7.5 Mental health
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National strategy(ies)
Strategic framework for the development of health care in the Czech Republic until 2030.
The strategic framework has three Implementation plans as followed:
- Protecting and improving public health
- Optimising the health system
- Promoting science and research
The strategies, Implementations plans and objectives related to mental health are steered by the Government Council for Mental Health and the Ministry for Health. Its task is to prepare and implement the Mental Health Action Plan 2030.
The Governmental Council as well as the Ministry for Health implement the strategies and the psychiatric care reform.
Improving the mental health of young people
Young people were involved in the Round table on the topic: Wellbeing at school and in organizations for children and youth within the Structured Dialogue with youth.
On the 20th of December 2019, the Ministry for Health announced a new Programme to support the development of new services in the field of care provided by the multidisciplinary teams of mental health for children and adolescents as a part of the Psychiatric care reform.
The aim is to provide multidisciplinary support in health, social and pedagogy services in ambulances and in terrain. The initiative and fund call is supported by the European Social Fund
The Ministry of Health operates also Mental Health Support Program which is devoted to the whole population including young people.
According to the Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the capacity is 576 beds for young people up to 18 years of age. The only independent clinical workplace of psychiatry for children and adolescents is at the Children's Psychiatric Clinic at the FN Praha Motol. Other clinical workplaces are in children's wards at psychiatric clinics for adults. They are at PK FN Plzeň and PK FN Brno Bohunice. There is a separate pediatric psychiatry department at FTN Praha Krč, one department of child and adolescent psychiatry is at the department of psychiatry for adults at the Regional Hospital in Liberec. In addition, pediatric psychiatric inpatient care is provided in 3 separate children's psychiatric hospitals (Opařany, Louny, Velká Bíteš), where 190 beds. There are 246 beds in children's wards in psychiatric hospitals and treatment centers for adults (PN Dobřany, PN Praha Bohnice, PN Havlíčkův Brod, PN Kroměříž, PL Šternberk, PN Opava).
There are three Mental Health Centres for Children and Adolescents in the Czech Republic - in Prague, Beroun and Ostrava
Since 2017 The National Institute for Mental Health operates within the institute working group on research on mental health of Children and Adolescents. It runs several research projects as well as prepare educational programmes for schools. Its representatives are active also within the National Curricular reform (see chapter 5).
According to NUDZ in recent years, the number of children and adolescents with mental disorders has increased significantly. Up to 20 % of children and adolescents will experience some form of mental illness. In the Czech Republic, there is a lack of data and systemic prevention, and a new project offers a change. There is a lack of psychohygiene, prevention and follow-up assistance. Moreover, half of the first symptoms of mental illness appear before the age of 14 and up to three quarters before the age of 24. Most do not receive or seek early help for a variety of reasons, including stigma. The covid-19 pandemic has affected the mental health of many children and adolescents. At the same time, there is a lack of data and effective prevention in the Czech Republic. A new project aimed at supporting mental health in children and adolescents is intended to help improve the situation.
Supporting mental health by pupils in schools (web portal)
- in 2021 National Pedagogy Institute of the Czech Republic launched a new web portal dusevnizdravi.edu.cz to support schools, school directors, teachers and parents in mental health issues.
- There are 4 main sections related to:
- How to support mental health in schools (quick interventions and tips what to do directly in school)
- Contacts for the help services - Tips for school psychologists, educational counselors and prevention methodologists.
- Videos and Podcasts about various topics related to mental health in schools.
- Section specifically for parents about the relevant topics and tips
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in relation to Mental Health Issues of young people and resisting the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic issued also the Recommendations on distance learning and mental health.
opatrujse.cz - This site is loading tests for anxiety, depression, risky behaviors, etc. Users can self-test themselves, as well as offer mental health infomrae and help. The website is managed by the National Institute of Mental Health.
sebevrazdy.cz - This website is dedicated to the prevention of suicide.This website has been created to provide verified information on the issue of suicide, its prevention and ways to help.
Campaign and project 'Můj Mindset' (My Mindset)
- Started in 2016 and focuses on medical and health secondary schools
- Focused on de-stigmatisation of mental health among secondary school pupils within the health sector.
- NGO project with support among others of the Ministry of Health and National Institute of Mental Health.
Campaign 'Nevypusť duši' (Do not let go of the soul)
- Started in summer 2015 as an initiative of two students and became a NGO later.
- Promotes topics of mental health in the society, special focus on young people and their mental health struggle linked to studies.
- Initiative inspired by the UK.
- Supported by the National Institute for Mental Health.
Project and app 'Nepanikař' (Do not panic)
- Mobile app that helps users for free and provides first quick psychological help
- They offer online counselling and therapy. They also run crisis intervention courses and workshops for schools and businesses
In 2023, the mental health of young people began to be addressed to an increased extent. Research on the mental health of children and adolescents (National Institute of Mental Health and Mental Health of Children and Adolescents) was carried out on this topic. The project created materials and educational activities for children, schools and parents.
Adaptation groups for children of foreignres migrating from Ukraine: The call for Adaptation groups for children of foreigners migrating from Ukraine 2023 January - June 2023 will be aimed at supporting free-time adaptation groups for children of foreigners from 3 to 18 years old migrating from Ukraine and residing in the Czech Republic. Adaptation groups are focused on reducing the negative impacts associated with war conflict.
'The first aid kit' (Balíček první pomoci) makes it easier to cope with the first days in the classroom with children without knowledge of Czech. On this page you will find links to methodology, videos, podcasts and materials to help you teach Ukrainian children. In addition to teaching materials, the methodology also focuses on crisis intervention and educational-psychological counseling.
- call to support national leisure movement gamers for children and youth 2023
- Mental Health became also one of the priorities in the annual subsidy scheme for NGOs in the field of work with children and youth.
In 2021 there were also subsidy schemes of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to support for resisting the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic - Summer Camps and Together after COVID.
Since 2024, a Youth Panel exists under MEYS. This is a new participatory body of twenty young people. The Youth Panel has defined one of its issues as the topic of dysfunctional or non-existent families and the associated mental health problems.