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EACEA National Policies Platform


10. Youth work

10.1 General context

Last update: 10 September 2024

Historical development

According to “History of youth houses in the French-speaking Community of Belgium 1949-2016 (Histoire des maisons de jeunes en Belgique francophone 1949-2016), from 19th Century, youth and culture policy is marked by a clear desire of state neutrality. The state’s role is secondary regarding the role of associations. These ones are created by the philosophical trends which exist in the Belgian society. This system gives birth to an organisation of the civil society in philosophical and political pillars (Socialism, Liberalism, and Catholicism). 

After World War II, the traumatism caused by the influence of totalitarism on youth develops a strong desire of freedom of association and the management of youth policy by young people themselves. The interest of the State for youth movements after war comes from the necessity to create spaces to learn democratic life and citizenship. This analysis results of war lessons (for instance, totalitarian regime using young people as medium of propagandia). 

Youth organisations (mainly scouts) were the first structures to emerge in the context of youth policy and youth work. They were at the initiatives of the authorities (downward movement). 

On the contrary, the emergency of youth houses was at the initiative of private actors such as teachers, municipalities, parishes, judicial authorities, etc. (upward movement). These structures appear firstly in working-class area in order to offer to disadvantaged young people a place where they can participate to educative and leisure activities. The main goal was then preventive. 


National definition

Youth workers are involved in the implementation of youth cultural policy in the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

Youth work takes place out of school. It is based on the processes of non-formal and informal learning and voluntary participation. These activities and processes are organised as individual initiatives, with the consultation of young people or under the educational guidance of youth workers or voluntary youth leaders.

The main objective of youth work is to support youg people to build their own life project by giving them the tools they need to develop their own personal skills, critical thinking and the expression of values and opinions.

Youth work is designed to encourage individual development and collective participation, and to support young people in becoming active, responsible and critical citizens members of society.