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EACEA National Policies Platform


1. Youth Policy Governance

1.5 Cross-sectoral approach with other ministries

Last update: 23 March 2024
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  1. Mechanisms and actors

Mechanisms and actors

Due to a high level of decentralisation, as described in subchapters 1.3 and 1.4, a horizontal, as well as vertical cross-sectoral approach, is latently integrated into public policy making in the Czech Republic´s youth field.

Inter-departmental coordination of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport is subject to Rules of the Ministry. The main consultative body to enhance the coordination on the highest level is the Permanent Consultation of the Management (Stálá porada vedení MŠMT). It is up to the current minister to select the members representing various sections and fields of the ministry. Other consultative bodies can be under the heading of the minister, deputy minister or state secretary. Other relations of the ministerial units should be on an informing and cooperative level. Cooperation on task realisation should be carried out in the easiest and most effective way. Only relevant tasks should be cooperated on in written form. When using the written form, there are internal rules of the ministry. All units relevant to the topic need to be involved before any relevant decision proposal is made. There are also interim rules for preparation of materials of a fundamental nature and with obligatory discussion (usually issues with budgetary, legal or personal impact). 

Inter-sectorial cooperation in the youth field specifically was given by the decision of the Government (Governmental Decree), in the field of youth, concretely within the Decree adopting the Youth Strategy (for details see Chapter 1.3). However, since 2021, there is no follow-up of the 2014 - 2020 Youth Strategy and thus the cooperation is ongoing only on the general principles of inter-sectorial cooperation of the Czech state. Also, the Youth Chamber as a cross-sectoral youth policy body was dismissed. 

Other ministries including advisory bodies and government committees were supposed to adopt measures to meet the objectives of Youth Strategy 2020 in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, on the principle of inter-ministerial and cross-sectoral cooperation through their grant programmes, ESF national projects and their representatives in the Youth Chamber as well as in the thematically focused working groups if applicable.

Enhancing the horizontal coordination is also aided by bodies in Parliament responsible for the youth field (see details in 1.4).

Vertical cross-sectorial cooperation

Regional public authorities with competencies in the field of Youth

The territory of the Czech Republic is divided into regions (higher units of territorial self-government), consisting of municipalities (lower units of territorial self-government). There are 14 regions, and they possess two jurisdictions

  • Independent (self-governing)
  • Delegated (state administration)

Public administration is provided by the regional authority, which can be divided into departments and sections for particular spheres of activity. The bodies coordinating the delegated activities of the regional authorities are the respective ministries.

Roles and competencies of regional authorities in the sphere of youth policy

Within the scope of their independent jurisdiction, regional authorities (self-governing) can issue their own decrees, usually focused on a particular issue. They are also obligated to implement state policies, in youth regard especially education, free time, social, etc. including the cooperation and support of youth NGOs. 

The main responsibilities of regions within the state youth policy are described in the Subchapter 1.4.

Each region has to set up a Regional Committee for Education, Youth and Sport according to the §78 of Act on Regions no. 129/2000 Sb. 

Regions have also their cross-sectoral cooperation structures as the Association of Regions of the Czech Republic (Asociace krajů ČR). Within the Associations operates several Commissions and Councils eg. on Education and Sport, Social Affairs, Culture, but not on youth. 

Local public authorities with competencies in the youth field

Municipalities have both their own independent jurisdiction (self-governing) and delegated jurisdiction (state administration). Public administration is ensured mainly by the municipal authority, which can be divided into departments and sections for particular spheres of activity (Act No. 128/2000 Sb., on municipalities). Within the scope of their independent jurisdiction (self-governing), municipal authorities can issue their own decrees, usually focused on a particular issue. 

There are several platforms of municipalities to support the negotiations, policy implementation and sharing of good practice: