4.7 Youth work to foster social inclusion
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Policy/legal framework
Youth sector
Youth Welfare sector
The decree of 4 March 1991 related to Youth Welfare organises and rules the youth structure “Service d’aide en milieu ouvert” (AMO)
These structures offer support to minors in need in their social environment. The AMO’s objectives are to offer preventive support in the living environment of the youngster. One of the main feature of this youth welfare service is that young people come in a voluntary way. They organise their action around 2 main axes: individual support (educative and social aid) and collective work (activities in the neighbourhood, etc.). They also organise homework school, creative workshop, etc.
Main inclusive Youth-Work programmes and target groups
Youth Sector
Youth work programmes are at the initiative of youth associations. Their main objectives are “to promote individual and collective participation of young people by developing a responsible, active and critical citizenship, in a spirit of solidarity”.
All the youth associations are dedicated to promoting the development of critical, active and responsible citizenship (CRAC). They do so by raising awareness about social realities and by promoting responsible attitudes through social, economic, cultural and political participation and socio-cultural practice.
This work participates to the inclusion of young people in the society.
Youth Welfare sector
The aim of “Service d’aide en milieu ouvert – AMO” is to support vulnerable young people with issues they encounter. Every young people is welcome. They come voluntarily to the “Service d’aide en milieu ouvert”. Youth workers also organise activities with and for young people (school support, dancing lessons, outdoor activities, etc.).
Youth work providers in the field of social inclusion for young people
Youth Sector
See section 1.4 Youth Policy-Decision Making.
Training and support for youth workers engaged in social inclusion programmes
Youth sector
The ministerial circular of 1st September 2009 organising the support of training programmes related to animation, socio-cultural and socio-artistic action (circulaire ministérielle du 1er septembre 2009 organisant le soutien des programmes de formation des cadres de l’animation et de l’action socioculturelles et socio-artistiques) is the legal framework regarding youth work in the French-speaking Community.
The Youth Department within the General Administration of Culture implements this circular.
The circular organises the funding of training operators. These ones provide training to people interested in youth work and in socio-cultural action (learning tools, training programmes, etc.).
Youth Welfare sector
Formal education organises training to work in social sector (educator, social assistant, etc.).
Financial support
Youth Sector
See section 1.7 Funding Youth Policy
Youth Welfare Sector
The Government of the French-Speaking Community establishes an annual budget for all the policies the Government is competent for. The specific budget allocated to youth welfare policies amounted to 283 926 euros in 2016 according to the French-speaking Community indicators 2017 (La fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles en chiffres 2017). The amount allocated to prevention including the funding of AMO was 23 254 euros which is 8.2% of the total amount for 2016.
Quality assurance
Youth Sector
The Youth Department recognises and funds youth associations according to several decrees which point out, for each type of youth association, the requirements and procedures to receive the subsidy.
See section 1.7 Funding Youth Policy
Youth Welfare Sector
The accountability is ensured by the Youth Welfare Department. This service recognises and funds Youth Welfare structures according to the decree of 4 March 1991 related to Youth Welfare.