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Youth Wiki



Last update: 20 December 2023

The state youth policy is pursued by the Council of Ministers through the Minister of Youth and Sports and in accordance with the National Youth Strategy.

The National Youth Strategy defines the long-term goals and priorities of the state youth policy of the Republic of Bulgaria for a period of 10 years. 

The Youth Act (Закон за младежта)   The Youth Act defines "youth" and "young people" as persons from 15 to 29 years of age, inclusive.. This is the corresponding age limit that affects youth policies. 

A key working method in the Ministry is to involve young people and youth organizations in the processes of youth policy development, implementation and monitoring.

In the implementation of the youth development policies in Bulgaria a multi-sectoral approach is applied. Youth policy cannot make progress without the successful cooperation with other sectors. In turn, youth policies can contribute to delivering results in areas such as education, employment, overcoming social exclusion, providing equal opportunities for professional and personal fulfillment, enhancing the health status of the population, etc.

Ratio of young people in the total population on 1st January

Ratio of men and women in the youth population

Statistic references


Ratio (%) of young people in the total population (2017): Eurostat, yth_demo_020 [data extracted on 4/09/2018].

Absolute number of young people on 1 January for the age group 15-29 (2017): Eurostat, yth_demo_010 [data extracted on 4/09/2018].

Ratio (%) of men and women in the youth population (2017): Eurostat, yth_demo_020 [data extracted on 4/09/2018].

Young immigrants from non-EU countries (2016): Eurostat, yth_demo_070 [data extracted on 4/09/2018].