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Youth Wiki

Youth Work

One of the general objectives of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 is to support youth work as a catalyst for the empowerment of young people. Youth work is recognised as a powerful means for equipping youth with key personal, professional and entrepreneurial competences and skills, and as a bridge into education, training or work, thus preventing exclusion.

In order to achieve these aims, EU Member States and the other countries participating in Erasmus+ have agreed – in the EU Strategy and in relevant Council Resolutions – to support the development of youth work, including policy development, the establishment of legal frameworks and sufficient allocation of resources. They have also committed to invest in the innovation and quality of youth work, support the profession of youth worker, and enhance the instruments for recognition of the competences and skills acquired through youth work.

10.1 General context

A brief description of the general principles and traditions of youth work in each country, covering its historical and cultural development and the national definition or understanding of youth work.

10.2 Administration and governance of youth work

The main features of countries' administrative and governing approach to youth work

10.3 Support to youth work

How top-level institutions support youth work by setting up a legal and regulatory framework, recognising and facilitating activities, and allocating resources to contribute to their projects.

10.4 Quality and innovation in youth work

The measures established by national authorities to oversee and enhance the quality of youth work in each country, also by encouraging innovation in its practices. 

10.5 Youth workers

The profile and role of youth workers in each country, as recognised and shaped by national policies.

10.6 Recognition and validation of skills acquired through youth work

How the skills young people acquire through participating in youth work are formally recognised and/or validated in each country

10.7 Raising awareness about youth work 

What top-level authorities do to promote the value of youth work and the opportunities for participation

10.8 Current debates and reforms

Information on forthcoming policy developments