6.6 Social inclusion through education and training
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Education support
On the theme of inclusion, there are projects on the national territory launched by some Ministries. The Care Leavers Project provides for the experimentation on a national basis of interventions in favour of those who, upon their coming of age , live outside their family of origin on the basis of a court order. It is promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies within the framework of the Fund for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion and it is carried out in collaboration with the Innocenti Institute.
The project is being tested throughout the country with the general objective of accompanying young adults towards autonomy by creating the necessary supports to allow them to gradually build a future and become adults as soon as they leave the protection system. The experimentation therefore involves care leavers capable of embarking on a path to autonomy who will then be able to benefit from a structured project to accompany them towards adulthood, the result of a multidimensional assessment (Preliminary Analysis and Analysis Framework) drawn up by the social worker, community educators or foster family members preferably as early as the age of seventeen.
The autonomy project describes the activity through which the needs and expectations of the young person are transformed into objectives and results of change aimed at fulfilling the aspirations of the beneficiaries through the use of their resources and capacities plus the support of the services and resources of the community. The project lasts three years and accompanies the beneficiaries until they reach the age of 21. The boys and girls are accompanied in the realisation of their own pathways, which may be oriented towards the completion of upper secondary education or university training, vocational training or access to the labour market.
Cohesion and equal opportunities
Some of the projects promoted within the framework of the National Strategy for Inner Areas (SNAI) touch on the issue of integrating young people into the economic and social life of the territory, focusing on the issue of permanence in the weak areas of the country, avoiding depopulation and the implosion of social and economic life.
Other projects aimed at young people have been framed by the Metropolitan Cities Operational Program, which has led some Italian metropolitan centres to launch urban-scale initiatives aimed at young people.
- The Municipality of Bologna launched the Urban Innovation Foundation
- The Municipality of Milan the 'School of Neighbourhoods' training program.
On the subject of inequality, in the educational field and beyond, it is worth highlighting the activities of the Forum Disparities and Diversity (ForumDD), the brainchild of the Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso, which includes the participation of eight active citizenship organisations (Basso Foundation, ActionAid, Italian Caritas, Cittadinanzattiva, Dedalus Cooperative, Messina Community Foundation, Legambiente, Uisp), and groups of researchers and academics). In 2020, ForumDD formed an alliance between 10 different networks of entities and individuals working in the field of education; EducAzioni, with which it works to develop and promote strategies to combat educational poverty and promote the rights of children and adolescents.