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1. Youth Policy Governance

1.2 National youth law

Last update: 16 July 2024

Existence of a National Youth Law

In accordance with Article 31 of the Italian Constitution, the Republic shall protect young people “by adopting necessary provisions”.

According to Article 117 of the Constitution, youth matters are covered by concurring legislation. Therefore, the legislative powers on youth matters are distributed among the central Government, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces. The determination of the fundamental principles is laid down in State legislation.

At national level, various drafts framework law on youth have been under discussion for the past few years. The Update of the Economic and Finance Document 2023 (Nadef), which outlines the baseline scenario under existing legislation and the public finance targets for the 2024-2026, envisages a new law on youth and the Universal Civic Service (“Disposizioni in materia di giovani e servizio civile universale e deleghe al Governo per il riordino della materia”), which should be drafted in 2024. Even though the specifics are not available yet, the new law should encompass, among others, topics such as youth checks and youth work.

At regional level, out of the 20 Italian Regions, 17 adopted a legislation on youth policies in compliance with the constraints set by the Constitution, the current European and international legislations and the national strategy for youth (Cf. 1.3). As of 2023, there is no evidence of the existence of a framework law in the following Regions: Abruzzo, Calabria and Molise.

Scope and Contents

The current regional laws (or autonomous Provinces laws) on youth policies are the following:

Basilicata Region: Regional law 11/2000, “Recognition and promotion of the role of the young generations in the regional society.”

The law promotes youth citizenship rights, their autonomous participation in civil society, and regional institutions, as well as the full development of their personality on the cultural, social and economic levels. It provides for the adoption of biennial plans for youth policies, identifying the main areas of intervention. It establishes a Regional Youth Forum and a Committee for Youth Policies.

Campania Region: Regional law 26/2016, “Building the future. New policies for young people”. The law promotes the following measures in favour of young people:

  1. well-being and personal development:
  2. active citizenship and leadership;
  3. promotion of competencies and talents;
  4. formal and non-formal education and training
  5. access to the labour market;
  6. mobility;
  7. dedicated youth spaces.

The law recognizes and promotes youth work; it provides for a regional planning mechanism for interventions, also in coordination with the Municipalities, and establishes a regional Observatory on youth policies and the Regional Youth Forum.

Emilia Romagna Region: Regional law 14/2008, “Norms on policies for young generations”. The law:

  1. establishes a regional Observatory on children and young people;
  2. promotes access to the labour market for young people;
  3. supports the provision of information and orientation in the 338 youth centres;
  4. set up a youth portal GIOVAZOOM.

Friuli Venezia Giulia Region: Regional law 5/2012, “Law for the autonomy of young people on the Guarantee Fund for youth opportunities.”

The law, addressed at young people in the age group 14-35, promotes the following measures in favour of young people:

  1. participation;
  2. access to housing and to the labour market, including entrepreneurship;
  3. mobility;
  4. participation in cultural, social and sports’ activities;
  5. development of youth centres;
  6. information, through a dedicated website and the development of Eurodesk points.

Lazio Region: Regional Law 14/2021 - Promotion and coordination of youth policies, which emends the Regional law 20/2007 - “Promotion of tools for the institutional participation of young generations in political and administrative life.”

The law aims to implement the Council of Europe’s “Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life”. It recognizes the role and favours the establishment, development and interaction of:

  1. the Municipal councils of young people (15-25 years).
  2. the Municipal councils of children (8-14 years)

The law also establishes a network of all youth councils, aimed at promoting the exchange of good practices.

Liguria Region: Regional law 6/2009, “Promotion of children and youth policies.”

The law aims to implement the Council of Europe’s “Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life”. It establishes a system of coordination among sectoral policies addressed at youth. It establishes the duties, tasks and responsibilities of the Region, the Provinces and the Municipalities. It promotes youth participation, the creation of a Youth Forum at Regional level and of youth forums at provincial level. It supports youth organizations and youth work.

Lombardy Region: Regional Law 4/2022 – “La Lombardia è dei giovani” Regulation of regional youth policies - Regional law no. 4 adopted on 31.03.2022.

The law includes 11 articles and provides for an allocation of €10 million over three years, for direct interventions and funding aimed at strengthening the actions promoted in the areas of civic and social commitment, study, research, sport, culture, work, entrepreneurial and professional job. In addition, support actions for services are foreseen (including Youth Information and Youth Centers) in collaboration with other bodies, associations and institutions. The following bodies and initiatives are also established: The Regional Observatory on youth policies, the Youth Forum, a new dedicated site of the Lombardy Region and the regional youth award.

Marche Region: Regional law 24/2011, “Norms on youth policies”.

The law is addressed at the age group16-35. It is a comprehensive text that foresees the development of a regional plan in consultation with youth organizations, and the annual programming of activities. The law promotes the development of Eurodesk info points and the creation of a dedicated website for youth information. It promotes youth access to housing and to the labour market, including entrepreneurship, and the development of talents. It promotes youth participation at political, cultural, and social levels.

Piemonte Region: Regional law 6/2019, “New legislation on youth policies”.

