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Youth Wiki



Last update: 21 March 2024

Youth policy is described in relevant draft resolutions and bills [Proposisjoner til Stortinget] that form the basis for the Parliament’s consideration. The budget spells out the Government’s priorities in all sectors, including youth policy.

The two lower levels of government; counties and municipalities, are the main implementers of state policy. This is true to the implementation of youth policy as well. The exception is where the central government has its own implementing bodies at regional level for core services and institutions (e.g. hospitals, universities, police, prisons, and courts).

Both counties and municipalities have considerable autonomy towards the way government funding is being used to reach desired goals. 

Norway does not have a youth law, and by that, no legal definition of youth. This means that particular legislation to young people is mostly found in laws countering the needs of the child (under the age of 18).

Ratio of young people in the total population on 1st January

Ratio of men and women in the youth population

Statistic references


Ratio (%) of young people in the total population (2017): Eurostat, yth_demo_020 [data extracted on 4/09/2018].

Absolute number of young people on 1 January for the age group 15-29 (2017): Eurostat, yth_demo_010 [data extracted on 4/09/2018].

Ratio (%) of men and women in the youth population (2017): Eurostat, yth_demo_020 [data extracted on 4/09/2018].

Young immigrants from non-EU countries (2016): Eurostat, yth_demo_070 [data extracted on 4/09/2018].