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10. Youth work

10.5 Youth workers

Last update: 15 March 2024
On this page
  1. Status in national legislation
  2. Education, training and skills recognition
  3. Mobility of youth workers


Status in national legislation


The Czech legislation does not cover the concept of youth workers as such. 

Only the pedagogical staff within the Leisure-based education concept is covered to some extent. by the Act no. 563/2004 Sb. of 24 September 2004 on pedagogical workers and The Government Regulation no. 74/2005 Sb. of 9 February 2005 on leisure-time-based education (Vyhláška č. 74/2005 Sb., o zájmovém vzdělávání) as amended. The last amendment was in 2018. 

The following professions are covered:

a) teachers

b) pedagogical staff in institutions providing further education of pedagogical workers

c) tutors,

d) specials pedagogues,

e) psychologists,

f) pedagogues of Leisure time,

g) assistants of pedagogues,

h) trainers,

i) leading pedagogical workers.


There is no central regulation on Youth Work or Youth Workers within the NGOs operating in the Youth Work sector. The qualification is required only in specific situations within the state funding schemes based on the vocational qualifications within the National Register of Qualifications. 


Education, training and skills recognition

The pedagogical workers in Leisure-based education get the qualification through the:

a) tertiary education in fields of Leisure-based Education (Free time pedagogy) or social pedagogy. 

b) tertiary education in educational fields (with the exception of practical vocational training)

c) higher vocational school in a programme accredited for free time pedagogy or Social Pedagogy or pedagogy.

d) higher vocational school training in further education in programmes of Free time pedagogy, Social Pedagogy, Tutoring or pedagogy studies. 

e) High schools education in the fields of Free time pedagogy or Social pedagogy. 

f) High school education provided by tertiary educational institutions in a programme of life-long learning in fields of Free time pedagogy, Social pedagogy, Tutoring or Pedagogy.


Mobility of youth workers

The mobility of Youth Workers is possible mainly on individual basis. Systemic support of international youth workers mobility within non-formal learning and youth work is provided by the Erasmus+ programme and its component focusing on youth workers mobility. Besides Erasmus+, the European Solidarity Corps programme plays a vital role here, replacing the former European Voluntary Service. The only systematic exception is within the supported Czech-German Youth Cooperation.