The law aims to develop youth policies in coordination with Municipalities and youth organizations and supports the activities with a financial contribution of €350 000 per year. It is addressed to the age group 15-29 and introduces and supports the professional role of the youth workers. It envisages the creation of a Youth Forum composed of 25 local administrators under 30 years of age and 25 representatives of youth organizations. The law set up a Roster for youth organizations,that will enable them to receive public funding. The dedicated portal provides information on youth policies.

Puglia Region: Regional law 14/2020, “Regional measures in favour of adolescents”.

The law promotes participation, active citizenship, education, health and healthy lifestyles, and the leadership of young people aged 15 to 19. The law enhances the figure of “youth workers” and supports their training. It establishes a Regional Forum for adolescents to encourage a dialogue among regional, local authorities and adolescents.

Sardegna Region: Regional law 11/1999, “Initiatives and coordination of activities for youth”.

The law promotes, inter alia, the following measures:

  1. participation;
  2. representation, associations and consultative bodies;
  3. social inclusion;
  4. access to the labour market.

Sicilia Region: Regional law 6/2019, “Norms on youth policies”.

It establishes a Regional Youth Forum and a Regional Observatory on Youth Policies. The law aims to implement the Council of Europe’s “Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life” and European youth policies. It promotes, inter alia, the following measures in favour of youth in the age group 14-35:

  1. participation and active citizenship;
  2. social inclusion;
  3. information;
  4. formal and non-formal education;
  5. access to the labour market.

The law establishes:

  • the Regional Committee for the coordination of youth policies;
  • the Commission for the inter-sectoral integration of youth policies;
  • the Permanent Observatory on the youth condition;
  • the Regional Youth Forum and Provincial and Municipal Forums.

Toscana Region: Regional law 81/2020, “Promotion of regional youth policies”.

The law takes inspiration and consolidates the experience gained since 2011 by "Giovanisì" the region’s project for the autonomy of young people. “Giovanisì” is a system of opportunities structured in seven macro-areas: internships, housing, civic service, business development, education and training, job market. It also promotes participation, culture, legality, social actions and sports. The beneficiaries of the project are young people aged 16 to 40 and the opportunities are funded through regional, national and European resources.

Trentino-Alto Adige (Bolzano e Trento):

- Bolzano Autonomous Province: Provincial law 13/1983, “Promotion of youth services in the Province of Bolzano”. The law:

  1. sets up a bureau that promotes youth work, also through training of volunteer and paid youth workers;
  2. provides financial support to youth organizations;
  3. supports the creation of youth centres and youth spaces.

- Trento Autonomous Province: Provincial laws 5/2007 and 7/2009, relating to the development, coordination and promotion of youth policies; the provincial civic service; the Provincial Youth Council. In 2018, Provincial law 8/2008modified some provisions of the previous legislation on youth. In particular, the law simplified the procedure for granting public funding to youth organizations. The law promotes, inter alia, the following measures in favour of youth:

  1. participation, active citizenship;
  2. creativity, entrepreneurship;
  3. volunteering.

Umbria Region: Regional law 1/2016,"Norms on youth policies".

The law aims at the implementation of European youth policies. It promotes - in close collaboration with the municipalities - the following measures in favour of young people in the 14-35 age group:

  1. participation and active citizenship;
  2. access to housing;
  3. formal and non-formal education, certification of acquired skills;
  4. access to the labour market, including entrepreneurship and the creation of new jobs;
  5. mobility;
  6. development of youth centres;
  7. volunteering;
  8. prevention and fight against bullying and cyber-bullying.

Valle d’Aosta Region: Regional Law 12/2013, “Promotion and coordination of policies in favour of young people”.

The law promotes, inter alia, the following measures in favour of young people in the 14-29 age group:

  1. inclusion;
  2. participation;
  3. volunteering;
  4. access to housing;
  5. access to the labour market;
  6. training;
  7. mobility;
  8. information.

The law establishes a regional coordination group for youth policies. Every three years, a regional youth plan sets specific objectives in collaboration with local authorities and youth representatives. The law establishes a local forum and a regional youth forum.

Veneto Region: Regional law 17/2008, relating to the promotion of youth leadership and participation in social life. In line with European youth policies, the law promotes, inter alia, the following measures in favour of youth in the 15-30 age group:

  1. inclusion;
  2. participation;
  3. volunteering;
  4. access to housing;
  5. access to the labour market;
  6. training;
  7. mobility;
  8. information.

The law establishes a regional youth forum.


At national level, a specific law on youth does not exist yet. However, various drafts framework law on youth have been under discussion for the past few years and the Update of the Economic and Finance Document 2023 envisages a new law on youth and the Universal Civic Service, which should be drafted in 2024. Even though the specifics are not available yet, the new law should encompass, among others, topics such as youth checks and youth work.

Regarding the revisions/updates to regional laws on youth, the Lazio Regional Law 14/2021 has emended the Regional law 20/2007 in order to implement the Council of Europe’s “Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life” and has established a network of all youth councils, aimed at promoting the exchange of good practices. The Trento Autonomous Province Provincial law 8/2008 has modified some provisions of the previous legislation on youth, simplifying the procedure for granting public funding to youth organizations.