem.