8.1 General context
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Main trends in young people's creativity and cultural participation
The National Institute of Statistics, I.P., annually discloses the statistical information on the supply and demand of goods and services associated with the cultural and creative sector.
In 2017, based on the Labour Force Survey, the cultural and creative sector employed 81.3 thousand individuals (81.7 thousands). From those, 52.0% were men 57.4% were aged between 25 and 44 years old, and 43.9% had completed a tertiary level of education.
In 2016, based on the Integrated Business Accounts System, the Performing arts activities stood out, representing 29.4% of all cultural and creative enterprises (55 422, 4.6% more than the previous year). In the business volume, the Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialized stores Television programming and broadcasting activities and Advertising agencies represented together 45.0% of total business volume of the cultural and creative sector (4.9 billion Euros).
Regarding the number of students in cultural areas of education, the year 2017 registered 11,4% of the total number of students enrolled in superior studies. Of the 41.239 students enrolled, a total of 12,4% graduated.
Regarding the employment indicators, in 2017 a percentage of 1,7% refers to cultural and creative activities among the total percentage of employed people. 8,2% pertain to young people between 15-24 yo, a significant increase comparing to previous years.
In what concerns youth participation in cultural activities, it is only possible to share some data related with activities developed by public central administration, because there isn’t (yet) an integrated system that allows to measure the participation in local administration or in non-governmental organizations (that aren’t supported by entities of the Ministry of culture) or private sector.
Having present the above mentioned, we can highlight that in 2019, in the aim of culture and capacitation for employment or in the aim of promoting fruition of cultural activities
- 330913 young people participate in cultural activities promotion,
- 1070 18 years old people use the benefits of “Es.Cultura.!8”, by using free entrance in cultural facilities or to assist to artistic activities
- 414 young people attend to training action in the aim of culture or arts.
- 3391 young people made technical visit to cultural equipment.
- Public services of MC have 100 participation in “open days” in schools or other education facilities.
- And there have been a participation of Culture Services in Employment and training events.
Main concepts
1 – Culture is understood as an essential pillar of democracy, national identity, innovation and sustainable development. It is a constitutional imperative to ensure democratic access to cultural creation and enjoyment, the preservation, expansion and dissemination of our material and immaterial heritage and the assumption of culture as an essential factor for innovation, qualification and competitiveness of our economy.
By culture and art we considering the multiplicity of its demonstrations - music, dance, literature, arts plastics, cinema, performance, photography, theater, architecture, design, multimedia ... - surpassing the separations between the popular and the learned, the traditional and the contemporary, and given the new languages created by young people
2 – Art is understood as a personal expression and culture presents itself as an essential instrument in the social and humanistic development of children and young people, developing perception and imagination, making it possible to grasp the reality of the environment engaging, and developing critical capacity and creative, still assuming itself as the instrument par excellence to educate the emotions.
3 – Cultural heritage is made up of all assets which, being testimonies of civilization or cultural value, of relevant cultural interest, must be the object of special protection and appreciation. Cultural heritage also includes those immaterial goods that constitute structuring portions of Portuguese identity and collective memory.
3.1. Intangible Cultural Heritage comprises
• Oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vector of intangible cultural heritage;
• Artistic expressions and performative manifestations;
• Social practices, rituals and festive events;
• Knowledge and practices related to nature and the universe;
• Skills in traditional processes and techniques.
3.2. Tangible Cultural Heritage includes:
3.2.1. Immovable Cultural Heritage, as monuments, ensembles and sites (as defined in international law, with emphasis on the Granada Convention). Alongside the classification categories are also recognized by international law and doctrine other nomenclatures of real estate, such as architectural, urban, archaeological or landscape heritage, which in turn are subdivided according to function, technical-constructive characteristics, eras or languages.
3.2.2. Mobile cultural heritage are an integral part of the cultural heritage and its safeguard
3.3. The Portuguese language, as a foundation of national sovereignty, is an essential element of Portuguese cultural heritage