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EACEA National Policies Platform


8. Creativity and Culture

8.9 Enhancing social inclusion through culture

Last update: 28 November 2023

Fostering equality and young people involvement through cultural activities


CPLP Biennial of Young Creators

The Biennial of Young Creators of the Community of the Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP) is one of the anchor activities of the Conference of Ministries of Youth and Sport of the CPLP, which is held every two years, alternating with the Sports Games of CPLP.

It is a meeting for young people linked to the artistic production, where leaders of different associations and NGOs use the cultural showcase of young artists of the Member States of the CPLP as a pretext to gather, exchange ideas and present proposals on relevant matters for young people. This initiative builds a bridge between the Member States that regardless of the geographic distance share Common bonds and interests.

This event also serves a more specific purpose, which consists of the detection of artistic talent. This means that it is a great opportunity for young people to show their works among their peers and the community.

The first edition of this Biennial was in 1998, in the cities of Praia and Mindelo, Cape Verde. After the launch of the initiative, the Biennial had an edition in 2004 in Mozambique. Since 2009, the Biennial has been held every 2 years, uninterruptedly, according to a calendar dedicated to its realization in all CPLP member states.


Creative Hubs

Under the National Strategy for Entrepreneurship launched in 2016 by the Government StartUP Portugal,, a wide range of measures and initiatives to promote the entrepreneurial ecosystem have been developed, some of them aimed at young people (Refer to Chapter 3 - Employment and Entrepreneurship - 3.9 Start-up Funding for Young Entrepreneurs and 3.10 Promotion of Entrepreneurship Culture).

Among other promoted initiatives with the support of the government, the one worth mentioning is the WebSubmit, which was held in Portugal in 2016. In this context, Lisbon, as the city that held the event, and within the framework of its programme Startup Lisbon, has been promoting the urban restructuring of degraded areas of the city, and the creation of spaces for creative industries that wish to attract and establish entrepreneurs, creators and projects in the city.

For example, under the renewal and regeneration process of the area between Santa Apolónia and Braço de Prata, the biggest creative Hub at European level was created - the creative Hub of Beato.


Combating discrimination and poverty through cultural activities

The Programa Operacional para a Inclusão e Emprego (POISE), develops on a regional basis several funding lines that promote:

- The acquisition and development of basic, professional, social and personal skills, among excluded or socially disadvantaged groups, through the promotion of artistic and cultural practices, with a view to acquiring skills that contribute to greater integration;

- Equal opportunities for cultural fruition by removing barriers to communication and programming in cultural spaces, facilities and events, facilitating the cultural participation of persons with disabilities, reduced mobility and / or excluded or socially disadvantaged groups;

- Encourage the access of new audiences to culture.

In addition to EU funding, there are some entities and foundations that support social integration through culture and art. An unavoidable example is PARTIS, an initiative of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation that supports, through grants and training actions, organizations that develop projects whose central methodology puts artistic practices (plastic, audiovisual and / or performing) at the service of social inclusion.

In this context, PARTIS seeks, through the projects it enables, to find new languages of communication between groups / communities that do not usually cross and provoke encounters of interests that contribute to the reduction of social inequalities and greater autonomy of the most disadvantaged people and communities.



Mobility and social inclusion for young people descendant from immigrants

A promotion programme for Portuguese culture, history and heritage targeted at children and young people from the most vulnerable socio-economic contexts, including descendants of immigrants that have acquired the Portuguese nationality.

It is the result of a protocol from the partnership between the High Commission for Migrations (ACM, I.P.) with Movijovem and the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth (IPDJ, I.P.), which aims to enhance youth exchange and mobility, social inclusion and the promotion of the contact with architectural, historical and cultural heritage of Continental Portugal.

This programme aspires to consolidate the bond of young people with Portugal, thus contributing to a better integration in society.

The goal is to strengthen their bonds of belonging to Portugal, through the access to accommodation provided by several Youth Hostels that make up the Continental Network of Youth Tourism.

Currently provides for 500 stays in units belonging to the Continental Network of Youth Tourism.

(cross-reference with Chapter 4 - Social Inclusion - 4.4 Inclusive Programmes for Young People - 1.  Programmes specific for vulnerable young people. Intercultural awareness)


Interculturality and Migrations

The High Commission for Migration (ACM, I.P.) promotes a set of initiatives realted to Interculturality, Diversity and Migration:

Intercultural School Stamp (Selo Escola Intercultural) – an initiative created in 2012 by the Ministry of Education, through the Directorate-General of Education (DGE), and ACM, I.P., with the collaboration of the Aga Khan Portuguese Foundation (AKF Portugal), which grants a stamp to schools that develop projects of recognition and appreciation of cultural diversity.

Training initiatives – for promotion of cultural diversity, targeted at young people – Intercultural Education for Young People and teachers and remaining actors of the educational community – Intercultural Education in School.

Schools Intercultural Kit – it is targeted at schools, educational professionals and families, and consists of a set of materials focused on the theme of interculturality.