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Youth Wiki

Health and Well-Being

The main aim of the EU Youth Strategy under this field of action is to support the health and well-being of young people, promoting their mental and sexual health, sport, physical activity and healthy life styles, as well as to prevent and treat of injury, eating disorders, addictions and substance abuse.

Member States have therefore committed to encourage youth fitness, physical activity, and healthy lifestyles taking into consideration that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. They have agreed to mobilise stakeholders at local level in order to detect and help young people at risk, and to increase knowledge of youth workers and youth leaders of health issues, while facilitating access to existing health facilities by making them more youth friendly.

The chapter illustrates the measures in place for supporting and promoting the health and the wellbeing of young people by describing:

7.1 General context

Main trends in the health conditions of young people, and concepts useful to understand countries' context

7.2 Administration and governance

The way policy making in the field of youth health and well-being takes place

7.3 Sport, youth fitness and physical activity

National measures promoting the role of sport for young people and encouraging youth fitness and physical activity

7.4 Healthy lifestyles and healthy nutrition

Actions promoting healthy lifestyles, healthy nutrition, sexual health, as well as fighting risky behaviour (preventing drug addiction or other substance abuse)

7.5 Mental health

National strategies and other policy measures addressing the mental health of young people, including suicide prevention measures

7.6 Mechanisms of early detection and signposting of young people facing health risks

Designated health services, or guidance to relevant stakeholders at local level, for identifying and helping young people facing health risks

7.7 Making health facilities more youth friendly

National measures for improving the accessibility of healthcare for young people

7.8 Current debates and reforms

Brief information on emerging policy developments