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The EU Youth Strategy sets as an important objective to expand the possibilities and resources for youth engagement in the political and social spheres. It therefore invites the Member States to put in place measures that support youth organisations, create opportunities for debate between public institutions and young people, and make effective use of information and communication technologies to broaden and deepen participation.

This chapter illustrates the opportunities available to young citizens in Europe to participate in politics and civil society by describing:

5.1 General context

Main concepts useful to understand countries' context, and a brief description of their main institutions of representative democracy

5.2 Youth participation in representative democracy

The rights and duties of young people as voters and as political representatives

5.3 Youth representation bodies

Policies, guidelines and rules that establish, regulate and support youth representative bodies to promote the interests of young people

5.4 Young people's participation in policy-making

If, how and to what effect young people participate in the country's policy-making process

5.5 National strategy to increase youth participation

Whether there are specific strategies to foster the participation of young people

5.6 Supporting youth organisations

Policies supporting youth organisations, by providing public financial support and encouraging the diversity of participants

5.7 “Learning to participate” through formal, non-formal and informal learning

How national policies foster the development of social and civic competences of young people through formal, non-formal and informal learning

5.8 Raising political awareness among young people

Initiatives, counselling and information campaigns raising the political awareness of young people, and knowledge of  democratic rights and values

5.9 e-participation

Measures aiming to broaden youth participation through the use of information and communication technologies and social media

5.10 Current debates and reforms

Brief information on emerging policy developments