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Youth Wiki

Youth and the World

The EU Youth Strategy recognises the value of young people’s participation in and contribution to global processes of policy-making, on issues such as climate change, sustainable development and human rights, and strives to promote their engagement with regions outside of Europe.

The main agreements made by countries in this field refer to raising the awareness of young people about global issues, creating opportunities for the exchange of views with policy-makers on those global issues, and fostering mutual understanding among young people from all over the world.

The chapter reports the opportunities available to young people to engage in global policy-making and volunteering, by addressing:

9.1 General context

Main trends in young people's interest and participation in global issues

9.2 Administration and governance

The way policy making in the field of youth's contribution to global processes takes place

9.3 Exchanges between young people and policy-makers on global issues

The formal and informal opportunities given to young people to exchange views on global issues with national and international policy-makers

9.4 Raising awareness about global issues

Measures and initiatives that help promoting young people's knowing and understanding of global issues

9.5 Green volunteering, production and consumption

Policies that foster young people's participation in environmentally or nature friendly initiatives

9.6 Intercontinental youth work and development cooperation

National initiatives promoting cooperation and exchanges amongst young people through international youth work and development cooperation

9.7 Current debates and reforms

Brief information on emerging policy developments