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Youth Wiki

Creativity and Culture

The EU Youth Strategy aims at strengthening young people's access to and participation in culture and cultural expressions from an early age, thereby promoting personal development, enhanced learning capabilities, intercultural skills, understanding and respect for cultural diversity and the development of new and flexible skills for future job opportunities.

To this end, Member States have agreed on widening access to culture and creative tools, particularly those involving new technologies, providing opportunities for young people to develop their creativity, and promoting young people's knowledge about culture.

The chapter offers information on the main programmes, initiatives and policies facilitating youth participation in cultural activities, and the development of their creativity, by addressing:

8.1 General context

Main trends in young people's participation in cultural activities, and concepts useful to understand countries' context

8.2 Administration and governance

The way policy making in the field of creativity and culture targeting the youth age group takes place

8.3 National strategy on creativity and culture for young people

Whether there are strategies to foster youth participation in cultural activities

8.4 Promoting culture and cultural participation

How policies facilitate young people's access to cultural environments, and foster their participation in cultural events and experiences

8.5 Developing cultural and creative competences

Measures for the development of young people's talents and creative skills also through education and training

8.6 Developing entrepreneurial skills through culture

Efforts to boost young people's entrepreneurial skills through participating in cultural activities, and to support young entrepreneurs in the creative and cultural sectors

8.7 Fostering the creative use of new technologies

Actions fostering the access to and use of new technologies (such as digital technologies, new media and communication instruments) in the context of culture and creativity

8.8 Synergies and partnerships

How each country coordinates actions in the field of creativity and culture and in the other policy fields connected to youth, in order to develop a coherent approach to facilitating young people's participation in cultural activities

8.9 Enhancing social inclusion through culture

Policies for promoting the social inclusion of young people through their cultural engagement, by fostering equality and reducing discrimination

8.10 Current debates and reforms

Brief information on emerging policy developments